This sounds great,

latest kernel-tmb I see in the repos (64bit) is 2.6.31
will test it this eve on my both mashines with my musicapps.

Thanks Thomas

added this kernel as an option to the wiki

regard, saschas
2010/12/22 Thomas Backlund <>
SaschaS skrev 17.12.2010 18:49:

After having a looong chat with the guys from linux4audio and reading
tons of posts in ccrma forum, I must say .....

Idea with an rt-kernel for netbooks ....... DISMISSED .... it simply
makes no sense.
Those guys mostly use gentoo and build their own kernel for years now
and they gave me the following hints, that also can be found in
discussions of other distributions:
1) the kernel (without preemption-patch) should have

Processor type and features>>  Preemption Mode>>  Complete Preemption (Real-Time)

This is already enabled in kernel-tmb

Processor type and features>>  Timer frequency>>  1000 HZ

This is already enabled in all -desktop kernels

General setup>>  RCU Subsystem>>  RCU Implementation (Preemptable tree-based hierarchical RCU)

This is already enabled in kernel-tmb

 Proccesor Type and features >> Tickless System (Dynamic Ticks) should
be excluded

This one you can get by booting with "nohz=off" on the kernel command line.
