package urpm::main_loop;

# $Id$

#- Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA
#- Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA
#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#- any later version.
#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#- GNU General Public License for more details.
#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

use strict;
use urpm;
use urpm::args;
use urpm::msg;
use urpm::install;
use urpm::media;
use urpm::select;
use urpm::get_pkgs;
use urpm::signature;
use urpm::util qw(untaint difference2 intersection member partition);

# locking is left to callers
sub run {
    my ($urpm, $state, $something_was_to_be_done, $ask_unselect, $requested, $callbacks) = @_;

    #- global boolean options
    my ($auto_select, $no_install, $install_src, $clean, $noclean, $force, $parallel, $test, $env) =
      ($::auto_select, $::no_install, $::install_src, $::clean, $::noclean, $::force, $::parallel, $::test, $::env);

    urpm::get_pkgs::clean_all_cache($urpm) if $clean;

my ($local_sources, $list) = urpm::get_pkgs::selected2list($urpm,
    clean_other => !$noclean && $urpm->{options}{'pre-clean'},
unless ($local_sources || $list) {
    $urpm->{fatal}(3, N("unable to get source packages, aborting"));

my %sources = %$local_sources;
my %error_sources;

urpm::removable::try_mounting_non_cdroms($urpm, $list);

$callbacks->{pre_removable} and $callbacks->{pre_removable}->();
    $list, \%sources,
$callbacks->{post_removable} and $callbacks->{post_removable}->();

#- now create transaction just before installation, this will save user impression of slowness.
#- split of transaction should be disabled if --test is used.
urpm::install::build_transaction_set_($urpm, $state,
			  rpmdb => $env && "$env/",
			  nodeps => $urpm->{options}{'allow-nodeps'} || $urpm->{options}{'allow-force'},
			  keep => $urpm->{options}{keep},
			  split_level => $urpm->{options}{'split-level'},
			  split_length => !$test && $urpm->{options}{'split-length'});

    if ($options{debug__do_not_install}) {
	$urpm->{debug} = sub { print STDERR "$_[0]\n" };

$urpm->{debug} and $urpm->{debug}(join("\n", "scheduled sets of transactions:", 
				       urpm::install::transaction_set_to_string($urpm, $state->{transaction} || [])));

$options{debug__do_not_install} and exit 0;

my ($ok, $nok) = (0, 0);
my @errors;

foreach my $set (@{$state->{transaction} || []}) {
    my (@transaction_list, %transaction_sources);

    #- put a blank line to separate with previous transaction or user question.
    print "\n" if $options{verbose} >= 0;

    #- prepare transaction...
    urpm::install::prepare_transaction($urpm, $set, $list, \%sources, \@transaction_list, \%transaction_sources);

    #- first, filter out what is really needed to download for this small transaction.
	quiet => $options{verbose} < 0,
	callback => $callbacks->{trans_log},
    $callbacks->{post_download} and $callbacks->{post_download}->();
    my %transaction_sources_install = %{$urpm->extract_packages_to_install(\%transaction_sources, $state) || {}};
    $callbacks->{post_extract} and $callbacks->{post_extract}->($set, \%transaction_sources, \%transaction_sources_install);

    if (!$force && ($urpm->{options}{'verify-rpm'} || grep { $_->{'verify-rpm'} } @{$urpm->{media}})) {
        $callbacks->{pre_check_sig} and $callbacks->{pre_check_sig}->();
        # CHECK ME: rpmdrake passed "basename => 1" option:
	my @bad_signatures = urpm::signature::check($urpm, \%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources,
                                                 callback => $callbacks->{check_sig}

	if (@bad_signatures) {
	    my $msg = @bad_signatures == 1 ?
	    	N("The following package has bad signature")
		: N("The following packages have bad signatures");
	    my $msg2 = N("Do you want to continue installation ?");
	    my $p = join "\n", @bad_signatures;
	    $callbacks->{bad_signature}->("$msg:\n$p\n", $msg2);

    #- install source package only (whatever the user is root or not, but use rpm for that).
    if ($install_src) {
	if (my @l = grep { /\.src\.rpm$/ } values %transaction_sources_install, values %transaction_sources) {
	    my $rpm_opt = $options{verbose} >= 0 ? 'vh' : '';
	    system("rpm", "-i$rpm_opt", @l, ($urpm->{root} ? ("--root", $urpm->{root}) : @{[]}));
	    #- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
	    if ($?) {
		print N("Installation failed"), "\n";
	    } elsif ($urpm->{options}{'post-clean'}) {
		if (my @tmp_srpm = grep { urpm::is_temporary_file($urpm, $_) } @l) {
		    $urpm->{log}(N("removing installed rpms (%s)", join(' ', @tmp_srpm)));
		    unlink @tmp_srpm;

    next if $no_install;

    #- clean to remove any src package now.
    foreach (\%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources) {
	foreach my $id (keys %$_) {
	    my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$id] or next;
	    $pkg->arch eq 'src' and delete $_->{$id};

