<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> [Mageia-dev] Qt-based software unusable under XFCE since almost 2 days </TITLE> <LINK REL="Index" HREF="index.html" > <LINK REL="made" HREF="mailto:mageia-dev%40mageia.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BMageia-dev%5D%20Qt-based%20software%20unusable%20under%20XFCE%20since%09almost%0A%202%20days&In-Reply-To=%3C4F42557E.4050205%40xs4all.nl%3E"> <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,nofollow"> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"> <LINK REL="Previous" HREF="012142.html"> <LINK REL="Next" HREF="012072.html"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <H1>[Mageia-dev] Qt-based software unusable under XFCE since almost 2 days</H1> <B>Marja van Waes</B> <A HREF="mailto:mageia-dev%40mageia.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BMageia-dev%5D%20Qt-based%20software%20unusable%20under%20XFCE%20since%09almost%0A%202%20days&In-Reply-To=%3C4F42557E.4050205%40xs4all.nl%3E" TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Qt-based software unusable under XFCE since almost 2 days">marja11 at xs4all.nl </A><BR> <I>Mon Feb 20 15:15:26 CET 2012</I> <P><UL> <LI>Previous message: <A HREF="012142.html">[Mageia-dev] libavformat needs libavfilter needs libavformat </A></li> <LI>Next message: <A HREF="012072.html">[Mageia-dev] k(m)ahjongg packages </A></li> <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> <a href="date.html#12146">[ date ]</a> <a href="thread.html#12146">[ thread ]</a> <a href="subject.html#12146">[ subject ]</a> <a href="author.html#12146">[ author ]</a> </LI> </UL> <HR> <!--beginarticle--> <PRE>On 18/02/12 11:55, Michael Scherer wrote: ><i> Le samedi 18 février 2012 à 10:33 +0100, Olivier Thauvin a écrit : </I>>><i> * Michael Scherer (<A HREF="https://www.mageia.org/mailman/listinfo/mageia-dev">misc at zarb.org</A>) wrote: </I>>>><i> Le vendredi 17 février 2012 à 19:18 +0100, Claire Revillet a écrit : </I>>>>><i> Hi, </I>>>>><i> As a second point : there is still no xfce-* maintainer and as many </I>>>>><i> people are using it on cauldron and as we have bug on "Could we have </I>>>>><i> xfce directly from dvd/dual/live installation please" : it will be great </I>>>>><i> that someone grab those packages. The candidat will have all our </I>>>>><i> gratitude :) (and bug report :p ) </I>>>><i> If there is so much users, why is there no volunteer for taking just one </I>>>><i> package ? </I>>><i> Being user does not mean having knowledge to maintain it. </I>><i> I know at least 2 people in the packagers group who use xfce. So if they </I>><i> have no knowledge for maintaining rpms ( and a dm doesn't require more </I>><i> knowledge than anything else ), that would be shocking. </I>><i> </I>><i> Anyway, if a major DE is unmaintained, maybe we should start to think </I>><i> removing it until there is enough volunteer, since we do not want to </I>><i> have a popular application to be crappy due to lack of maintainer. This </I>><i> would be lying to user, and giving them false expectations. </I>><i> </I>Here are the xfce bugs we have (fast search for xfce or xfce4 in RPM Package field, without enhancement requests), the oldest one dates from July 18th: <A HREF="https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&field0-0-0=cf_rpmpkg&bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=minor&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&type0-0-0=anywords&value0-0-0=xfce%20xfce4">https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&field0-0-0=cf_rpmpkg&bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=minor&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&type0-0-0=anywords&value0-0-0=xfce%20xfce4</A> </PRE> <!--endarticle--> <HR> <P><UL> <!--threads--> <LI>Previous message: <A HREF="012142.html">[Mageia-dev] libavformat needs libavfilter needs libavformat </A></li> <LI>Next message: <A HREF="012072.html">[Mageia-dev] k(m)ahjongg packages </A></li> <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> <a href="date.html#12146">[ date ]</a> <a href="thread.html#12146">[ thread ]</a> <a href="subject.html#12146">[ subject ]</a> <a href="author.html#12146">[ author ]</a> </LI> </UL> <hr> <a href="https://www.mageia.org/mailman/listinfo/mageia-dev">More information about the Mageia-dev mailing list</a><br> </body></html>