2011/6/9 Dexter Morgan <dmorganec@gmail.com>
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Zé <mmodem00@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/6/9 Christiaan Welvaart <cjw@daneel.dyndns.org>:
>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, Zé wrote:
>>> 2011/6/9 Dexter Morgan <dmorganec@gmail.com>:
>>>> For what do you need glib ?
>>> xmms needs ORbit, that needs glib, and AFAIK these are still
>>> maintained apps, and xmms is still a needed buildrequire needed by
>>> kdenetwork (its optional but still exists), so i dont understand the
>>> hurry to drop these applications.
>> But what feature does it provide for kdenetwork? You can use e.g. audacious
>> (gtk2 version) instead of xmms itself. I don't know how compatible audacious
>> is, though.
>>    Christiaan
> kopete/CMakeLists.txt:macro_log_feature(XMMS_FOUND "XMMS" "X
> MultiMedia System development libraries" "http://www.xmms.org" FALSE
> "" "Used by the Kopete nowlistening plugin to support the XMMS
> player.")
> But this isnt the main issue, these packages should be provided by
> mageia (they are provided by the main linux distros), if the packages
> were no longer maintained than i would agree that wouldnt be needed to
> put them available in mageia, but thats not the case.
> --
> Zé

"provided by" is != from "maintained".

if you look on fedora :


since 2007 this is only rebuilded and fixed for the build but we can't
call this "maintained" upstream.

Gentoo have removed xmms
Ubuntu have removed xmms too

So please stop FUDing to "force" to push the packages you want.

btw please have a look here

It's not only Mageia's fact
