
# $Id$

#- Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA
#- Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Mandriva SA
#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#- any later version.
#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#- GNU General Public License for more details.
#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

use strict;
use urpm;
use urpm::args;
use urpm::msg;
use urpm::download ();
use urpm::cfg;
use urpm::media;
use urpm::util 'member';

sub usage {
    my $m = shift;
    my $usage =
      #-PO: The URI types strings 'file:', 'ftp:', 'http:', and 'removable:' must not be translated!
      #-PO: neither the ``with''.  Only what is between <brackets> can be translated.
      N("usage: urpmi.addmedia [options] <name> <url>
where <url> is one of

and [options] are from
") . N("  --help         - print this help message.
") . N("  --wget         - use wget to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --curl         - use curl to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --prozilla     - use prozilla to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --limit-rate   - limit the download speed.
") . N("  --proxy        - use specified HTTP proxy, the port number is assumed
                   to be 1080 by default (format is <proxyhost[:port]>).
") . N("  --proxy-user   - specify user and password to use for proxy
                   authentication (format is <user:password>).
") . N("  --update       - create an update medium.
") . N("  --xml-info     - use the specific policy for downloading xml info files
                   one of: never, on-demand, update-only, always. cf urpmi.cfg(5)
") . N("  --probe-synthesis - use synthesis file.
") . N("  --probe-rpms   - use rpm files (instead of synthesis).
") . N("  --no-probe     - do not try to find any synthesis file.
") . N("  --urpmi-root   - use another root for urpmi db & rpm installation.
") . N("  --distrib      - automatically create all media from an installation
") . N("  --interactive  - with --distrib, ask confirmation for each media
") . N("  --all-media    - with --distrib, add every listed media
") . N("  --from         - use specified url for list of mirrors, the default is
", $urpm::cfg::mirrors) . N("  --virtual      - create virtual media wich are always up-to-date,
                   only file:// protocol is allowed.
") . N("  --no-md5sum    - disable MD5SUM file checking.
") . N("  --nopubkey     - don't import pubkey of added media
") . N("  --raw          - add the media in config, but don't update it.
") . N("  -c             - clean headers cache directory.
") . N("  -q             - quiet mode.
") . N("  -v             - verbose mode.
    print($m ? "$usage\n$m" : $usage);
    exit 1;

$ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin";

#- parse /etc/urpmi/mirror.config if present, or use default mdk mirror.
#- the --from option overrides this setting.
if ($options{mirrors_url}) {
    $urpm::cfg::mirrors = $options{mirrors_url};
} else {
$options{force} = 0;
my $urpm = urpm->new_parse_cmdline or usage();

if ($options{'xml-info'}) {
    member($options{'xml-info'}, urpm::xml_info_policies()) or die N("known xml-info policies are %s", join(', ', urpm::xml_info_policies())) . "\n";

our ($name, $url, $with, $relative_synthesis) = our @cmdline;

$options{quiet} = 1 if $options{verbose} < 0;

$url or ($url, $name) = ($name, '');
$url =~ m,^(([^:]*):/)?/, or die N("bad <url> (for local directory, the path must be absolute)") . "\n";

if ($< != 0) {
    $urpm->{fatal}(1, N("Only superuser is allowed to add media"));
if (!-e $urpm->{config}) {
    $urpm->{log}(N("creating config file [%s]", $urpm->{config}));
    open my $_f, '>', $urpm->{config} or $urpm->{fatal}(6, N("Can't create config file [%s]", $urpm->{config}));
my $_urpmi_lock = urpm::lock::urpmi_db($urpm, 'exclusive', wait => $options{wait_lock});

my $ok = 1;
if ($options{distrib}) {
    $with || $relative_synthesis
	and usage N("no need to give <relative path of synthesis> with --distrib");

    my $add_media_callback = $options{interactive} ?
	sub {
	    my ($medianame, $add_by_default) = @_;
	    my $yesexpr = N("Yy");
	    $add_by_default = 1 if $options{allmedia};
	    my $answer = message_input_(
		N("\nDo you want to add media '%s'", $medianame) . ($add_by_default ? N(" (Y/n) ") : N(" (y/N) ")),
		boolean => 1,
	    return $answer ? $answer =~ /[$yesexpr]/ : $add_by_default;
	} : $options{allmedia} ? sub {
	} : undef;

	virtual => $options{virtual},
	update => $options{update},
	probe_with => $options{probe_with},
	nolock => $options{nolock},
	ask_media => $add_media_callback,
	'xml-info' => $options{'xml-info'},
    $ok = urpm::media::update_media($urpm, %options, 
			      quiet => $options{verbose} < 0,		      
			      callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);
} else {
    $name or usage();

    if ($with eq "with") {
	$relative_synthesis or usage N("<relative path of synthesis> missing\n");
    if ($options{probe_with} && $options{probe_with} eq 'rpms' && !urpm::file_from_local_url($url)) {
	die N("Can't use %s with remote medium", "--probe-rpms");

	$name, $url, $relative_synthesis,
	virtual => $options{virtual},
	update => $options{update},
	ignore => $options{raw},
	nolock => $options{nolock},
	'xml-info' => $options{'xml-info'},
    if ($options{raw}) {
    } else {
	local $SIG{INT} = sub {
	    my $medium = urpm::media::name2medium($urpm, $name);
	    remove_failed($urpm, $medium) if $medium && $medium->{modified};
	$ok = urpm::media::update_media($urpm, %options, 
				  quiet => $options{verbose} < 0,
				  callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);

#- try to umount removable devices which may have been mounted.

exit($ok ? 0 : 1);

# vim:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4