path: root/old/transfugdrake.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'old/transfugdrake.pm')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/old/transfugdrake.pm b/old/transfugdrake.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b14ec36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/transfugdrake.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+package transfugdrake;
+use common;
+# From pixel and gc
+sub arch() {
+ my $t = `uname -m`;
+ chomp $t;
+ $t;
+# From pixel and gc
+sub cat_ { local *F; open F, $_[0] or $_[1] ? die "cat of file $_[0] failed: $!\n" : return; my @l = <F>; wantarray ? @l : join '', @l }
+# From pixel and gc
+sub typeFromMagic {
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $tmp;
+ my @partitions_signatures = (
+ # [ 0x8e, 0, "HM\1\0" ],
+ # [ 0x83, 0x438, "\x53\xEF" ],
+ #[ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsErFs" ],
+ #[ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsEr2Fs" ],
+ #[ 0x283, 0, 'XFSB', 0x200, 'XAGF', 0x400, 'XAGI' ],
+ #[ 0x383, 0x8000, 'JFS1' ],
+ #[ 0x82, 4086, "SWAP-SPACE" ],
+ #[ 0x82, 4086, "SWAPSPACE2" ],
+ [ 0x7, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x3, "NTFS" ],
+ [ 0xc, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x52, "FAT32" ],
+ arch() !~ /^sparc/ ? ( [ 0x6, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x36, "FAT" ],) : (),
+ );
+ local *F;
+ sysopen F, $f, 0 or return;
+ M: foreach (@partitions_signatures) {
+ my ($name, @l) = @$_;
+ while (@l) {
+ my ($offset, $signature) = splice(@l, 0, 2);
+ sysseek(F, $offset, 0) or next M;
+ sysread(F, $tmp, length $signature);
+ if($tmp ne $signature) { next M; }
+ }
+ return $name;
+ }
+ return -1;
+sub get_windows_partition {
+ my $in = $_[0];
+ my %type2name = (
+ 0x1 => 'DOS 12-bit FAT',
+ 0x4 => 'DOS 16-bit FAT (up to 32M)',
+ 0x5 => 'DOS 3.3+ Extended Partition',
+ 0x6 => 'DOS FAT16',
+ 0x7 => 'NTFS (or HPFS)',
+ 0xb => 'Win98 FAT32',
+ 0xc => 'Win98 FAT32, LBA-mapped',
+ 0xe => 'Win95: DOS 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped',
+ 0xf => 'Win95: Extended partition, LBA-mapped',
+ 0x82 => 'Linux Swap',
+ 0x83 => 'Ext2',
+ 0x183 => 'ReiserFS',
+ 0x283 => 'XFS',
+ 0x383 => 'JFS',
+ 0x85 => 'Linux extended partition',
+ 0x87 => 'NTFS volume set',
+ 0x8e => 'Linux LVM',
+ -1 => 'unknown'
+ );
+ my (undef, undef, @parts) = cat_('/proc/partitions');
+ my @fat_parts;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $devname = "";
+ my @ls_array;
+ my @tmp_array;
+ my $fstype;
+ P: foreach (@parts) {
+ my (undef, undef, $blocks, $dev) = split or next;
+ my %skip_conditions = (
+ "Skipping <$dev> because too little blocks ($blocks)" => ($blocks <= 1),
+ "Skipping <$dev> because doesn't end with a number (e.g. seems to not be a partition)" => ($dev !~ /\d$/),
+ );
+ $skip_conditions{$_} and ($verbose and print(STDERR $_, "\n")), next P foreach keys %skip_conditions;
+ my $type = typeFromMagic("/dev/$dev");
+ if($type2name{$type} =~ /NTFS/ || $type2name{$type} =~ /FAT32/ || $type2name{$type} =~ /FAT/) {
+ $devname = `cd /dev/; ls -l | grep '$dev' ; cd -`;
+ @ls_array = split(' ', $devname);
+ $fat_parts[$i] = "/dev/$ls_array[8] ($type2name{$type})";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if($fat_parts[0] eq "") { $in->ask_warn(N("No Windows Partition"), N("No Windows Partition found")); quit_global($in, 0); }
+ $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
+ my $win_part = $in->ask_from_list_(N("Select your windows partition"),
+ N("Please specify your windows partition from the following list"),
+ [ @fat_parts ],
+ $fat_parts[0])
+ or quit_global($in, 0);
+ if($fat_parts[1] eq "") { $in->ask_warn(N("Your Windows Partition"), N("$fat_parts[0] is found as your Windows partition")); }
+ if($win_part =~ /NTFS/) { $fstype = "ntfs"; }
+ elsif($win_part =~ /FAT32/) {$fstype = "msdos"; }
+ elsif($win_part =~ /FAT/) {$fstype = "msdos"; }
+ @tmp_array = split(' ', $win_part);
+ $win_part = $tmp_array[0];
+ return ($win_part, $fstype);
+sub mount_partition {
+ my $fstype = $_[0];
+ my $win_partition = $_[1];
+ my $mountpoint = "/mnt/transfug";
+ my @mounts;
+ my $mounted = 0;
+ my @tmp;
+ (@mounts) = cat_('/proc/mounts');
+ foreach (@mounts) {
+ @tmp = split(' ', $_);
+ if($tmp[0] eq $win_partition) {
+ $mounted = 1;
+ $mountpoint = $tmp[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$mounted) {
+ mkdir($mountpoint);
+ print "mount -t $fstype $win_partition $mountpoint\n";
+ if(`mount -t $fstype $win_partition $mountpoint`) { print "Error\n:"; }
+ }
+ return $mountpoint;
+sub get_windows_config {
+ my %config;
+ my $in = $_[0];
+ # Get the windows partition
+ ($config->{partition}, $config->{fstype}) = get_windows_partition($in);
+ # Mount it
+ $config->{mountpoint} = mount_partition($config->{fstype}, $config->{partition});
+ # Find where the documents are
+ # If possible, get some registry config
+ return ($config->{partition}, $config->{fstype}, $config->{mountpoint});
+sub get_linux_config {