# /etc/cshrc # # csh configuration for all shell invocations. Currently, a prompt. # (pixel) tcsh doesn't handle directory in the PATH being non-readable # in security high, /usr/bin is 751, aka non-readable # using unhash fixes the pb if (! -r /usr/bin) then unhash endif if ( $uid == 0 ) limit coredumpsize 1000000 if ($?prompt) then if ($?tcsh) then set prompt='[%n@%m %c]$ ' else set prompt=\[`id -nu`@`hostname -s`\]\$\ endif endif test -d /etc/profile.d if ($status == 0) then set nonomatch foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh ) test -r $i if ($status == 0) then if ( $shlvl == 1 ) then $shell -f $i && source $i || echo "/etc/csh.cshrc: error in $i" else source $i endif endif end unset i nonomatch endif