diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.org>2006-07-09 05:41:06 +0000
committerThierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.org>2006-07-09 05:41:06 +0000
commit8ba6a52aecf72a9925ad6318991a3186e3e0d5b1 (patch)
parent8148de3c4e45aa48dee8308f0f8d4b84d93767cf (diff)
- use a ComboBox instead of radio buttons *plus* a ComboBox for modes, thus
simplifying both the GUI and the code - add some more modes
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/rpmdrake b/rpmdrake
index 0a89e5fb..b66269b9 100755
--- a/rpmdrake
+++ b/rpmdrake
@@ -962,117 +962,60 @@ or you already installed all of them."));
- my @modes_buttons;
+ $compssUsers = parse_compssUsers_flat();
+ my %modes = (all => N("All"), installed => N("Installed"), non_installed => N("Non installed"),
+ mandrake_choices => $rpmdrake::branded ? N("%s choices", $rpmdrake::distrib{system}) : N("Mandriva Linux choices"),
+ if_(0, # let's keep the translated strings (to be resurected as sorting the treeview):
+ N("All packages, alphabetical"),
+ by_presence => N("All packages, by update availability"),
+ by_size => N("All packages, by size"),
+ by_selection => N("All packages, by selection state"),
+ by_leaves => N("Leaves only, sorted by install date"),
+ by_group => N("All packages, by group"),
+ ),
+ all_updates => N("All updates"), security => N("Security updates"), bugfix => N("Bugfixes updates"), normal => N("Normal updates")
+ );
+ my %default_mode = (install => 'all', # we want the new GUI by default instead of "non_installed"
+ remove => 'installed',
+ update => 'all_updates',
+ );
+ my %wanted_categories = (
+ all_updates => [ qw(security bugfix normal) ],
+ security => [ 'security' ],
+ bugfix => [ 'bugfix' ],
+ normal => [ 'normal' ],
+ );
my $reset_search;
- if ($MODE eq 'update') {
- $options->{state}{flat} = 0;
- my %toggle_infos = (security => N("Security updates"), bugfix => N("Bugfixes updates"), normal => N("Normal updates"));
- my @toggle_names_ordered = qw(security bugfix normal);
- @modes_buttons = map { Gtk2::CheckButton->new(but($toggle_infos{$_})) } @toggle_names_ordered;
- mapn {
- member($_[0], @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories) and $_[1]->set_active(1);
- my $capture_value = $_[0];
- $_[1]->signal_connect(
- clicked => sub {
- if ($_[0]->get_active) {
- push @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories, $capture_value;
- } else {
- @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories = difference2($mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories, [ $capture_value ]);
- }
- $reset_search->();
- $options->{rebuild_tree}->();
- },
- );
- } \@toggle_names_ordered, \@modes_buttons;
- } else {
- my %radios_infos = (
- mandrake_choices => {
- name => $rpmdrake::branded ? N("%s choices", $rpmdrake::distrib{system}) : N("Mandriva Linux choices"),
- flat => 0,
- },
- flat => { name => N("All packages, alphabetical"), flat => 1 },
- by => { name => '', flat => 0 },
- );
- my @radios_names_ordered = qw(mandrake_choices flat by);
- $compssUsers = parse_compssUsers_flat()
- or shift @radios_names_ordered;
- my @advanced_modes = (
- [ 'by_group', N("All packages, by group"), 0 ],
- [ 'by_size', N("All packages, by size"), 1 ],
- [ 'by_selection', N("All packages, by selection state"), 1 ],
- );
- if ($MODE eq 'install') {
- push @advanced_modes, (
- [ 'by_source', N("All packages, by medium repository"), 0 ],
- [ 'by_presence', N("All packages, by update availability"), 0 ],
- );
- }
- elsif ($MODE eq 'remove') {
- push @advanced_modes, [ 'by_leaves', N("Leaves only, sorted by install date"), 1 ];
- }
- my $default_radio = $options->{tree_mode} = 'mandrake_choices';
- if (member($tree_mode->[0], keys %radios_infos, map { $_->[0] } @advanced_modes)) {
- $default_radio = $options->{tree_mode} = $tree_mode->[0];
- $options->{state}{flat} = $tree_flat->[0];
- $default_radio =~ s/^by.*/by/;
- }
