#!/usr/bin/perl #***************************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau (gc at mandrakesoft dot com) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #***************************************************************************** # # $Id$ "@ARGV" =~ /-h/ and do { printf STDERR "Usage: %s [OPTION]... --noconfirmation don't ask first confirmation question in MandrakeUpdate mode ", basename($0); exit 0; }; $> and (exec {'consolehelper'} $0, @ARGV or die "consolehelper missing"); use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use strict; use vars qw($MODE %options); use rpmdrake; $MODE = 'install'; $0 =~ '/rpmdrake-remove$' and $MODE = 'remove'; $0 =~ '/MandrakeUpdate$' and $MODE = 'update'; /^-?-(\S+)$/ and $options{$1} = 1 foreach @ARGV; $::isStandalone = 1; Gtk->init; sub ctreefy { $_[0] =~ s,/,|,g; $_[0] } sub beautify_description { my ($t, $tmp); foreach (split "\n", $_[0]) { s/^\s*//; if (/^$/ || /^\s*(-|\*|\+|o)\s/) { ($t || $tmp) and $t .= "$tmp\n"; $tmp = $_; } else { $tmp = ($tmp ? "$tmp " : ($t && "\n") . $tmp) . $_; } } "$t$tmp\n"; } sub myformatList { my $r = formatList(40, @_); $r =~ s/(.{50}\S*)\s/$1\n/g; $r } sub split_fullname { $_[0] =~ /^(.*)-([^-]+-[^-]+)$/ } sub my_fullname { my ($name, $version, $release) = $_[0]->fullname; "$name-$version-$release" } sub parse_compssUsers_flat { my ($urpm) = @_; my (%compssUsers, $category); my $compss = '/var/lib/urpmi/compssUsers.flat'; -r $compss or $compss = '/usr/share/rpmdrake/compssUsers.flat.default'; -r $compss or die "Internal error, please report";; foreach (cat_($compss)) { s/#.*//; /^\s*$/ and next; if (/^\S.*/) { if (/^(.+?) \[icon=.+?\] \[path=(.+?)\]/) { $category = "$2|$1"; } else { print STDERR "Malformed category in compssUsers.flat: <$_>\n"; } } elsif (/^\t(\d) (\S+)\s*$/) { $category or print STDERR "Entry without category <$_>\n"; push @{$compssUsers{$2}}, $category . ($1 <= 3 ? '|Other' : ''); } } \%compssUsers; } sub pkg2medium { my ($p, $urpm) = @_; my $tmp; each_index { !$_->{ignore} && $p->id <= $_->{end} and $tmp ||= ${$urpm->{media}}[$::i] } @{$urpm->{media}}; $tmp; } sub extract_header { my ($pkg, $urpm) = @_; my ($headersdir, $p, $medium) = ('/root/tmp/headers/', $pkg->{pkg}, pkg2medium($pkg->{pkg}, $urpm)); my $hdlist = "$urpm->{statedir}/$medium->{hdlist}"; if (-r $hdlist) { #- packdrake segfaults when giving a missing file :( standalone::explanations("Extracting header of " . $p->header_filename . " from $hdlist"); my $packer; eval { $packer = new packdrake($hdlist, quiet => 1) } or log::l("Warning, hdlist seems corrupted :-("), goto header_non_available; $packer->extract_archive($headersdir, $p->header_filename); $p->update_header($headersdir . $p->header_filename) or log::l("Warning, could not extract header!"), goto header_non_available; rm_rf($headersdir); add2hash($pkg, { summary => $p->summary, description => beautify_description($p->description) }); $p->pack_header; } else { header_non_available: add2hash($pkg, { summary => _("(Non available)"), description => undef }); } } sub do_search($$$$$$) { my ($find_entry, $tree, $options, $current_search_type, $urpm, $pkgs) = @_; my $entry = $find_entry->get_text or return; my ($results_ok, $results_none) = (_("Search results"), _("Search results (none)")); $options->{delete_category}->($_) foreach ($results_ok, $results_none); $options->{state}{flat} and $options->{delete_all}->(); $tree->collapse_recursive(undef); my @search_results; if ($current_search_type ne 'normal') { if ($MODE eq 'remove') { @search_results = map { if_(eval { ($pkgs->{$_}{summary}.$pkgs->{$_}{description}) =~ /$entry/i }, $_) } keys %$pkgs; } else { my @hdlists = map { my $h = "$urpm->{statedir}/$_->{hdlist}"; if_(!$_->{ignore} && (!