## Mageia Linux Configuration # (c) Mandriva 1999-2005 # (c) Mageia 2011-2012 # Chmouel Boudjnah, Pablo Saratxaga # do not bell on tab-completion #set bell-style none # Show all if ambigious. set show-all-if-ambiguous on # 8Bits supports. set meta-flag on set input-meta on set convert-meta off set output-meta on # bash completions does not use more set page-completions off # Completed names which are symbolic links to # directories have a slash appended. set mark-symlinked-directories on # definition of keys in vi mode if vi mode is set at login result # in totally messed up command line... so it safer to activate it # only for emacs mode; until the bug is fixed (in libreadline?) $if mode=emacs # for linux console and RH/Debian xterm "\e[1~": beginning-of-line "\e[4~": end-of-line # commented out keymappings for pgup/pgdown to reach begin/end of history #"\e[5~": beginning-of-history #"\e[6~": end-of-history "\e[5~": history-search-backward "\e[6~": history-search-forward "\e[3~": delete-char "\e[2~": overwrite-mode "\e[5C": forward-word "\e[5D": backward-word # on gnome-terminal (mdvbz#36287) "\e[1;5C": forward-word "\e[1;5D": backward-word # for rxvt "\e[7~":beginning-of-line "\e[8~": end-of-line "\eOc": forward-word "\eOd": backward-word # for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/DEbian xterm "\eOH": beginning-of-line "\eOF": end-of-line # for freebsd console "\e[H": beginning-of-line "\e[F": end-of-line # on nxterms "\e[\C-@": beginning-of-line "\e[e": end-of-line $if term=xterm # # Application keypad and cursor of xterm # with NumLock ON # # Operators "\eOo": "/" "\eOj": "*" "\eOm": "-" "\eOk": "+" "\eOl": "+" "\eOM": accept-line # Colon and dot # "\eOl": "," "\eOn": "." # Numbers "\eOp": "0" "\eOq": "1" "\eOr": "2" "\eOs": "3" "\eOt": "4" "\eOu": "5" "\eOv": "6" "\eOw": "7" "\eOx": "8" "\eOy": "9" $endif # # Application keypad and cursor of xterm # "\eOD": backward-char "\eOC": forward-char "\eOA": previous-history "\eOB": next-history "\eOE": re-read-init-file # emacs mode $endif