[Mageia-dev] PHP + phpBB mod capabilities needed to fix bug 1956 - please help
Marja van Waes
marja11 at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 12 19:21:47 CET 2012
On 12/01/12 17:47, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> 2012/1/12 Marja van Waes<marja11 at xs4all.nl>:
>> On 12/01/12 15:48, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
>>> 2012/1/12 Marja van Waes<marja11 at xs4all.nl>:
>>>> Moreover, in article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it
>>>> says:
>>>> Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
>>>> religion.......
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights#Article_18
>>> Yes, so why do you deny these right sto the majority of the forum people?
>> I don't :)
>> I don't even deny it when our seeming majority would turn out to be a
>> minority.
>> Please be careful with the words "the majority", we don't have a good tool
>> yet to know what everybody wants.
> Hmm, from the people who participated in the initial discussion which
> led to the council compromise I count 2 in favor of the limitation,
> the rest against it. This I call a majority.
> During the 8 months since we have this issue I read lots of complaints
> about the limitation, I did not read any post in favor of it. This is
> what I call a majority.
I don't.
There are a forum thread and a bug report with a lot of harsh words, and
only a minority of the Mageia community participated. It is possible
that the angry majority there has the same opinion as the real majority,
but we don't know yet.
> In an election or a poll (a democratic process) how much weight do
> those have who do not give their vote? In every election there is a
> number of people who do not vote, either because they don't care or
> none of the given options is to their liking. But I haven't seen an
> election or poll where the "silent" number was counted in favor for
> one side or the other. So, if you are talking about the silent
> majority I can ask you rightfully, on which side the silent majority
> would be.
I was not clear, sorry.
IMHO, if every Mageia community member had received an invitation to
vote in a virtual polling station, seperated from the emotional forum
thread about the issue, there would have been a lot more votes.
* It is well known that people can vote differently when there votes are
seen then when they are not seen.
* Also a thread where such harsh words are said, makes some people run
away, and others reluctant to say what they think, for fear everything
might escalate further.
* Apart from that, there are community members who never were aware this
thread was there
* and others were, but didn't know it was the place to vote.
Of course I don't know what outcome a proper democratic voting would
have given.
>>> I guess you agree that those principles where written with the spirit
>>> of democracy behind it all - so you agree also that those declarations
>>> do not say that one has the right to force his opinion on all others.
>> Of course not. Funny that you seem to think maât did that, I didn't see him
>> force anyone to use the forum as it is.
> Then you think that his behavior is ok and everybody who doesn't like
> it can leave? That is not funny. It is against all that Mageia stands
> for.
> I think we do not have different opinions, we are living in different worlds.
I think that if a real majority wants a forum with unlimited edit time,
that we should have it.
My point is, that Maât isn't our slave, we can't force him to do it, never.
So then it would be necessary to look for someone else to take Maât's
I hope that if that happens, we'll at least manage to be nice to him and
thank him for the work he has done.
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