($MODE eq 'update') || $_->{update}) && (-r $h), $h) } @{$urpm->{media}}; my $total_size = sum(map { my $pack; eval { $pack = new packdrake($_, quiet => 1) } ? $pack->{toc_f_count} : 0 } @hdlists); my $searchstop; my $searchw = my_gtk->new; gtkadd($searchw->{window}, gtkpack__(new Gtk::VBox(1, 5), new Gtk::Label(_("Please wait, searching...")), my $searchprogress = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::ProgressBar, 400, 0), gtkpack__(gtkset_layout(new Gtk::HButtonBox, 'spread'), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Stop"))), clicked => sub { $searchstop = 1 })))); $searchw->sync; open SF, 'parsehdlist --fileswinfo --description --summary '.join(' ', map { "\'$_\'" } @hdlists).' |'; my ($pkg, $progresscount); while () { $searchstop and last; if (/^NAME<([^>]+)> VERSION<([^>]+)> RELEASE<([^>]+)>/) { $pkg = "$1-$2-$3"; $progresscount++; $progresscount <= $total_size and $searchprogress->update($progresscount/$total_size); $searchw->flush; next; } $pkg or next; my (undef, $key, $value) = split ':', $_; if ($current_search_type eq 'descriptions') { $key =~ /^summary|description$/ or next; } else { $key eq 'files' or next; } if (eval { $value =~ /$entry/i }) { exists $pkgs->{$pkg} and push @search_results, $pkg; $pkg = ''; } } close SF; @search_results = uniq(@search_results); #- there can be multiple packages with same version/release for different arch's $searchw->destroy; } } else { @search_results = grep { eval { $_ =~ /$entry/i } } keys %$pkgs; } if (@search_results) { $options->{add_nodes}->(map { [ $_, _("Search results") ] } sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @search_results); $tree->expand($tree->node_nth($tree->rows-1)); } else { $options->{add_nodes}->([ '', $results_none, { nochild => 1 }]); } } sub db { URPM::DB::open or die 'Couldn\'t open RPM DB' } sub run_treeview_dialog { my ($pkgs_provider, $callback_action) = @_; my ($urpm, $pkgs, $descriptions) = $pkgs_provider->(); my ($size_selected, $compssUsers, $info, $info_update, $tree, $disable_treeselect_callback, %elems, %base); my (undef, $size_free) = MDK::Common::System::df('/usr'); my $formatlistpkg = sub { myformatList(sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @_) }; my $callback_choices = sub { my ($urpm, $db, $state, $choices) = @_; $choices->[interactive_list(_("Please choose"), _("One of the following packages is needed:"), map { my_fullname($_) } @$choices)]; }; my $choices_auto; my $callback_choices_auto = sub { my ($urpm, $db, $state, $choices) = @_; member(my_fullname($_), @$choices_auto) and return $_ foreach @$choices; return $choices->[0]; #- theoretically unreachable, but at least try to fallback on something usable }; { my @base = qw(basesystem); my %basepackages; my $db = db; while (defined($_ = shift @base)) { exists $basepackages{$_} and next; $db->traverse_tag(/^\// ? 'path' : 'whatprovides', [ $_ ], sub { push @{$basepackages{$_}}, my_fullname($_[0]); push @base, $_[0]->requires_nosense; }); } foreach (values %basepackages) { my $n = @$_; foreach (@$_) { $base{$_} = \$n; } } } my $check_basesystem = sub { map { if_($base{$_} && ${$base{$_}}, $_) } @_; }; my $closure_removal = sub { $urpm->{state}{ask_remove} = {}; my $db = db; foreach (@_) { $db->traverse_tag('name', [ (split_fullname($_))[0] ], sub { my_fullname($_[0]) eq $_ or return; $urpm->resolve_closure_ask_remove($db, $urpm->{state}, $_[0], undef); }) or die _("unknown package ") . "$_\n"; } keys %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}}; }; my $options = { node_state => sub { $_[0] ? ($pkgs->{$_[0]}{selected} ? 