On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Cazzaniga Sandro <cazzaniga.sandro@gmail.com> wrote:
Le 17/12/2010 13:59, Anne nicolas a écrit :
> Hi there
> As mentionner here, http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=org, we need to
> vote for 2 representatives for packagers team: one representative for
> Mageia council and one to help this guy and manage team in daily
> tasks. You can have a look on packagers meeting logs about how we
> should choose them. Common criteria are:
> - experience in packaging
> - willing to *manage* team
> - start with these 2 guys until first release is done (as done in i18n team)
> Feel free to comment here and propose/candidate for it.
> Cheers
I'd like to ask my candidacy, but I think I'm not experienced enough.
What do you think?
Sandro Cazzaniga

Maybe you say something more detailed about yourself so everybody can make a picture of you on his own.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter