Yay! :)
Le 5 juin 2012 10:26, "andre999" <andre999mga@laposte.net> a écrit :I can mentored this guys, i think.
> Hi everyone,
> Since my last post, we have 2 new apprentice candidates looking for a mentor.
> simplew (Pedro), who is a longtime user of various rpm-based distros, is most interested in Gnome and KDE packages. As you have probably noticed, he has already been struggling with packaging on his own. His languages are en, pt, and es.
> agron (Agron Selimaj), an mdv powerpack user since 2006, has skills in C++, debugging, patch review, and rpm building, and is interested in focusing on essential packages.
>> Others have expressed interest in becoming packagers, but I have yet to confirm their interest.
> You can find more details at:
> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Becoming_a_Mageia_Packager#Packager_apprentice_candidates
> Mentors, let me know who you take on, and I'll update the tables for you.
> And if you feel that you can take on another apprentice, don't hesitate to post to this thread.
> Thanks :-)
> ----
> Anyone else looking for a mentor, let me know so I can add your name as an apprentice candidate -- or you can do it yourself.
> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Becoming_a_Mageia_Packager#Packager_apprentice_candidates
> See also the previous sections, on becoming a Mageia packager :
> https://wiki.mageia.org/mw-en/index.php?title=Becoming_a_Mageia_Packager&action=submit#What_is_needed_to_become_a_Mageia_packager
> To find a mentor, it helps to also post to this list (mageia-dev), or hang out on IRC at freenode #mageia-mentoring.
> Don't forget that if you contact a mentor directly, they know that you are actively interested.
> Regards :-)
> --
> André
> (Packager mentoring program coordinator)