    if (keys(%transaction_sources_install) || keys(%transaction_sources)) {
	if ($parallel) {
	    print N("distributing %s", join(' ', values %transaction_sources_install, values %transaction_sources)), "\n";
	    #- no remove are handle here, automatically done by each distant node.
	    $urpm->{log}("starting distributed install");
		[ keys %{$state->{rejected} || {}} ], \%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources,
		test => $test,
		excludepath => $urpm->{options}{excludepath}, excludedocs => $urpm->{options}{excludedocs},
	} else {
	    if ($options{verbose} >= 0) {
		my @packnames = (values %transaction_sources_install, values %transaction_sources);
		(my $common_prefix) = $packnames[0] =~ m!^(.*)/!;
		if (length($common_prefix) && @packnames == grep { m!^\Q$common_prefix/! } @packnames) {
		    #- there's a common prefix, simplify message
		    print N("installing %s from %s", join(' ', map { s!.*/!!; $_ } @packnames), $common_prefix), "\n";
		} else {
		    print N("installing %s", join "\n", @packnames), "\n";
	    my $to_remove = $urpm->{options}{'allow-force'} ? [] : $set->{remove} || [];
	    bug_log(scalar localtime(), " ", join(' ', values %transaction_sources_install, values %transaction_sources), "\n");
	    $urpm->{log}("starting installing packages");
	    my %install_options_common = (
		test => $test,
		verbose => $options{verbose},
		excludepath => $urpm->{options}{excludepath},
		excludedocs => $urpm->{options}{excludedocs},
		repackage   => $urpm->{options}{repackage},
		post_clean_cache => $urpm->{options}{'post-clean'},
		oldpackage => $state->{oldpackage},
		justdb => $options{justdb},
		replacepkgs => $options{replacepkgs},
		nosize => $urpm->{options}{ignoresize},
		ignorearch => $urpm->{options}{ignorearch},
		noscripts => $urpm->{options}{noscripts},
		callback_inst => $callbacks->{inst},
		callback_trans => $callbacks->{trans},
		callback_report_uninst => $callbacks->{callback_report_uninst},
	    my @l = urpm::install::install($urpm,
		\%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources,
	    if (@l) {
		#- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
		my $msg = N("Installation failed:") . "\n" . join("\n",  map { "\t$_" } @l) . "\n";
		if ($urpm->{options}{auto} || !$urpm->{options}{'allow-nodeps'} && !$urpm->{options}{'allow-force'}) {
		    print $msg;
		    push @errors, @l;
		} else {
		    $callbacks->{ask_yes_or_no}->(N("Installation failed"), 
						  $msg . N("Try installation without checking dependencies? (y/N) ")) or ++$nok, next;
		    $urpm->{log}("starting installing packages without deps");
		    @l = urpm::install::install($urpm,
			\%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources,
			nodeps => 1,
		    if (@l) {
			#- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
			my $msg = N("Installation failed:") . "\n" . join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @l) . "\n";
			if (!$urpm->{options}{'allow-force'}) {
			    print $msg;
			    push @errors, @l;
			} else {
			    $callbacks->{ask_yes_or_no}->(N("Installation failed"),
							  $msg . N("Try harder to install (--force)? (y/N) ")) or ++$nok, next;
			    $urpm->{log}("starting force installing packages without deps");
			    @l = urpm::install::install($urpm,
				\%transaction_sources_install, \%transaction_sources,
				nodeps => 1, force => 1,
			    if (@l) {
				#- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
				print N("Installation failed:") . "\n" . join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @l), "\n";
				push @errors, @l;
			    } else {
		    } else {
	    } else {

$callbacks->{completed} and $callbacks->{completed}->();

#- keep a track of error code.
my $exit_code = 0;
if (my @missing = grep { $error_sources{$_} eq 'missing' } keys %error_sources) {
        #- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
        N("Installation failed, some files are missing:\n%s\nYou may want to update your urpmi database",
          join "\n", map { "    " . urpm::download::hide_password($_) } @missing) . "\n"
    $exit_code = 10;
if (my @bad = grep { $error_sources{$_} eq 'bad' } keys %error_sources) {
    $callbacks->{message}->(N("Error"), N("Installation failed, bad rpms:\n%s",
                              join "\n", map { "    " . urpm::download::hide_password($_) } @bad) . "\n");
    $exit_code = 11;
if ($nok) {
    $callbacks->{trans_error_summary} and $callbacks->{trans_error_summary}->($nok, \@errors);
    $nok > 1 and print P("%d installation transaction failed",
	    "%d installation transactions failed", $nok, $nok) . (@errors && ":\n" . join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @errors)), "\n";
    if ($exit_code) {
	$exit_code = $ok ? 13 : 14;
    } else {
	$exit_code = $ok ? 11 : 12;
} else {
    $callbacks->{success_summary} and $callbacks->{success_summary}->();
    if ($something_was_to_be_done || $auto_select) {
	if (@{$state->{transaction} || []} == 0 && @$ask_unselect == 0) {
	    if ($options{verbose} >= 0) {
		if ($auto_select) {
		    print N("Packages are up to date"), "\n";
		} else {
		    my @pkgs = map { $urpm->{depslist}[$_] } map { split /\|/ } keys %$requested;
		    my ($installed, $error) = partition { $_->flag_installed } @pkgs;
		    my @installed = map { scalar $_->fullname } @$installed;
		    my @error = map { scalar $_->fullname } @$error;
		    my @msg1 = @installed == 0 ? () :
		    	@installed == 1 ?
			  N("Package %s is already installed", join(', ', @installed)) :
			  N("Packages %s are already installed", join(', ', @installed));
		    my @msg2 = @error == 0 ? () :
		    	@error == 1 ?
			  N("Package %s can not be installed", join(', ', @error)) :
			  N("Packages %s can not be installed", join(', ', @error));
		    $callbacks->{already_installed_or_not_installable} and $callbacks->{already_installed_or_not_installable}->(\@msg1, \@msg2);
		    print join("\n", @msg1, @msg2, '');
	    $exit_code = 15 if our $expect_install;
	} elsif ($test && $exit_code == 0) {
	    #- Warning : the following message is parsed in urpm::parallel_*
	    print N("Installation is possible"), "\n";
	} elsif (intersection([ keys %{$state->{selected}} ],
			      [ keys %{$urpm->{provides}{'should-restart'}} ])) {
	    if (my $need_restart_formatted = urpm::sys::need_restart_formatted($urpm->{root})) {
		$callbacks->{need_restart}($need_restart_formatted) if $callbacks->{need_restart};
