i would like to use draklive but i had some problems to use. does it ( https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Draklive ) works ?
On 09/11/12 02:01, mageia-dev-request@mageia.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: xfce / lxde live cd / dvd for Mageia 3 (Jose Jorge)
2. Re: Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC). (Liam R E Quin)
3. Re: Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC). (Liam R E Quin)
4. Fw: Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC). (Shlomi Fish)
5. 2nd Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC). (Shlomi Fish)
6. Re: xfce / lxde live cd / dvd for Mageia 3 (Armando B.)
7. faac: decision from the packagers meeting (Guillaume Rousse)
8. Re: Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center
(SFLC). (Anne Wilson)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2012 13:48:06 +0100
From: Jose Jorge<lists.jjorge@free.fr>
To: Mageia development mailing-list<mageia-dev@mageia.org>
Subject: Re: [Mageia-dev] xfce / lxde live cd / dvd for Mageia 3
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowedour QA team. So, no way for more official medias!
Le 08/11/2012 11:24, Armando B. a ?crit :
Hi all,We have just managed to reduce the number of medias : it was to much for
what do we think about release also xfce / lxde live cd for Mageia 3 ?
If someone wants to provide me with a complete packagelist I'll have a go building an purely Mageia3 ALPHA iso using Puppy's Woof ISO Builder. However so far it's been limited to crossbuilds with Mandrake/Mageia1 and Mageia2 but has built with others.
Else someone else can build and give me a temporary url to download.
I can easily host the result on my linux website in Australia in either case as a "Side-build" as I have room and bandwith available at present.