
# package "a" is split into "b" and "c",
# where "b" obsoletes/provides "a" and requires "c"
#       "c" conflicts with "a" (but can't obsolete it)
# package "d" requires "a"

use strict;
use lib '.', 't';
use helper;
use Expect;
use urpm::util;
use urpm::cfg;
use Test::More 'no_plan';


my $name = 'obsolete-and-conflict';
urpmi_addmedia("$name $::pwd/media/$name");    


test_urpmi("b c", sprintf(<<'EOF', urpm::cfg::get_arch()));
      1/2: c
      2/2: b
removing package a-1-1.%s
check_installed_names('b', 'c');

urpme('b c');

urpmi('a d');
check_installed_names('a', 'd');
urpmi('b c');
check_installed_names('b', 'c', 'd');

urpme('b c d');

urpmi('a d');
check_installed_names('a', 'd');
urpmi('--split-level 1 b c');
# argh, d is removed :-(
#check_installed_names('b', 'c', 'd');

sub test_urpmi {
    my ($para, $wanted) = @_;
    my $urpmi = urpmi_cmd();
    my $s = `$urpmi $para`;

    $s =~ s/\s*#{40}#*//g;
    $s =~ s/.*\nPreparing\.\.\.\n//s;

    ok($s eq $wanted, "$wanted in $s");