2011/5/10 Balcaen John <mikala@mageia.org>
Le Monday 09 May 2011 17:35:39, Thibaut FRANCOIS a écrit :
> Hello,
> I did an update from mandriva 2010.2 to mageia (about two weeks ago).
> Today after my update I had this error about amarok :
> L'installation a échoué : le fichier
> > /usr/lib64/libampache_account_login.so de l'installation de
> > amarok-3:2.4.1-0.mga1.x86_64 entre en conflit avec le fichier du
> > paquetage lib64ampache_account-3:2.4.0-1mdv2010.2.x86_64
> It seems an old mandriva package led to that error.
You were probably not up to date on MIB mirrors because i pushed a package to
fix it on my KDE 4.5.5 mirror some weeks ago:
I initially put this package in his own library but cooker did not follow this
& since mageia started from cooker package ...
thanks for these informations.
Now I will drop this package and start a new update