
# $Id$

#- Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Mandrakesoft (fpons@mandrakesoft.com)
#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#- any later version.
#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#- GNU General Public License for more details.
#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#- this program is based upon urpmi.

use strict;

use urpm;
use urpm::args;
use urpm::msg;
use MDK::Common;

#- default options.
$urpm::args::options = { use_provides => 1 };

our @files;
our @names;
our @src_names;

sub usage {
    print STDERR N("urpmq version %s
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Mandrakesoft.
This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

", $urpm::VERSION) . N("  --help         - print this help message.
") . N("  --update       - use only update media.
") . N("  --media        - use only the given media, separated by comma.
") . N("  --excludemedia - do not use the given media, separated by comma.
") . N("  --sortmedia    - sort media according to substrings separated by comma.
") . N("  --synthesis    - use the synthesis given instead of urpmi db.
") . N("  --auto-select  - automatically select packages to upgrade the system.
") . N("  --fuzzy        - impose fuzzy search (same as -y).
") . N("  --keep         - keep existing packages if possible, reject requested
                   packages that leads to remove.
") . N("  --list         - list available packages.
") . N("  --list-media   - list available media.
") . N("  --list-url     - list available media and their url.
") . N("  --dump-config  - dump the config in form of urpmi.addmedia argument.
") . N("  --list-nodes   - list available nodes when using --parallel.
") . N("  --list-aliases - list available parallel aliases.
") . N("  --src          - next package is a source package (same as -s).
") . N("  --headers      - extract headers for package listed from urpmi db to
                   stdout (root only).
") . N("  --sources      - give all source packages before downloading (root only).
") . N("  --force        - force invocation even if some packages do not exist.
") . N("  --parallel     - distributed urpmi across machines of alias.
") . N("  --use-distrib  - configure urpmi on the fly from a distrib tree.
                   This permit to querying a distro.
") . N("  --wget         - use wget to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --curl         - use curl to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --proxy        - use specified HTTP proxy, the port number is assumed
                   to be 1080 by default (format is <proxyhost[:port]>).
") . N("  --proxy-user   - specify user and password to use for proxy
                   authentication (format is <user:password>).
") . N("  --env          - use specific environment (typically a bug
") . N("  --changelog    - print changelog.
") . N("  -v             - verbose mode.
") . N("  -d             - extend query to package dependencies.
") . N("  -u             - remove package if a more recent version is already installed.
") . N("  -a             - select all matches on command line.
") . N("  -c             - complete output with package to be removed.
") . N("  -p             - search in provides to find package.
") . N("  -P             - do not search in provides to find package (default).
") . N("  -R             - reverse search to what requires package.
") . N("  -y             - impose fuzzy search (same as --fuzzy).
") . N("  -Y             - like -y, but forces to match case-insensitively.
") . N("  -s             - next package is a source package (same as --src).
") . N("  -i             - print useful information in human readable form.
") . N("  -g             - print groups with name also.
") . N("  -r             - print version and release with name also.
") . N("  -f             - print version, release and arch with name.
") . N("  -l             - list files in package.
") . "\n" . N("  names or rpm files given on command line are queried.

#- parse arguments list.
@ARGV or usage;
my $urpm = new urpm;
urpm::args::parse_cmdline(urpm => $urpm);

#- remove verbose if not asked.
$urpm::args::options{verbose} or $urpm->{log} = sub {};

#- improve speed if using any list_... options.
$urpm::args::options{nodepslist} = $urpm::args::options{list_aliases}
				|| $urpm::args::options{list_nodes}
				|| $urpm::args::options{list_media}
				|| $urpm::args::options{dump_config}
				|| $urpm::args::options{list_url};

if ($urpm::args::options{env}) {
    print STDERR N("using specific environment on %s\n", $urpm::args::options{env});
    #- setting new environment.
    $urpm->{config} = "$urpm::args::options{env}/urpmi.cfg";
    $urpm->{skiplist} = "$urpm::args::options{env}/skip.list";
    $urpm->{instlist} = "$urpm::args::options{env}/inst.list";
    $urpm->{statedir} = $urpm::args::options{env};