'selected' : 'unselected') : 'XXX' }, #- checks $_[0] -> hack for partial tree displaying build_tree => sub { my ($add_node, $flat, $mode) = @_; my @elems; my $w = wait_msg(_("Please wait, listing packages...")); $disable_treeselect_callback = 1; if ($mode eq 'mandrake_choices') { foreach my $pkg (keys %$pkgs) { my ($name) = split_fullname($pkg); push @elems, [ $pkg, $_ ] foreach @{$compssUsers->{$name}}; } } else { my @keys = keys %$pkgs; if ($MODE eq 'update') { member('normal', @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories) or @keys = grep { my ($name) = split_fullname($_); member($descriptions->{$name}{importance}, @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories) } @keys; if (@keys == 0) { $add_node->('', _("(none)"), { nochild => 1 }); my $explanation_only_once if 0; $explanation_only_once or interactive_msg(_("No update"), _("The list of updates is void. This means that either there is no available update for the packages installed on your computer, or you already installed all of them.")); $explanation_only_once = 1; } } @elems = map { [ $_, !$flat && ctreefy($pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->group) ] } @keys; } my %sortmethods = (by_size => sub { sort { $pkgs->{$b->[0]}{pkg}->size <=> $pkgs->{$a->[0]}{pkg}->size } @_ }, by_selection => sub { sort { $pkgs->{$b->[0]}{selected} <=> $pkgs->{$a->[0]}{selected} || uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } @_ }, flat => sub { sort { uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } @_ }); if ($flat) { $add_node->($_->[0], '') foreach $sortmethods{$mode || 'flat'}->(@elems); } else { if ($mode eq 'by_source') { $add_node->($_->[0], pkg2medium($pkgs->{$_->[0]}{pkg}, $urpm)->{name}) foreach $sortmethods{flat}->(@elems); } elsif ($mode eq 'by_presence') { $add_node->($_->[0], $pkgs->{$_->[0]}{pkg}->flag_installed ? _("Upgradable") : _("Addable")) foreach $sortmethods{flat}->(@elems); } else { #- special case, we don't populate all the tree at first (to speed things up) %elems = (); foreach my $root (sort { $a cmp $b } uniq(map { ($_->[1] =~ /([^\|]+)\|?.*/)[0] } @elems)) { $add_node->('', $root); @{$elems{$root}} = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] || uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } grep { $_->[1] =~ /^\Q$root|\E?/ } @elems; } } } $disable_treeselect_callback = 0; remove_wait_msg($w); }, grep_unselected => sub { grep { exists $pkgs->{$_} && !$pkgs->{$_}{selected} } @_ }, toggle_nodes => sub { my ($set_state, @nodes) = @_; @nodes = grep { exists $pkgs->{$_} } @nodes; int(@nodes) or return; my $new_state = !$pkgs->{$nodes[0]}{selected}; my @nodes_with_deps; my $deps_msg = sub { my ($title, $msg, $nodes, $nodes_with_deps) = @_; @$nodes_with_deps > @$nodes or return 1; interactive_msg($title, $msg . $formatlistpkg->(sort { $a cmp $b } difference2($nodes_with_deps, $nodes)), { yesno => 1, text => { yes => _("Ok"), no => _("Cancel") } }); }; if ($MODE eq 'remove') { if ($new_state) { slow_func($tree->window, sub { $closure_removal->(@nodes) }); @nodes_with_deps = grep { !$pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}}; if (my @basesystem = $check_basesystem->(@nodes_with_deps)) { interactive_msg(_("This would break your system"), _("Sorry, removing these packages would break your system:\n\n"). $formatlistpkg->(sort { $a cmp $b } @basesystem)); @nodes_with_deps = (); } else { $deps_msg->(_("Some additional packages need to be removed"), _("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) also need to be\nremoved:\n\n"), \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps) or @nodes_with_deps = (); } } else { slow_func($tree->window, sub { @nodes_with_deps = grep { intersection(\@nodes, [ $closure_removal->($_) ]) } grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %$pkgs }); $deps_msg->(_("Some packages can't be removed"), _("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) must be\nunselected now:\n\n"), \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps) or @nodes_with_deps = (); } } else { if ($new_state) { $urpm->{state}{selected} = {}; slow_func($tree->window, sub { $urpm->resolve_requested(db, $urpm->{state}, { map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->id => 1 } @nodes }, callback_choices => $callback_choices, no_flag_update => 1, keep_state => 1) }); my $pkg_sel_after_selection = sub { $urpm->deselect_unwanted_packages($urpm->{state}{selected}); if (%{$urpm->{state}{ask_unselect} || {}}) { delete @{$urpm->{state}{selected}}{keys %{delete $urpm->{state}{ask_unselect}}}; } @nodes_with_deps = map { my_fullname($urpm->{depslist}[$_]) } keys %{$urpm->{state}{selected}}; }; $pkg_sel_after_selection->(); if (!$deps_msg->(_("Additional packages needed"), _("To satisfy dependencies, the following package(s) also need\nto be installed:\n\n"), \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps)) { @nodes_with_deps = (); goto packages_selection_ok; } $choices_auto = \@nodes_with_deps; $urpm->{state}{selected} = {}; slow_func($tree->window, sub { $urpm->resolve_requested(db, $urpm->{state}, { map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->id => 1 } @nodes }, callback_choices => $callback_choices_auto) }); $pkg_sel_after_selection->(); if (my @cant = difference2(\@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps)) { interactive_msg(_("Some packages can't be installed"), _("Sorry, the following package(s) can't be selected:\n\n") . $formatlistpkg->(@cant)); foreach (@cant) { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->set_flag_requested(0); $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->set_flag_required(0); } } packages_selection_ok: } else { $urpm->{state}{unselected} = {}; slow_func($tree->window, sub { $urpm->resolve_unrequested(db, $urpm->{state}, { map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->id => undef } @nodes }, no_flag_update => 1) }); @nodes_with_deps = map { my_fullname($urpm->{depslist}[$_]) } keys %{$urpm->{state}{unselected}}; if (!$deps_msg->(_("Some packages need to be removed"), _("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) must be\nunselected now:\n\n"), \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps)) { @nodes_with_deps = (); goto packages_unselection_ok; } slow_func($tree->window, sub { $urpm->resolve_unrequested(db, $urpm->{state}, { map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->id => undef } @nodes }) }); @nodes_with_deps = map { my_fullname($urpm->{depslist}[$_]) } keys %{$urpm->{state}{unselected}}; packages_unselection_ok: } } foreach (@nodes_with_deps) { exists $pkgs->{$_} or next; #- some deps may exist on some packages which aren't listed because #- not upgradable (older than what currently installed) $set_state->($_, $new_state ? 'selected' : 'unselected'); $pkgs->{$_}{selected} = $new_state; $size_selected += $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->size * ($new_state ? 1 : -1); } }, get_status => sub { $MODE eq 'install' ? _("Selected: %d MB / Free disk space: %d MB", $size_selected/(1024*1024), $size_free/1024) : _("Selected size: %d MB", $size_selected/(1024*1024)) }, get_info => sub { my ($key) = @_; exists $pkgs->{$key} or return; #- related to the partial tree displaying hackery ($key can be '') my ($name, $version) = split_fullname($key); exists $pkgs->{$key}{description} or slow_func($tree->window, sub { extract_header($pkgs->{$key}, $urpm) }); if ($MODE eq 'update') { gtktext_insert($info_update, beautify_description($descriptions->{$name}{pre})); _("Name: %s\nVersion: %s\nSize: %s KB\nImportance: %s\n\nSummary: %s\n\n%s\n", $name, $version, int($pkgs->{$key}{pkg}->size/1024), $descriptions->{$name}{importance}, $pkgs->{$key}{summary}, beautify_description($descriptions->{$name}{description})) } else { _("Name: %s\nVersion: %s\nSize: %s