Hi all,
we have libfaac already packaged


It's a dependence of cinelerra


2011/10/17 Joaquin Mandriva <joaquinmandriva@gmail.com>
This package is in:


You can find a list with this package and much more in:


2011/10/17 Philippe DIDIER <philippedidier@laposte.net>
andre999 a écrit :
> Philippe DIDIER a écrit :
>> Philippe DIDIER a écrit :
>>> Joaquin Mandriva a écrit :
>>>> Hello!
>>>> My name is Joaquin, belonging to http://blogdrake.net
>>>> <http://blogdrake.net/>  team. I am
>>>> writing to you because I would like to let you know that we have
>>>> created a repository with a big amount of good programs for Mageia.
>>>> Our final target is to upload all of them to the official Mageia's
>>>> repositories.
>>>> We are currently uploading all these packages to the Mageia's BS step
>>>> by step, because there are few people of us to do so. Also, also we
>>>> don't have too much time because we also take care of Blogdrake,
>>>> Mageia's news and the translations English to Spanish.
>>>> Meanwhile, you can use and enjoy our repository in this way:
>>>> urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib
>>>> ftp://ftp.blogdrake.net/mageia/mageia1/i586
>>>> The x86_64 repository is not finished yet, but you still can add it in
>>>> this way:
>>>> urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib
>>>> ftp://ftp.blogdrake.net/mageia/mageia1/x86_64
>>>> Cheers!
>>> Hello
>>> Thanks to you...
>>> Just one thing to correct : your repos addresses are :
>>> ftp://ftp.blogdrake.net/mageia/mageia1/free/i586/
>>> ftp://ftp.blogdrake.net/mageia/mageia1/free/x86_64/
>>> nevertheless I could surf through your repos :
>>> Some of the rpms you propose reply to rpm requests already done or that
>>> I was going to write (reading my thoughts ?)
>>> :)
>>> First thing I must say : it's a very good idea to upload these packages
>>> to the BS and join the packagers team instead of providing third party
>>> repos that will soon create compatibility problems (as in the past for
>>> Mandrake and Mandriva with Thac's or MIB or others)
>>> The second thing is : before uploading them you will have to be careful
>>> with the repos policy (core tainted non-free)
>>> In your own repo, there is a problematic package : faac (and libfaac0
>>> libfaac-devel) which is both non-free and tainted ...
>>> After long dicussions on the mailing list a meeting decision was not to
>>> provide it at the moment (nor the packages built with it...)
>>> If a non-free-&-tainted repo is created for Mageia2, in the future, it
>>> will be then allowed ... wait and see !
>> I was thinking about a workaround to the problem of "non-free_&_tainted"
>> rpms in Mageia
>> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2833
>> Some multimedia programs can't correctly handle files containing aac
>> sound (*.aac *.mp4 *.m4a) because faac and faac-devel are not provided.
>> And that's really missing !!!
>> They can't and won't be backported to Mageia1 official repos...
>> Perhaps a new "non-free&  tainted" repo will exist for Mageia2
>> Actually for Mageia1 Blogdrake might provide a third repo for this dozen
>> of srpms (even if the existence of third repo is not riskless)
>> Picking their last spec file from Mageia, and modifying the plf or
>> tainted conditionnal building options to allow building with
>> faac-devel... wouldn't be too much difficult and wouldn't bring much
>> compatibility problems
>> If the version number is the same as in mageia repos, a "twisted"
>> distsuffix would allow to "update" to them from core or tainted version
>> (the same way as "tainted" distsuffix allows to update from a core
>> release)
>> and wouldn't prevent to update to a core or tainted new version later if
>> provided in official updates repo
>> But... there's the :
>> https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2317
>> would it add other problems to this ?
>> But too there wouldn't exist QA for them
>> What do you think (on Mageia side and on Blogdrake side) ?
> A personal POV from the Mageia side --
> It could be a good way to evaluate the need for a Nonfree+Tainted repo,
> as well as providing a ready source for those interested in such packages.
> Maybe another approach could be to try to separate nonfree and tainted
> parts, so that either
> - nonfree packages could optionally use "tainted" packages if installed, or
> - "tainted" packages could optionally use nonfree packages if installed,
> each in their respective current repos.
> Which won't work if a particular component is necessarily both nonfree
> and "tainted".
That's the problem : we have already tainted packages ... they have been
built without faac-devel and don't require faac which is both tainted
and non-free  :-(
If they are built with faac the binaries become non-free (not LGPL) and
stay tainted ... (they can't be splitted in parts)
it's true for avidemux, mencoder, handbrake, audiokonverter, and some
others (the list is in the bug report
 it's an aporia !
I don't want to argue again about the decision for the Mageia's repos !
only need to find a way to get working binaries for my purpose... and I
think I'm not alone to have to work with a quasi standard for multimedia
files on internet.
plf allowed that for Mandriva ...
no third repo allows this for Mageia
If I'm alone, never mind, I know how to build my own (two lines to
modify in a spec file and => rpmbuild -ba  ... that's all folks! )
If newcomers try Mageia and has to be taught how to build a rpm, they
better will use debian or fedora or ubuntu or opensuse that have quasi
official third repos for this problem...

> my 2 cents :-)
my 2 λεπτες