- @modes_buttons = gtkradio($radios_infos{$default_radio}{name}, map { $radios_infos{$_}{name} } @radios_names_ordered);
- mapn {
- my $capture_mode = $_[0];
- $capture_mode eq $tree_mode->[0] and $_[1]->set_active(1);
- $_[1]->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
- if ($options->{tree_mode} ne $capture_mode && $_[0]->get_active) {
- ($options->{tree_mode}, $options->{state}{flat}) = $capture_mode eq 'by'
- ? ($options->{tree_submode}, $options->{tree_subflat})
- : ($capture_mode, $radios_infos{$capture_mode}{flat});
- $tree_mode->[0] = $options->{tree_mode};
- $tree_flat->[0] = $options->{state}{flat};
- $reset_search->();
- $options->{rebuild_tree}->();
- }
- });
- } \@radios_names_ordered, \@modes_buttons;
+ my $cbox = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_strings([ @modes{ 'all', if_($compssUsers, 'mandrake_choices'),
+ qw(installed non_installed all_updates security bugfix normal)
+ } ],
+ $modes{$default_mode{$MODE} || 'all'}),
+ changed => sub {
+ my $val = $_[0]->get_text;
+ my %h = reverse %modes;
+ if (my @cat = $wanted_categories{$h{$val}}) {
+ @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories = @cat;
+ $reset_search->();
+ $options->{rebuild_tree}->();
+ }
+ $options->{state}{flat} = 0; # was 1 only for the "All packages, alphabetical", "All packages, by size", "All packages, by selection state", and "Leaves only, sorted by install date"
+ if ($options->{tree_mode} ne $val) {
+ ($options->{tree_mode}) = $val =~ /^by/ ?
+ $options->{tree_submode} : $val;
+ $tree_mode->[0] = $options->{tree_mode};
+ $tree_flat->[0] = $options->{state}{flat};
+ $reset_search->();
+ $options->{rebuild_tree}->();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ my $default_radio = $options->{tree_mode} = $MODE eq 'update' ? 'all_updates' : $options->{tree_mode} || $default_mode{$MODE} || 'mandrake_choices';
+ $cbox->set_text($modes{$default_radio});
my $radio_by;
- $options->{tree_submode} ||= $advanced_modes[0][0];
- $options->{tree_subflat} ||= $advanced_modes[0][2];
- each_index {
- if ($_ eq 'by') {
- $radio_by = $modes_buttons[$::i];
- $modes_buttons[$::i] = gtkpack(
- Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0),
- $modes_buttons[$::i],
- my $t = Gtk2::ComboBox->new
- );
- $t->set_model(Gtk2::ListStore->new('Glib::String'));
- my $search_types_renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
- $t->pack_start($search_types_renderer, Glib::FALSE());
- $t->set_attributes($search_types_renderer, text => 0);
- my $iter = $t->get_model->iter_nth_child(undef, 0);
- my $n = 0; my $active = 0;
- foreach my $m (@advanced_modes) {
- $m->[0] eq $tree_mode->[0] and $active = $n;
- $iter = $t->get_model->insert($n++);
- $t->get_model->set($iter, 0, $m->[1]);
- }
- $t->set_active($active);
- $options->{tree_submode} = $advanced_modes[$active][0];
- $options->{tree_subflat} = $advanced_modes[$active][2];
- $t->signal_connect(
- changed => sub {
- my $act = $t->get_active;
- $options->{tree_submode} = $advanced_modes[$act][0];
- $options->{tree_subflat} = $advanced_modes[$act][2];
- $radio_by->activate;
- },
- );
- }
- } @radios_names_ordered;
- }
+ $options->{tree_submode} ||= $default_radio;
+ $options->{tree_subflat} ||= $options->{state}{flat};
my @search_types = qw(normal descriptions files);
my $current_search_type = $search_types[0];
@@ -1165,9 +1108,9 @@ Is it ok to continue?",
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new(0, 0, 0);
- $table->attach(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0), @modes_buttons)),
+ $table->attach(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0), $cbox)),
0, 1, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
- $table->attach(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0), Gtk2::Label->new, @descr_modes)),
+ $table->attach(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), @descr_modes),
1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
my $hpaned = Gtk2::HPaned->new;