KB\n\nSummary: %s\n\n%s\n", $name, $version, int($pkgs->{$key}{pkg}->size/1024), $pkgs->{$key}{summary}, $pkgs->{$key}{description}); } }, check_interactive_to_toggle => sub { 1 }, grep_allowed_to_toggle => sub { @_ }, rebuild_tree => sub {}, }; $::noBorder = 1; my $w = my_gtk->new('rpmdrake'); $::noBorder = 0; $tree = Gtk::CTree->new(3, 0); $tree->set_selection_mode('browse'); $tree->set_column_auto_resize($_, 1) foreach 0..2; my $typical_width = $tree->get_style->font->string_width("Develop xmms-more-vis-plugins-"); $typical_width > 500 and $typical_width = 500; #- try to not being crazy with a too large value $tree->set_column_max_width(0, $typical_width); $tree->signal_connect(tree_expand => sub { #- hackish: if first child has '' as name, then we need to expand on the fly if (($_[0]->node_get_pixtext($_[1]->row->children, 0))[0] eq '') { $_[0]->remove_node($_[1]->row->children); my $row_name = ($_[0]->node_get_pixtext($_[1], 0))[0]; slow_func($tree->window, sub { $options->{add_nodes}->(@{$elems{$row_name}}) }); } }); my @modes_buttons; if ($MODE eq 'update') { $options->{state}{flat} = 1; my %toggle_infos = (security => _("Security updates"), bugfix => _("Bugfixes updates"), normal => _("Normal updates")); my @toggle_names_ordered = qw(security bugfix normal); @modes_buttons = map { new Gtk::CheckButton(but($toggle_infos{$_})) } @toggle_names_ordered; mapn { member($_[0], @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories) and $_[1]->set_active(1); my $capture_value = $_[0]; $_[1]->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $disable_treeselect_callback = 1; if ($_[0]->get_active) { push @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories, $capture_value; } else { @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories = difference2($mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories, [ $capture_value ]); } $options->{rebuild_tree}->(); $disable_treeselect_callback = 0; }); } \@toggle_names_ordered, \@modes_buttons; } else { my %radios_infos = (mandrake_choices => { name => _("Mandrake choices"), flat => 0 }, flat => { name => _("All packages, alphabetical"), flat => 1 }, by => { name => _("All packages,"), flat => 0 }); $compssUsers = parse_compssUsers_flat($urpm); my @radios_names_ordered = qw(mandrake_choices flat by); $compssUsers or shift @radios_names_ordered; @modes_buttons = gtkradio($radios_infos{mandrake_choices}{name}, map { $radios_infos{$_}{name} } @radios_names_ordered); mapn { my $capture_mode = $_[0]; $_[1]->signal_connect(clicked => sub { if ($_[0]->get_active) { $disable_treeselect_callback = 1; ($options->{tree_mode}, $options->{state}{flat}) = $capture_mode eq 'by' ? ($options->{tree_submode}, $options->{tree_subflat}) : ($capture_mode, $radios_infos{$capture_mode}{flat}); $options->{rebuild_tree}->(); $disable_treeselect_callback = 0; } }); } \@radios_names_ordered, \@modes_buttons; $options->{tree_mode} = $radios_names_ordered[0]; my $advanced_menu = new Gtk::Menu; my $radio_by; my @advanced_modes = ([ 'by_group', _("by group"), 0 ], [ 'by_size', _("by size"), 1 ], [ 'by_selection', _("by selection state"), 1 ]); $MODE eq 'install' and push @advanced_modes, ([ 'by_source', _("by source repository"), 0 ], [ 'by_presence', _("by update availability"), 0 ]); foreach (@advanced_modes) { my ($capt_mode, $capt_flat) = ($_->[0], $_->[2]); $advanced_menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(new_with_label Gtk::MenuItem($_->[1])), activate => sub { $options->{tree_submode} = $capt_mode; $options->{tree_subflat} = $capt_flat; $radio_by->activate; })); } $options->{tree_submode} = $advanced_modes[0]->[0]; each_index { if ($_ eq 'by') { $radio_by = $modes_buttons[$::i]; $modes_buttons[$::i] = gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), $modes_buttons[$::i], my $t = new Gtk::OptionMenu); $t->set_menu($advanced_menu); } } @radios_names_ordered; } my $search_types_menu = new Gtk::Menu; my @search_types = ([ 'normal', _("in names") ], [ 'descriptions', _("in descriptions") ]); $MODE ne 'remove' and push @search_types, [ 'files', _("in files") ]; my $current_search_type = $search_types[0]->[0]; foreach (@search_types) { my $capt_type = $_->[0]; $search_types_menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(new_with_label Gtk::MenuItem($_->[1])), activate => sub { $current_search_type = $capt_type })); } my $search_types_optionmenu = new Gtk::OptionMenu; $search_types_optionmenu->set_menu($search_types_menu); my $find_entry; my $find_callback = sub { do_search($find_entry, $tree, $options, $current_search_type, $urpm, $pkgs) }; my $do_action = sub { int(grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %$pkgs) or return; if ($MODE ne 'remove' && %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove} || {}}) { interactive_msg(_("Some packages need to be removed"), _("The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded: %s Is it ok to continue?", $formatlistpkg->(sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}})), { yesno => 1 }) or return; } $callback_action->($urpm, $pkgs); ($urpm, $pkgs, $descriptions) = $pkgs_provider->({ skip_updating_mu => 1 }); $options->{rebuild_tree}->(); }; my $darea; gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0, 3), 0, gtkset_usize($darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea, 0, 40), 1, gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk::Frame, 3), 'none'), gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0, 3), 0, gtkpack__(new Gtk::HBox(0, 10), new Gtk::Label(_("Find:")), $search_types_optionmenu, gtksignal_connect($find_entry = new Gtk::Entry, key_press_event => sub { $_[1]->{keyval} == 0xff0d and $find_callback->() }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Search"))), clicked => \&$find_callback)), 0, gtkpack__(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), gtkpack(new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), @modes_buttons)), 1, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), createScrolledWindow($tree), $MODE eq 'update' ? gtkpack(new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), createScrolledWindow($info = new Gtk::Text), createScrolledWindow($info_update = new Gtk::Text)) : createScrolledWindow($info = new Gtk::Text)), 0, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(1, 20), my $status = new Gtk::Label, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(1, 20), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but($MODE eq 'remove' ? _("Remove") : _("Install"))), clicked => sub { $do_action->() }), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(but(_("Quit"))), clicked => sub { Gtk->main_quit }))) )))); my ($pixmap_back) = gtkcreate_png('title-backpart'); $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my (undef, undef, $dx, $dy) = @{$darea->allocation}; my $dbl_area = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($darea->window, $dx, $dy); fill_tiled($darea, $dbl_area, $pixmap_back, 110, 55, $dx, $dy); my $style = $darea->style->copy(); $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(_("-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--25-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"))); my %t = (remove => _("Software Packages Removal"), update => _("Mandrake Update"), install => _("Software Packages Installation")); $dbl_area->draw_string($style->font, $darea->style->white_gc, ($dx-$style->font->string_width($t{$MODE}))/2, 30, $t{$MODE}); $darea->window->draw_pixmap($darea->style->white_gc, $dbl_area, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dx, $dy); 