2011/5/12 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net>
On Thu, 12 May 2011 01:56:25 +0100
Zé <mmodem00@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seams your confused, plf freetype it simply put fonts worst,,

Please don't mistake your opinions for facts.
As a user, I have always installed the PLF freetype (and I am still
enjoying it on the very machine I am typing this message on) because the
default Mandriva rendering was horrible to me. Not everyone shares the
same opinions about font rendering.

Back to lurking


Before the 2009.1 , i used plf rpm but i did nt have any problem:

The plf package, i dont understand why since the 2009.1, breaks my system fonts in a very significant way. I have Greek localization. My wife, with the same version of Mandriva in her laptop but with French localization did nt have any complain.

So the aspect of the fonts has to depend to the localization, the fonts and may be their size and the screen size.

When someone like me, has this problem of fonts, he cannot even use his system, he has a real problem. It costed me many uninstalls and installs and many hours of investigation.

For that i asked a user friendly solution, is very important for them who are affected.

Personnaly, after all, i am able now to set my pc to fit my needs but i continue to search a solution for other users who will be front of this problem in the future

Dimitrios Glentadakis