
#- Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft (fpons@mandrakesoft.com)
#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#- any later version.
#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#- GNU General Public License for more details.
#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#- this program is based upon old urpmi.addmedia

#use strict qw(subs vars refs);
use urpm;

#- get I18N translation method.
import urpm _;

sub main {
    my ($name, $url, $with, $relative_hdlist, %options);
    my $usage = _("usage: urpmi.addmedia [options] <name> <url> [with <relative_path>]
where <url> is one of
       ftp://<login>:<password>@<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>
       ftp://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>
       http://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>

and [options] are from
") . _("  -c             - clean headers cache directory.
") . _("  -h             - try to find and use synthesis or hdlist file.
") . _("  -f             - force generation of hdlist files.
") . _("  --wget         - use wget to retrieve distant files.
") . _("  --curl         - use curl to retrieve distant files.
") . _("  --proxy        - use specified HTTP proxy, the port number is assumed
                   to be 1080 by default (format is <proxyhost[:port]>).
") . _("  --proxy-user   - specify user and password to use for proxy
                   authentication (format is <user:password>).
") . _("  --update       - create an update medium.
") . _("  --distrib      - automatically create all media from an installation medium.

    $options{force} = 0;
    $options{noclean} = 1;
    my $urpm = new urpm;
    while ($_ = shift @_) {
	/^--?c/ and $options{noclean} = 0, next;
	/^--?h/ and $options{probe_with_hdlist} = 1, next;
	/^--?f/ and ++$options{force}, next;
	/^--wget/ and $urpm->{sync} = sub { my $options = shift @_;
					    if (ref $options) { $options->{prefer} = 'wget' }
					    else { $options = { dir => $options, prefer => 'wget' } }
					    urpm::sync_webfetch($options, @_) }, next;
	/^--curl/ and $urpm->{sync} = \&urpm::sync_webfetch, next;
	/^--proxy$/ and do {
	    my ($proxy, $port) = ($_ = shift @_) =~ m,^(http://[^:]+(:\d+)?)/*$, or
		die _("bad proxy declaration on command line\n");
	    $proxy .= ":1080" unless $port;
	    $urpm->{proxy}{http_proxy} = $proxy;
	/^--proxy-user$/ and do {
	    ($_ = shift @_) =~ /(.+):(.+)/, or
		die _("bad proxy declaration on command line\n");
	    $urpm->{proxy}->{user} = $1;
	    $urpm->{proxy}->{pwd} = $2;
	/^--distrib$/ and $options{distrib} = 1, next;
	/^--update$/ and $options{update} = 1, next;
	/^-/ and die $usage . _("\nunknown options '%s'\n", $_);
	($name, $url, $with, $relative_hdlist) = ($_, @_);
    #- allow not to give name immediately.
    $url or ($url, $name) = ($name, '');
    my ($type) = $url =~ m,^([^:]*)://, or die $usage;


    if ($options{distrib}) {
	$with || $relative_hdlist and die _("%s\nno need to give <relative path of hdlist> with --distrib", $usage);

	$urpm->add_distrib_media($name, $url, update => $options{update});

	if (my @unsynced_media = grep { $_->{modified} } @{$urpm->{media}}) {
	    die join("\n", map { _("unable to update medium \"%s\"\n", $_->{name}) } @unsynced_media);
    } else {
	$name or die $usage;

	if ($with eq "with") {
	    $relative_hdlist or die _("%s\n<relative path of hdlist> missing\n", $usage);
	} elsif ($type =~ /ftp|http/) {
	    $options{probe_with_hdlist} || $with eq "with" or die _("%s\n`with' missing for ftp media\n", $usage);

	$urpm->add_medium($name, $url, $relative_hdlist, update => $options{update});

	#- check creation of media (during update has been successfull)
	my ($medium) = grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @{$urpm->{media}};
	$medium or die _("unable to create medium \"%s\"\n", $name);
	$medium->{modified} and die _("unable to update medium \"%s\"\n", $name);
