[Mageia-dev] [135989]

Michael Scherer misc at zarb.org
Tue Aug 30 10:50:36 CEST 2011

Le mardi 30 août 2011 à 03:33 +0100, Zé a écrit :
> 2011/8/30 Zé <mmodem00 at gmail.com>:
> >>>  %if %with_java
> >>> -BuildRequires: java-rpmbuild
> >>> +BuildRequires: java-devel
> >>>  BuildRequires: chrpath
> >>>  %endif
> >> This is stupid.
> The problem was that i didnt saw the part in the end about the
> problems of the GCJ/Jamvm alternatives.
> So this i imediatly reverted.
> >>>  Conflicts: soprano-devel < 4:2.6.51-2
> >>>  Suggests: soprano-plugin-virtuoso = %{epoch}:%version
> >>>
> >>> @@ -55,8 +52,8 @@
> >>>  %defattr(-,root,root)
> >>>  %_bindir/sopranocmd
> >>>  %_bindir/sopranod
> >>> -%dir %_datadir/soprano
> >>> -%_datadir/soprano/rules
> >>> +%dir %_datadir/soprano/
> >>
> >> I guess i forgot the the purpose of %dir so could you explain me the difference
> >> between %dir %datadir/soprano & %dir %datadir/soprano/ ?
> You didnt paste it complectly, but if is a dir could be better to have
> the / in the end to have it diferentiated:
> so the correct diff is:
> -%dir %_datadir/soprano
> -%_datadir/soprano/rules
> +%dir %_datadir/soprano/
> +%_datadir/soprano/rules/
> this way no one thinks that %_datadir/soprano/rules/ is a file,
> like you had %_datadir/soprano/rules  that can lead some to think its a file

If you add %dir, then it seems pretty obvious that's a directory. 

In fact, %dir is just a indication, since it applies without trouble on
files ( according to my tests )

I think you do not realize that's the kind of gratuitous changes that
make people react badly to what you do, especially if you act like "here
is my favorite style and let's apply it because that's the good one

People are very attached to their own style, and changing it silently
and gratuitously, ( like you did when you wrote a style guide on the
wiki before discussing ) is something that will not make you win any

Michael Scherer

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