Hi Olav
Thanks, I'll talk to you when working in gnome packages.
Send me gnome junior job anytime, I'am a mageia gnome soldier :-P



2013/1/15 Olav Vitters <olav@vitters.nl>
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 08:33:18AM +0100, Bersuit Vera wrote:
> I ask excuse,  just  I saw the update on
> http://check.mageia.org/cauldron/updates.html,
> I trush the updates are to stable. I'am just a Padawan.

No problem at all, this is how anyone learns.

I was hoping you wanted to become the vino or vinagre maintainer though :P

FYI, almost all software on ftp.gnome.org follows
a.b.c and optionally .d

a = major
b = minor (even=stable, uneven=unstable)
c = micro (generally ok to update)
d = pico  (only used in case previous version did not build, highly
           recommended to update if a.b.c is still the same)

3.6.0 => 3.6.1 is just a stable update
3.6.0 => likely fixed some build issues which you might or not
not have experienced on Mageia
3.6.2 => 3.7.2 means the it goes from stable to unstable
3.7.91 => 3.8.0 means a new stable release

Note that on GNOME, the software is QA tested from git. However, the
tarballs are released individually by maintainers. Then after tarball
releases it is checked by the release team. Could happen that you first
have 3.6.x, quickly followed by 3.6.x.1 or even a 3.6.x.2. Generally
this only happens for the first few micro releases in a new development
cycle (e.g. 3.7.0 to 3.7.4).
