2011/12/5 Philippe DIDIER
Hi !
There was a discussion on dev mailing list and
something was said about it in meeting on september 21st
("faac status" begining at
19:42:50 )
Please have a look on Dev meeting logs, il was decided not to create it for now, at least before Mageia 2 is out. This was done during meeting some weeks ago
This concerns faac and packages been built upon it :
see bug 2833
These softwares allow to create, encode, or modify media files
(.aac, .mp4 or .m4a) that are very frequently used ...
These kind of files don't comply wiht free standard (like ogg or
matroska ) but we have to work with them ....
the same way we can do
with .mp3 or .mov and others non free standard when using tainted
Mageia 2 will come soon and maybe it's time to decide what to do !