$urpm::args::options{upgrade} && !$urpm::args::options{env} and $urpm->shlock_rpm_db;
    nocheck_access => 1,
    noskipping => $urpm::args::options{nodepslist},
    noinstalling => $urpm::args::options{nodepslist},
    nodepslist => $urpm::args::options{nodepslist},
    media => $urpm::args::options{media},
    excludemedia => $urpm::args::options{excludemedia},
    sortmedia => $urpm::args::options{sortmedia},
    synthesis => $urpm::args::options{synthesis},
    update => $urpm::args::options{update},
    skip => $urpm::args::options{skip},
    root => $urpm::args::options{root},
    parallel => $urpm::args::options{parallel},
    usedistrib => $urpm::args::options{usedistrib},

my $state = {};
my %requested;

if ($urpm::args::options{list_aliases}) {
    local $_;
    open my $parallelfh, "/etc/urpmi/parallel.cfg";
    while (<$parallelfh>) {
	chomp; s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
	    and print "$1\n";
    close $parallelfh;
} elsif ($urpm::args::options{list_nodes}) {
    $urpm::args::options{parallel} or $urpm->{fatal}(1, N("--list-nodes can only be used with --parallel"));
    foreach (keys %{$urpm->{parallel_handler}{nodes} || {}}) {
	print "$_\n";
    exit 0;
} elsif ($urpm::args::options{list_media} || $urpm::args::options{list_url}) {
    foreach (@{$urpm->{media}}) {
	print $_->{name} . ($urpm::args::options{list_url} ? " $_->{url}" : "") . "\n";
    exit 0;
} elsif ($urpm::args::options{dump_config}) {
   foreach (@{$urpm->{media}}) {
	$_->{update} and print "--update ";
	$_->{virtual} and print "--virtual ";
	$_->{synthesis} and print "--synthesis ";
	print "$_->{name} ";
	print "$_->{url} ";
	print $_->{with_hdlist} ? "with $_->{with_hdlist}" : "";
	print "\n";
   exit 0;
} elsif ($urpm::args::options{list}) {
    # --list lists all available packages: select them all
    @{$state->{selected}}{0 .. $#{$urpm->{depslist}}} = ();
} else {
    %requested = $urpm->register_rpms(@files);

    #- search the packages according to the selection given by the user.
    if (@names) {
	    [ @names ],
	    use_provides => $urpm::args::options{use_provides},
	    fuzzy => $urpm::args::options{fuzzy},
	    caseinsensitive => $urpm::args::options{caseinsensitive},
	    all => $urpm::args::options{all},
	) or $urpm::args::options{force}
	    or exit 1;
    if (@src_names) {
	    [ @src_names ],
	    use_provides => $urpm::args::options{use_provides},
	    fuzzy => $urpm::args::options{fuzzy},
	    caseinsensitive => $urpm::args::options{caseinsensitive},
	    src => 1,
	) or $urpm::args::options{force}
	    or exit 1;

    #- keep track of choices, don't propagate but mark them selected.
    my $stop_on_choices = sub {
	my (undef, undef, $state_, $choices) = @_;
	$state_->{selected}{join '|', sort { $a <=> $b } map { $_ ? $_->id : () } @$choices} = 0;
    #- open/close of database should be moved here, in order to allow testing
    #- some bogus case and check for integrity. (note auto_select implies upgrade).
    if ($urpm::args::options{what_requires}) {
	#- search for packages that require one of the proposed packages.
	my (@properties, %requires, %properties, $dep);

	#- keep in mind the requested id (if given) in order to prefer these packages
	#- on choices instead of anything other one.
	@properties = keys %requested;

	if (@properties) {
	    require URPM::Resolve;

	    #- build a requires to packages id hash.
	    foreach my $pkg (@{$urpm->{depslist}}) {
		foreach ($pkg->requires_nosense) {
		    $requires{$_}{$pkg->id} = undef;

	    #- for each dep property evaluated, examine which package will be obsoleted on $db,
	    #- then examine provides that will be removed (which need to be satisfied by another
	    #- package present or by a new package to upgrade), then requires not satisfied and
	    #- finally conflicts that will force a new upgrade or a remove.
	    while (defined ($dep = shift @properties)) {
		#- take the best package for each choices of same name.
		my $packages = $urpm->find_candidate_packages($dep);
		foreach (values %$packages) {
		    my ($best_requested, $best);
		    foreach (@$_) {
			if ($best_requested || exists $requested{$_->id}) {
			    if ($best_requested && $best_requested != $_) {
				$_->compare_pkg($best_requested) > 0 and $best_requested = $_;
			    } else {
				$best_requested = $_;
			} elsif ($best && $best != $_) {
			    $_->compare_pkg($best) > 0 and $best = $_;
			} else {
			    $best = $_;

		    #- examine all proposed choices.
		    my $pkg = $best_requested || $best or next;
		    exists $state->{selected}{$pkg->id} and next;
		    $state->{selected}{$pkg->id} = undef;

