[Mageia-dev] 2nd Draft of a Letter to the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC).
andre999mga at laposte.net
Fri Nov 9 01:55:51 CET 2012
Shlomi Fish a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I'm including here a new draft of a letter we are planning to send to the
> Software Freedom Law Center ( SFLC- http://www.softwarefreedom.org/ ) about
> faac vs. cinelerra. (see the last meeting at
> http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-dev/2012/mageia-dev.2012-11-06-20.09.html for
> more information). Note that the SFLC does not charge for its advice (but
> accepts donations).
> Any comments will be welcome.
> I think the only change is that I changed the opening line to "Dear Sir/Madam".
> Regards,
> Shlomi Fish
> --------------
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I am writing you this letter on behalf of Mageia ( https://www.mageia.org/en/
> ), which is a community-developed, operating system, based on the
> GNU/Linux system and with a free-and-open-source (FOSS) core. We would like to
> ask, whether and how we can distribute pre-built packages of a GPLed program
> (in our case, the video editor cinelerra) after it was linked to a library
> with some proprietary and non-GPLed code (in our case, faac).
> The longer story is that there has been some demand for including faac
> ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/faac/ - the Freeware Advance Audio Coder),
> which is both non-free in part and patent encumbered, in our distribution,
> and to prepare versions of the appropriate packages for which it is an
> optional dependency. These packages, such as cinelerra (
> http://cinelerra.org/ - a video editor), are licenced under
> the GPL, which restricts which code its distributed binaries may be legally
> linked to.
> So our question is: assuming we package faac as a package, can we still
> provide pre-made and binary packages of GPLed programs that use it?
> We would appreciate any definitive legal insights on the matter.
> Sincerely yours,
> — Shlomi Fish, on behalf of the Mageia development team.
Wouldn't it be acceptable if the GPL code were *optionally* linked to
non-GPL code, that is linked to the non-GPL code iff it were available ?
(that is, if installed)
We could pose that specific question as well.
Just an idea ...
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