Dear Team Mageia,
I seriously wanted to love your OS, but I was not even able to connect to the internet via wifi.  I'm not green--I've been using computers for 30 years and building them for about 15 of those years.  I have installed about every OS known to man, but much as I wanted to LOVE Mageia, it just DOESN'T WORK WITH MY WIFI ADAPTER.  After several hours of chat logs and discussions, I decided that it wasn't worth it.  There are other OS's.  I am running a Dell with an Intel i3 and  I have to say that every single OS loads fine and recognizes my wifi adapter with no hassle at all. Mageia is different.  It just doesn't work.  There is so much I have to do to get it to recognize my Intel adapter--it's crazy and far beyond what any rational person would go through to get their computer connected to the Internet.  I seriously hope that this is fixed because I really look forward to using Mageia.  It looks great, but without the ability to get online, it's useless to me.

Thank you,
Jason Kaiser