		    #- for all provides of package, look up what is requiring them.
		    foreach ($pkg->provides) {
			if (my ($n, $s) = /^([^\s\[]*)(?:\[\*\])?\[?([^\s\]]*\s*[^\s\]]*)/) {
			    foreach (map { $urpm->{depslist}[$_] }
				     grep { ! exists $state->{selected}{$_} && ! exists $properties{$_} }
				     keys %{$requires{$n} || {}}) {
				if (grep { URPM::ranges_overlap("$n $s", $_) } $_->requires) {
				    push @properties, $_->id;
				    $properties{$_->id} = undef;
    } elsif ($urpm::args::options{auto_select} || $urpm::args::options{upgrade}) {
	$urpm->resolve_dependencies($state, \%requested,
				    keep => $urpm::args::options{keep},
				    rpmdb => $urpm::args::options{env} && "$urpm::args::options{env}/rpmdb.cz",
				    auto_select => $urpm::args::options{auto_select},
				    callback_choices => $stop_on_choices);
	$urpm::args::options{deps} or delete @{$state->{selected}}{grep { exists $state->{selected}{$_} &&
								  ! defined $state->{selected}{$_} } keys %{$state->{selected}}};
    } elsif ($urpm::args::options{deps}) {
	#- only deps required.
	my $empty_db = new URPM; #- URPM has same methods as URPM::DB and empty URPM will be seen as empty URPM::DB.
	require URPM::Resolve;
	$urpm->resolve_requested($empty_db, $state, \%requested, callback_choices => $stop_on_choices, nodeps => 1);
    } else {
	$state->{selected} = \%requested;

    if ($urpm::args::options{headers}
	|| $urpm::args::options{sources}
	|| $urpm::args::options{info}
	|| $urpm::args::options{list_files}
	|| $urpm::args::options{changelog})
	my ($local_sources, $list) = $urpm->get_source_packages($state->{selected});

	if ($urpm::args::options{headers}) {
	    #- now examine source package to build headers list to extract.
	    unless ($local_sources || $list) {
		$urpm->{fatal}(1, N("unable to get source packages, aborting"));
	    values %$local_sources and system 'rpm2header', values %$local_sources;
	    foreach (0..$#{$urpm->{media} || []}) {
		my @headers = (grep { my $file = "$urpm->{cachedir}/headers/$_";
				      -s $file and system 'cat', $file;
				      ! -s $file }
			       map { m|(.*)/([^/]*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)\.([^\.]*)\.rpm| and "$2-$3-$4.$5" } values %{$list->[$_]});
		@headers > 0 or next;

