package urpm::xml_info; use strict; use XML::LibXML::Reader; =head1 NAME urpm::xml_info - XML data manipulation related routines for urpmi =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =over =cut # throw an exception on error sub get_nodes { my ($xml_info, $xml_info_file, $fullnames) = @_; my $get_one_node = _get_one_node($xml_info); _get_xml_info_nodes($xml_info_file, $get_one_node, $fullnames); } # throw an exception on error sub do_something_with_nodes { my ($xml_info, $xml_info_file, $do, $o_wanted_attributes) = @_; my $get_one_node = _get_one_node($xml_info, $o_wanted_attributes); _do_something_with_xml_info_nodes($xml_info_file, $get_one_node, $do); } sub open_lzma { my ($xml_info_file) = @_; $xml_info_file =~ s/'/'\\''/g; open(my $F, "xz -dc '$xml_info_file' |"); $F; } ################################################################################ sub _open_xml_reader { my ($xml_info_file) = @_; my $reader = new XML::LibXML::Reader(IO => open_lzma($xml_info_file), huge => 1) or die "cannot read $xml_info_file\n"; $reader->read; $reader->name eq 'media_info' or die "global <media_info> tag not found\n"; $reader->read; # first tag $reader; } sub _get_all_attributes { my ($reader) = @_; my %entry; $reader->moveToFirstAttribute; do { $entry{$reader->name} = $reader->value; } while $reader->moveToNextAttribute == 1; \%entry; } sub _get_attributes { my ($reader, $o_wanted_attributes) = @_; if ($o_wanted_attributes) { my %entry = map { $_ => $reader->getAttribute($_) } @$o_wanted_attributes; \%entry; } else { _get_all_attributes($reader); } } sub _get_simple_value_node { my ($value_name, $o_wanted_attributes) = @_; sub { my ($reader) = @_; my $entry = _get_attributes($reader, $o_wanted_attributes); $reader->read; # get value $entry->{$value_name} = $reader->value; $entry->{$value_name} =~ s/^\n//; $reader->read; # close tag $reader->read; # open next tag $entry; }; } sub _get_changelog_node { my ($reader, $fn) = @_; $reader->nextElement('log'); # get first <log> my @changelogs; my $time; while ($time = $reader->getAttribute('time')) { push @changelogs, my $e = { time => $time }; $reader->nextElement('log_name'); $reader->read; $e->{name} = $reader->value; $reader->nextElement('log_text'); $reader->read; $e->{text} = $reader->value; $reader->read; # </log_text> $reader->read; # </log> $reader->read; # <log> $reader->read if $reader->readState != 0; # there may be SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE between </log_text> and </log> } { fn => $fn, changelogs => \@changelogs }; } sub _get_one_node { my ($xml_info, $o_wanted_attributes) = @_; if ($xml_info eq 'changelog') { \&_get_changelog_node; } elsif ($xml_info eq 'info') { _get_simple_value_node('description', $o_wanted_attributes); } else { _get_simple_value_node('files', $o_wanted_attributes); } } sub _get_xml_info_nodes { my ($xml_info_file, $get_node, $fullnames) = @_; my $fullnames_re = '^(' . join('|', map { quotemeta $_ } @$fullnames) . ')$'; my %todo = map { $_ => 1 } @$fullnames; my %nodes; _iterate_on_nodes($xml_info_file, sub { my ($reader, $fn) = @_; if ($fn =~ /$fullnames_re/) { $nodes{$fn} = $get_node->($reader); delete $todo{$fn}; keys(%todo) == 0; } else { $reader->next; 0; } }); %todo and die "could not find " . join(', ', keys %todo) . " in $xml_info_file\n"; %nodes; } sub _do_something_with_xml_info_nodes { my ($xml_info_file, $get_node, $do) = @_; _iterate_on_nodes($xml_info_file, sub { my ($reader, $fn) = @_; my $h = $get_node->($reader, $fn); # will read until closing tag $do->($h); 0; }); } sub _iterate_on_nodes { my ($xml_info_file, $do) = @_; my $reader = _open_xml_reader($xml_info_file); my $fn; while ($fn = $reader->getAttribute('fn')) { $do->($reader, $fn) and return; # $do must go to next node otherwise it loops! } $reader->readState == 3 || $reader->name eq 'media_info' or die qq(missing attribute "fn" in tag ") . $reader->name . qq("\n); } 1; =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005 MandrakeSoft SA Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Mandriva SA Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Mageia =cut