2010/10/6 Olivier Thauvin
> On Tuesday, 5 October 2010 23:39:09 Tux99 wrote:
> > On Wed, 6 Oct 2010, nicolas vigier wrote:
> > 3) I mentioned earlier that the packager would need to use good
> > judgement and not include major incompatible version changes
> You are aware that this is significantly more work than 'mdvsys submit -t
> 2010.1 --define section=main/backports $package' (after some minimal testing of
> course)?
This part of the discuss let me think something.
We have both some people wanting huge set of backport and other wanting
long life release w/o change except security/bug fix.
So, why not alternate both, 1 release with backports denied but long
life, and the 2nd with backports and update but during a shorter period.
(X.0 would be the new distro with backports, X.1 the one more servers
oriented or enterprise).
What do you think ?
i am not pro this, i think this is better to have the same policy for all the releases.