		if (-s "$urpm->{statedir}/$urpm->{media}[$_]{hdlist}") {
		    require packdrake;
		    my $packer = new packdrake(
				$urpm->{media}[$_]{virtual} ?
				("$urpm->{media}[$_]{url}/$urpm->{media}[$_]{with_hdlist}" =~ m!^(?:file:/*)?(/[^/].*)!)[0] :
		    $packer->extract_archive(undef, @headers);
		} else {
		    #- fallback to retrieve rpm package before, so that --headers will be ok.
		    my %downloads = $urpm->download_source_packages({}, $list, force_local => 1);
		    system "rpm2header", values %downloads;
	} elsif ($urpm::args::options{info} || $urpm::args::options{list_files} || $urpm::args::options{changelog}) {
	    my %downloads;
	    # get descriptions of update sources
	    my $updates_descr = $urpm->urpm::get_updates_description;
	    # if not root, use a temporary directory to store headers
	    $< != 0 and my $tmp_header_dir = chomp_(`mktemp -d /tmp/urpmq.XXXXXX`);
	    foreach (0..$#{$urpm->{media} || []}) {
		if ($urpm->{media}[$_]{synthesis}) {
		    $urpm->{log}->(N("skipping media %s: no hdlist\n", $urpm->{media}[$_]{name}));
		if (my @headers = (grep { ! -s "$urpm->{cachedir}/headers/$_" }
			map { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_];
			    $pkg && $pkg->header_filename } keys %{$list->[$_]}))
		    if (-s "$urpm->{statedir}/$urpm->{media}[$_]{hdlist}") {
			require packdrake;
			my $packer = new packdrake(
				$urpm->{media}[$_]{virtual} ?
				("$urpm->{media}[$_]{url}/$urpm->{media}[$_]{with_hdlist}" =~ m!^(?:file:/*)?(/[^/].*)!)[0] :
			$packer->extract_archive($< == 0  ? "$urpm->{cachedir}/headers" : $tmp_header_dir, @headers);
		    } elsif (!%downloads) {
			#- fallback to retrieve rpm package before, so that --headers will be ok.
			%downloads = $urpm->download_source_packages({}, $list, force_local => 1);
	    foreach (keys %{$state->{selected}}) {
		foreach (split /\|/, $_) {
		    my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_] or next;
		    my $file = $local_sources->{$_} || $downloads{$_} || "$urpm->{cachedir}/headers/".$pkg->header_filename;
		    if (-s $file) {
			$pkg->update_header($file, keep_all_tags => 1);
		    } elsif ($< != 0) {
			$pkg->update_header("$tmp_header_dir/".$pkg->header_filename, keep_all_tags => 1);
			unlink "$tmp_header_dir/".$pkg->header_filename;
		    if ($urpm::args::options{info})  {
			printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Name", $pkg->name;
			printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Version", $pkg->version;
			printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Release", $pkg->release;
			printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Group", $pkg->group;
			printf "%-12s: %-28s %12s: %s\n", "Size", $pkg->size, "Architecture", $pkg->arch;
			if ($pkg->sourcerpm || $pkg->buildhost) {
			    if ($pkg->sourcerpm && $pkg->buildhost) {
				printf "%-12s: %-28s %12s: %s\n", "Source RPM", $pkg->sourcerpm, "Build Host", $pkg->buildhost;
			    } elsif ($pkg->sourcerpm) {
				$pkg->sourcerpm and printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Source RPM", $pkg->sourcerpm;
			    } else {
				$pkg->sourcerpm and printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Build Host", $pkg->buildhost;
			$pkg->packager and printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Packager", $pkg->packager;
			$pkg->url and printf "%-12s: %s\n", "URL", $pkg->url;
			$pkg->summary and printf "%-12s: %s\n", "Summary", $pkg->summary;
			my $updesc = $updates_descr->{$pkg->name};
			$pkg->description && !$updesc->{description} and printf "%-12s:\n%s\n", "Description", $pkg->description;
			if ($updesc) {
			    $updesc->{description} and printf "%-12s:\n%s\n", "Description", $updesc->{description};
			    $updesc->{updated} and printf "%-20s: %s\n", "Last updated", $updesc->{updated};
			    $updesc->{importance} and printf "%-20s: %s\n", "Update importance", $updesc->{importance};
			    $updesc->{pre} and printf "%-20s:\n%s\n", "Reason for update", $updesc->{pre};
		    if ($urpm::args::options{list_files}) {
			if ($pkg->files) {
			    print join("\n", $pkg->files)."\n";
			} else {
			    print STDERR N("No filelist found\n");
		    if ($urpm::args::options{changelog}) {
			if ($pkg->changelog_time && $pkg->changelog_name && $pkg->changelog_text) {
			    print join("\n", mapn {
				    "* ".urpm::msg::localtime2changelog($_[0])." $_[1]\n\n$_[2]\n"
				} [ $pkg->changelog_time ], [ $pkg->changelog_name ], [ $pkg->changelog_text ]
			} else {
			    print STDERR N("No changelog found\n");
	    -d $tmp_header_dir and rmdir $tmp_header_dir;
	} elsif ($urpm::args::options{sources}) {
	    print join "\n", values %$local_sources; values %$local_sources and print "\n";
	    foreach (0..$#{$urpm->{media} || []}) {
		print join "\n", values %{$list->[$_]}; values %{$list->[$_]} and print "\n";
	exit 0;
$urpm::args::options{upgrade} && !$urpm::args::options{env} and $urpm->unlock_rpm_db;

#- print sub for query.
my $query_sub = sub {
    my ($id) = @_;
    my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$id];
    my $str = '';
    $urpm::args::options{group} and $str .= $pkg->group . '/';
    $str .= $pkg->name;
    $urpm::args::options{version} and $str .= '-' . $pkg->version;
    $urpm::args::options{release} and $str .= '-' . $pkg->release;
    $urpm::args::options{arch} and $str .= '.' . $pkg->arch;

my %hack_only_one;
if ($urpm::args::options{complete}) {
    foreach my $removal (grep { $state->{rejected}{$_}{removed} && !$state->{rejected}{$_}{obsoleted} }
			 keys %{$state->{rejected} || {}}) {
	print '@removing@' . $removal . "\n";
    foreach my $selected (values %{$state->{selected} || {}}) {
	if (ref($selected) eq 'HASH' && ref($selected->{unsatisfied}) eq 'ARRAY') {
	    foreach (@{$selected->{unsatisfied}}) {
		exists $hack_only_one{$_} and next;
		print '@unsatisfied@' . $_ . "\n";
		$hack_only_one{$_} = undef;
foreach my $id (sort { eval { $urpm->{depslist}[$a]->name cmp $urpm->{depslist}[$b]->name } || $a <=> $b }
		$state->{selected} ? keys %{$state->{selected}} : keys %requested) {
    my $class = $state->{selected}{$id} || $requested{$id};
    if (ref($class) eq 'ARRAY') {
	foreach my $choices (@{$class || []}) {
	    exists $hack_only_one{$choices} and next;
	    print join('|', map { $query_sub->($_) } @$choices), "\n";
	    $hack_only_one{$choices} = undef;
    } else {
	print join('|', map { $query_sub->($_) } split '\|', $id), "\n";