0; }); $w->{window}->set_usize($typical_width*2.7, 500); $w->{rwindow}->show_all; my $widgets = { w => $w, tree => $tree, info => $info, status => $status}; ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets($options, $widgets); } # -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- install packages -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=- sub get_installable_pkgs { my ($updates, $opts) = @_; my $update_name = 'update_source'; my %update_descr; my @update_medias; if ($updates) { my $urpm = new urpm; $urpm->configure(); my ($statedir, $cachedir) = map { $urpm->{$_} } qw (statedir cachedir); @update_medias = grep { !$_->{ignore} && $_->{update} } @{$urpm->{media}}; undef $urpm; if (@update_medias > 0) { if (!$opts->{skip_updating_mu}) { $options{noconfirmation} or interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("I need to contact the mirror to get latest update packages. Please check that your network is currently running. Is it ok to continue?"), { yesno => 1 }) or myexit -1; my $w = wait_msg(_("Please wait, contacting mirror to update packages information.")); system('/usr/sbin/urpmi.update', map { $_->{name} } @update_medias) == 0 or fatal_msg(_("Error updating medium"), _("There was an unrecoverable error while updating packages information.")); remove_wait_msg($w); } } else { mu_retry_another_mirror: my $m = choose_mirror; $m or interactive_msg(_("How to choose manually your mirror"), _("You may also choose your desired mirror manually: to do so, launch the Software Sources Manager, and then add a `Security updates' source. Then, restart MandrakeUpdate.", $update_name)), myexit -1; my ($r) = cat_('/etc/mandrake-release') =~ /release\s(\S+)/; my $w = wait_msg(_("Please wait, contacting mirror to initialize updates packages.")); my $retval = system("/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia --update $update_name $m/$r/RPMS/ with ../base/hdlist.cz"); remove_wait_msg($w); if ($retval != 0) { interactive_msg(_("Error adding update medium"), _("There was an error while adding the update medium via urpmi. This may be due to a broken or temporary unavailable mirror, or when your Mandrake Linux version (%s) is not yet / no more supported by Mandrake Linux Official Updates. Do you want to try another mirror?", $r), { yesno => 1 }) and goto mu_retry_another_mirror; myexit -1; } } my ($cur, $section); foreach (map { cat_("$statedir/descriptions.$_->{name}"), '%package dummy' } @update_medias) { /^%package (.+)/ and do { $update_descr{$_} = $cur foreach @{$cur->{pkgs}}; $cur = {}; $cur->{pkgs} = [ split /\s/, $1 ]; $section = 'pkg'; next; }; /^Update: (.+)/ && $section eq 'pkg' and $cur->{update} = $1; /^Importance: (.+)/ && $section eq 'pkg' and $cur->{importance} = $1; /^%pre/ and do { $section = 'pre'; next; }; /^%description/ and do { $section = 'description'; next; }; $section eq 'pre' and $cur->{pre} .= $_; $section eq 'description' and $cur->{description} .= $_; } } my $w = wait_msg(_("Please wait, finding available packages...")); my $urpm = new urpm; my %installable_pkgs; $urpm->configure; @update_medias = grep { !$_->{ignore} && $_->{update} } @{$urpm->{media}}; $urpm->compute_installed_flags(db); foreach my $pkg (@{$urpm->{depslist}}) { $pkg->flag_upgrade or next; $updates and ($pkg->flag_installed && grep { $pkg->id >= $_->{start} && $pkg->id <= $_->{end} } @update_medias or next); $installable_pkgs{my_fullname($pkg)} = { selected => 0, pkg => $pkg }; } remove_wait_msg($w); ($urpm, \%installable_pkgs, \%update_descr); } sub perform_installation { #- (partially) duplicated from /usr/sbin/urpmi :-( my ($urpm) = @_; standalone::explanations("Removing package $_") foreach keys %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}}; my %pkgs; @pkgs{ map { $_->id } grep { $_->flag_selected } @{$urpm->{depslist}} } = undef; my ($local_sources, $list, $local_to_removes) = $urpm->get_source_packages(\%pkgs); foreach my $l (@$list) { standalone::explanations("Installing package $l->{$_}") foreach sort keys %$l; } if (!