Thanks Guillame. I wasn't aware of this and did not manage to find that in the wiki. I thought the only tests performed where RPM lint checks, manual checks by the QA and some undefined checks by the maintainers.

Anyhow, I assume the 'make test' is performed on the build server. Your experiences might prove me wrong, but wouldn't it be better to perform tests on a different installation?

2013/1/4 Guillaume Rousse <>
Le 04/01/2013 10:15, Jochen Breuer a écrit :

2013/1/4 Guillaume Rousse <

    We already run existing tests suite during package build... Running
    them again on a different host would just change the execution
    environment to use runtime dependencies instead of build time
    dependencies. I don't know if the potential results are worth the
    additional infrastructure needed.

I was under the impression, that only some kind of lint checking of the
RPM was performed. I'm talking about checking the functionality of the
packaged software. Are you already doing that? What kind of tests are
performed during packaging?
Running 'make check', or 'make test', or any other software test suite. Just check for %check section in package spec file, for instance:

BOFH excuse #66:

bit bucket overflow