[Mageia-dev] Conflicts between kde 4.7.90 and laptop-mode-tools

Frank Griffin ftg at roadrunner.com
Wed Dec 28 17:01:39 CET 2011

On 12/28/2011 10:48 AM, Balcaen John wrote:
> Le mercredi 28 décembre 2011 10:34:19 Frank Griffin a écrit :
>> So shouldn't whatever replaced it obsolete it ?
> > From the changelog of pm-utils it's wrote :
> * Wed May 18 2011 ahmad<ahmad>  1.4.1-3.mga1
> + Revision: 99676
> - Conflict with laptop-mode-tools, its functionalities overlap pm-utils, and
>    upstream thinks it should conflict
>    http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=612710#59
> That's why no obsoletes was added.

If I read that bugreport correctly, KDE's use of power management hooks 
conflicts with pm-utils.  What about multiple-desktop installations ?  
Is the removal of laptop-mode-tools or pm-utils going to be transparent 
to GNOME or LXDE ?  Or are KDE's hooks specific to KDE only ?

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