path: root/edit-urpm-sources.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'edit-urpm-sources.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/edit-urpm-sources.pl b/edit-urpm-sources.pl
index 879f01b4..74351125 100755
--- a/edit-urpm-sources.pl
+++ b/edit-urpm-sources.pl
@@ -911,47 +911,6 @@ sub mainwindow {
- my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
- my @menu_actions = ([ 'update_source', N("Update medium") ], [ 'generate_hdlist', N("Regenerate hdlist") ]);
- foreach (@menu_actions) {
- my ($action, $text) = @$_;
- my $row;
- my $select_media = sub {
- $urpm->select_media($urpm->{media}[$row]{name});
- foreach (@{$urpm->{media}}) { #- force ignored media to be returned alive
- $_->{modified} and delete $_->{ignore};
- }
- };
- my %action2fun; %action2fun = (
- update_source => sub {
- slow_func(N("Please wait, updating media..."),
- sub { $urpm->update_media(noclean => 1, nolock => 1) });
- },
- generate_hdlist => sub {
- slow_func(N("Please wait, generating hdlist..."),
- sub { $urpm->update_media(noclean => 1, force => 1, nolock => 1) });
- },
- );
- $menu->append(
- gtksignal_connect(
- gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($text)),
- activate => sub {
- $row = selrow();
- $row == -1 and return;
- $select_media->();
- $action2fun{$action}->();
- },
- )
- );
- }
- $list_tv->signal_connect(
- button_press_event => sub {
- $_[1]->button == 3 or return 0;
- $menu->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, $_[1]->button, $_[1]->time);
- 1;
- }
- );
$reread_media = sub {
my ($name) = @_;
$reorder_ok = 0;