package urpm::cfg;

# $Id$

use strict;
use warnings;
use urpm::util;
use urpm::msg 'N';

(our $VERSION) = q($Revision$) =~ /(\d+)/;

=head1 NAME

urpm::cfg - routines to handle the urpmi configuration files




=item load_config($file)

Reads an urpmi configuration file and returns its contents in a hash ref :

	media => [
         'medium name 1' => {
	    url => 'http://...',
	    option => 'value',
	global => {
	    # global options go here

Returns undef() in case of parsing error (and sets C<$urpm::cfg::err> to the
appropriate error message.)

=item dump_config($file, $config)

Does the opposite: write the configuration file, from the same data structure.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.


#- implementations of the substitutions. arch and release are mdk-specific.
#- XXX this is fragile code, it's an heuristic that depends on the format of
#- /etc/release

my ($arch, $release);
sub _init_arch_release () {
    if (!$arch && !$release) {
	my $l = cat_('/etc/release') or return undef;
	($release, $arch) = $l =~ /release (\d+\.\d+).*for (\w+)/;
	$release = 'cooker' if $l =~ /cooker/i;

sub get_arch () { _init_arch_release(); $arch }

sub get_release () { _init_arch_release(); $release }

sub get_host () {
    my $h;
    if (open my $f, '/proc/sys/kernel/hostname') {
	$h = <$f>;
	close $f;
    } else {
	$h = $ENV{HOSTNAME} || `/bin/hostname`;
    chomp $h;

our $err;

sub _syntax_error () { $err = N("syntax error in config file at line %s", $.) }

sub substitute_back {
    my ($new, $old) = @_;
    return $new if !defined($old);
    return $old if expand_line($old) eq $new;
    return $new;

my %substitutions;
sub expand_line {
    my ($line) = @_;
    unless (scalar keys %substitutions) {
	%substitutions = (
	    HOST => get_host(),
	    ARCH => get_arch(),
	    RELEASE => get_release(),
    foreach my $sub (keys %substitutions) {
	$line =~ s/\$$sub\b/$substitutions{$sub}/g;
    return $line;

my $no_para_option_regexp = 'update|ignore|synthesis|noreconfigure|no-suggests|no-media-info|static|virtual';

sub load_config_raw {
    my ($file, $b_norewrite) = @_;
    my @blocks;
    my $block;
    $err = '';
    -r $file or do { 
	$err = N("unable to read config file [%s]", $file); 
    foreach (cat_($file)) {
	next if /^\s*#/; #- comments
	s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
	$_ = expand_line($_) unless $b_norewrite;
	if ($_ eq '}') { #-{
	    if (!defined $block) {
	    push @blocks, $block;
	    undef $block;
	} elsif (defined $block && /{$/) { #-}
	} elsif ($_ eq '{') { 
	    #-} Entering a global block
	    $block = { name => '' };
	} elsif (/^(.*?[^\\])\s+(?:(.*?[^\\])\s+)?{$/) { 
	    #- medium definition
	    my ($name, $url) = (unquotespace($1), unquotespace($2));
	    if (grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @blocks) {
		#- hmm, somebody fudged urpmi.cfg by hand.
		$err = N("medium `%s' is defined twice, aborting", $name);
	    $block = { name => $name, $url ? (url => $url) : () };
	} elsif (/^(hdlist
	  )\s*:\s*['"]?(.*?)['"]?$/x) {
	    #- config values
	    $block->{$1} = $2;
	} elsif (/^key[-_]ids\s*:\s*['"]?(.*?)['"]?$/) {
	    $block->{'key-ids'} = $1;
	} elsif (/^(hdlist|synthesis)$/) {
	    # ignored, kept for compatibility
	} elsif (/^($no_para_option_regexp)$/) {
	    #- positive flags
	    $block->{$1} = 1;
	} elsif (my ($no, $k, $v) =
	) {
	    #- boolean options
	    my $yes = $no ? 0 : 1;
	    $no = $yes ? 0 : 1;
	    $v = '' unless defined $v;
	    $block->{$k} = $v =~ /^(yes|on|1|)$/i ? $yes : $no;
	} elsif ($_ eq 'modified') {
	    #- obsolete
	} else {
	    warn "unknown line '$_'\n" if $_;

sub load_config {
    my ($file) = @_;

    my $blocks = load_config_raw($file);
    my ($media, $global) = partition { $_->{name} } @$blocks;
    ($global) = @$global;
    delete $global->{name};

    { global => $global || {}, media => $media };

sub dump_config {
    my ($file, $config) = @_;

    my %global = (name => '', %{$config->{global}});

    dump_config_raw($file, [ %global ? \%global : (), @{$config->{media}} ]);

sub dump_config_raw {
    my ($file, $blocks) = @_;

    my $old_blocks = load_config_raw($file, 1);
    my $substitute_back = sub {
	my ($m, $field) = @_;
	my ($prev_block) = grep { $_->{name} eq $m->{name} } @$old_blocks;
	substitute_back($m->{$field}, $prev_block && $prev_block->{$field});

    my @lines;
    foreach my $m (@$blocks) {
	my @l = map {
	    if (/^($no_para_option_regexp)$/) {
	    } elsif ($_ ne 'priority') {
		"$_: " . $substitute_back->($m, $_);
	} sort grep { $_ && $_ ne 'url' && $_ ne 'name' } keys %$m;

        my $name_url = $m->{name} ? 
	  join(' ', map { quotespace($_) } $m->{name}, $substitute_back->($m, 'url')) . ' ' : '';

	push @lines, join("\n", $name_url . '{', (map { "  $_" } @l), "}\n");

    output_safe($file, join("\n", @lines)) or do {
	$err = N("unable to write config file [%s]", $file);
	return 0;


sub load_ini_config_file_raw {
    my ($file, $b_norewrite) = @_;

    require Config::IniFiles;
    my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new('-file' => $file);
    [ map {
	my $section = $_;
	my %h = map { 
	    my $v = $cfg->val($section, $_);
	    $v = expand_line($v) if !$b_norewrite;
	    $_ => $v;
	} $cfg->Parameters($section);
	{ 'with-dir' => $section, %h };
    } $cfg->Sections ];

sub write_ini_config {
    my ($file, $blocks) = @_;

    if (@$blocks == 0) {
	unlink $file;
    my $modified;

    require Config::IniFiles;
    my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new('-file' => $file);
    if ($cfg) {
	# remove dropped blocks
	foreach (difference2([ $cfg->Sections ], [ map { $_->{name} } @$blocks ])) {
	    $modified = 1;
    } else {
	$cfg = Config::IniFiles->new;

    my %uniq;

    foreach (@$blocks) {
	my %h = %$_;
	my $section = delete $h{'with-dir'} || '_';
	$uniq{$section}++ or die "conflicting with-dir value $section\n";

	foreach (difference2([ $cfg->Parameters($section) ], [ keys %h ])) {
	    # remove those options which are no more wanted
	    $cfg->delval($section, $_);
	    $modified = 1;
	foreach (keys %h) {
	    my $old_v = $cfg->getval($section, $_);
	    my $v = substitute_back($h{$_}, $old_v);
	    if ($old_v ne $v) {
		$cfg->setval($section, $_, $v);
		$modified = 1;
    if ($modified) {

#- routines to handle mirror list location

#- Default mirror list
our $mirrors = '';

sub mirrors_cfg () {
    foreach (cat_("/etc/urpmi/mirror.config")) {
	    chomp; s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
	    /^url\s*=\s*(.*)/ and $mirrors = $1;
    return 1;





Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Mandriva SA