$local_sources && !$list) { fatal_msg(_("Unable to get source packages."), _("Unable to get source packages, sorry.")); } foreach (@$local_to_removes) { unlink $_; } my %sources = $urpm->download_source_packages($local_sources, $list, '', sub { interactive_msg(_("Change medium"), _("Please insert the medium named \"%s\" on device [%s]", @_), { yesno => 1, text => { yes => _("Ok"), no => _("Cancel") } }) }); my @rpms_install = grep { $_ !~ /\.src\.rpm$/ } values %{$urpm->extract_packages_to_install(\%sources) || {}}; my @rpms_upgrade = grep { $_ !~ /\.src\.rpm$/ } values %sources; if (@rpms_install || @rpms_upgrade) { foreach (@rpms_install, @rpms_upgrade) { m|^/| && ! -e $_ or next; fatal_msg(_("Installation failed"), _("Installation failed, some files are missing.\nYou may want to update your sources database.")); myexit -1; } %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}} and slow_func(_("Please wait, removing packages to allow others to be upgraded..."), sub { system('rpm', '-e', '--nodeps', keys %{$urpm->{state}{ask_remove}}) }); if (my $pid = fork()) { while (!waitpid($pid, c::WNOHANG())) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); my_gtk::flush; } } else { exec('grpmi', (map { ("-noupgrade", $_) } @rpms_install), @rpms_upgrade); fatal_msg(_("Program missing"), _("A required program is missing (grpmi). Check your installation.")); myexit -1; } } else { interactive_msg(_("Everything already installed."), _("Everything already installed (is this supposed to happen at all?).")); } } # -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- remove packages -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=- sub get_installed_pkgs { use URPM; my $w = wait_msg(_("Please wait, reading packages database...")); my %installed_pkgs; db->traverse(sub { my ($pkg) = @_; #- I need to extract summary and description since they'll be lost when $pkg->pack_header $installed_pkgs{my_fullname($pkg)} = { selected => 0, pkg => $pkg, summary => $pkg->summary, description => beautify_description($pkg->description) }; $pkg->pack_header; }); remove_wait_msg($w); (new urpm, \%installed_pkgs); } sub perform_removal { my ($urpm, $pkgs) = @_; my @toremove = grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %$pkgs; standalone::explanations("Removing package $_") foreach sort @toremove; slow_func(_("Please wait, removing packages..."), sub { $urpm->install('/', \@toremove, {}, {}) }); } # -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- main -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=- readconf; if (!member($MODE, @$already_splashed)) { interactive_msg('rpmdrake', _("%s Is it ok to continue?", $MODE eq 'remove' ? _("Welcome to the software removal tool! This tool will help you choose which software you want to remove from your computer.") : $MODE eq 'update' ? _("Welcome to MandrakeUpdate! This tool will help you choose the updates you want to install on your computer.") : _("Welcome to the software installation tool! Your Mandrake Linux system comes with several thousands of software packages on CDROM or DVD. This tool will help you choose which software you want to install on your computer.")) , { yesno => 1 }) or myexit -1; push @$already_splashed, $MODE; } if ($MODE eq 'remove') { run_treeview_dialog(sub { get_installed_pkgs }, \&perform_removal); } elsif ($MODE eq 'update') { run_treeview_dialog(sub { get_installable_pkgs(1, @_) }, \&perform_installation); } else { run_treeview_dialog(sub { get_installable_pkgs }, \&perform_installation); } writeconf; myexit 0;