#!/usr/bin/perl # # Yves Duret (yduret at mandrakesoft.com) # # Copyright 2001 MandrakeSoft # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use common qw(:common :system :file); use interactive; use standalone; use log; #use c; use netconnect; use detect_devices; $::isInstall and die "Not supported during install.\n"; $::isEmbedded = ($::XID, $::CCPID) = "@ARGV" =~ /--embedded (\w+) (\w+)/; local $_ = join '', @ARGV; /-h/ and die "usage: transfug [--version]\n"; /-version/ and die 'transfug '."\n"; $::isEmbedded or $::isWizard = 1; $::Wizard_pix_up = "wiz_drakgw.png"; $::Wizard_title = _("Transfug"); $::direct = /-direct/; my $in = interactive::vnew('su'); if (!(-e "/mnt/win_c")) { print "existe pas !!!!\n"; } if (-e "/mnt/win_c") { print "existe\n"; } begin: #- ********************************** #- * 0th step: verify if we are already set up $::Wizard_no_previous = 1; #- ********************************** #- * 1st step: detect/setup step_1: $::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(_("Transfug"), _("Pas pour les pdm. The next step will be bringing back windows(c)(r)(tm) files"), 1) or quit_global($in, 0); #- ********************************** #- * 2nd step: win files step_2: print "step2\n"; $wait_configuring = $in->wait_message(_("Configuring..."), _("Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers...")); undef $wait_configuring; if (!(-e "/mnt/win_c")) { $in->ask_warn(_("No windows(c)(r)(tm) on your system!"), _("No windows on your system. Please install windows first!")); quit_global($in); } $::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(_("Transfug"), _("Pas pour les pdm. Do you want to copy all the c:\\My Documents to one of your user home ?"), 1) or quit_global($in, 0); #- ******************************* #- * 3rd step: mail from win step_3: print "step3\n"; $::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(_("Transfug"), _("Pas pour les pdm. Tes mails ils viennent d'ou ??"), 1) or quit_global($in, 0);