Hi Folks,

I've decided to have a go at building Ubuntu's Unity desktop on Mageia.  To be honest I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete the task, but I thought it would be a good way to get into it.

At the moment I'm trying to build "NUX", and along the way I've found some packages which require some modifications to their .spec's (glew and pciutils). 

What should I do with these?  Should I create a patch and send them along?  I'm not really sure what the process is.  Also, as I'm quite new to all this, they probably need someone to have a good look over them.  I think I also need to package some things that don't exist yet also, such as gmock. 

Also, is anyone else looking at Unity?  I figured that because it was unpopular I may be the only one that cares about it, but if anyone else is looking at it, it may be worth sharing what we've done.
