Hello guys ! :)

I think that forking Mandriva distribution is a really good idea !
I'd really appreciate to bring help in Mageia project but I don't know how...

I've some technical abilities in bash scripting, rpm packaging (CentOS packaging essentially), testing, debugging, ... 
I've a good experience in "web communication" too : in the past, I've created the French MLO website (http://www.mandrivalinux-online.org) and Community64 project (http://www.community64.net)

So, at this point I don't know what to do... Maybe the simplest thing to do is talking about Megaia everywhere on Internet ?

Jean-Gabriel HAYS - http://www.haysjg.fr/
Débuter sur Mandriva Linux : http://www.mandrivalinux-online.org/
Mandriva Linux One 64 bits : http://www.community64.net