
Theres been a private discussion regarding the macro correct layout, if %{foo} or %foo.

This rised when in the wiki page http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=kde4_packaging_policy i changed the spec layout from %foo into %{foo} to be as a reference point, in wich mikala has reverted back to %foo, and this discussion has taken other porportions so i would like your opinions regarding this.

I have pointed that for a wiki page should be proper to use %{...} to avoid doubts specially in beginners minds, since in some situations we need really to use the {} delimitations.
In wich its recommendation its focused in this cute PDF from redhat website:


Im not refering that now we should use only %{...}, that usage can be handled from the user prespective (for example in my specs locally i generally dont use delimitations), some like others dont.

As we also see in rpm macros document http://www.rpm.org/wiki/PackagerDocs/Macros that we can use both, but in all rpm docs and config files the common usage its with delimitations.
