package helper; use Test::More; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw(need_root_and_prepare start_httpd httpd_port urpmi_addmedia urpmi_removemedia urpmi_update urpm_cmd run_urpm_cmd urpmi_cmd urpmi test_urpmi_fail urpme urpmi_cfg set_urpmi_cfg_global_options create_media_d_cfg media_d_cfg system_ system_should_fail rpm_is_jbj_version check_installed_fullnames check_installed_names check_nothing_installed check_installed_and_remove check_installed_fullnames_and_remove check_installed_and_urpme ); my $using_root; sub need_root_and_prepare() { if ($< != 0) { #- can't test pass(); exit(0); } -d 'media' or die "02create_pkgs.t not done\n"; system('rm -rf root'); isnt(-d 'root', "test root dir can not be removed $!"); mkdir 'root'; $using_root = 1; $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; } my $server_pid; sub httpd_port { 6969 } sub start_httpd() { system('perl -MNet::Server::Single -e 1') == 0 or die "module Net::Server::Simple is missing (package perl-Net-Server)\n"; $server_pid = fork(); if ($server_pid == 0) { exec './simple-httpd', $::pwd, "$::pwd/tmp", httpd_port(); exit 1; } 'http://localhost:' . httpd_port(); } chdir 't' if -d 't'; mkdir 'tmp'; chomp($::pwd = `pwd`); my $urpmi_debug_opt = '-q'; #$urpmi_debug_opt = '-v --debug'; sub urpm_cmd { my ($prog, $o_perl_para) = @_; $o_perl_para ||= ''; "perl $o_perl_para -I.. ../$prog --urpmi-root $::pwd/root $urpmi_debug_opt"; } sub urpm_cmd_no_quiet { my ($prog, $o_perl_para) = @_; $o_perl_para ||= ''; "perl $o_perl_para -I.. ../$prog --urpmi-root $::pwd/root"; } sub run_urpm_cmd { my ($prog, $o_perl_para) = @_; my $cmd = urpm_cmd_no_quiet($prog, $o_perl_para); print "# $cmd\n"; `$cmd`; } sub urpmi_cmd() { urpm_cmd('urpmi') } sub urpmi_addmedia { my ($para) = @_; system_(urpm_cmd('urpmi.addmedia') . " $para"); } sub urpmi_removemedia { my ($para) = @_; system_(urpm_cmd('urpmi.removemedia') . " $para"); } sub urpmi_update { my ($para) = @_; system_(urpm_cmd('urpmi.update') . " $para"); } sub urpmi { my ($para) = @_; system_(urpmi_cmd() . " --ignoresize $para"); } sub test_urpmi_fail { my ($para) = @_; system_should_fail(urpmi_cmd() . " $para"); } sub urpme { my ($para) = @_; system_(urpm_cmd('urpme') . " $para"); } sub urpmi_cfg() { "$::pwd/root/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg"; } sub set_urpmi_cfg_global_options { my ($options) = @_; require_ok('urpm::cfg'); ok(my $config = urpm::cfg::load_config(urpmi_cfg())); $config->{global} = $options; ok(urpm::cfg::dump_config(urpmi_cfg(), $config), 'set_urpmi_cfg_global_options'); } sub media_d_dir { "$::pwd/root/etc/urpmi/media.d"; } sub media_d_cfg { my ($name) = @_; media_d_dir() . "/$name.cfg"; } sub create_media_d_cfg { my ($name, @l) = @_; system("install -d " . media_d_dir()); my $cfg = media_d_cfg($name); -e $cfg and die "$cfg already exists\n"; open(my $F, '>', $cfg); my $cnt = 1; foreach my $h (@l) { my %h = %$h; my $section = delete $h{'with-dir'} || $cnt++; print $F "[$section]\n"; print $F "$_ = $h->{$_}\n" foreach keys %$h; } } sub system_ { my ($cmd) = @_; system($cmd); ok($? == 0, $cmd); } sub system_should_fail { my ($cmd) = @_; system($cmd); $? & 127 ? is($? & 127, 0, "should fail nicely but not get killed: $cmd") : ok($? != 0, "should fail: $cmd"); } sub rpm_is_jbj_version { # checking for --yaml support `rpm --help` =~ /yaml/; } sub check_installed_fullnames { my (@names) = @_; is(`rpm -qa --root $::pwd/root | sort`, join('', map { "$_\n" } sort(@names))); } sub check_installed_names { my (@names) = @_; is(`rpm -qa --qf '%{name}\\n' --root $::pwd/root | sort`, join('', map { "$_\n" } sort(@names))); } sub check_nothing_installed() { is(`rpm -qa --root $::pwd/root`, ''); } sub check_installed_and_remove { my (@names) = @_; check_installed_names(@names); system_("rpm --root $::pwd/root -e " . join(' ', @names)) if @names; check_nothing_installed(); } sub check_installed_fullnames_and_remove { my (@names) = @_; check_installed_fullnames(@names); system_("rpm --root $::pwd/root -e " . join(' ', @names)) if @names; check_nothing_installed(); } sub check_installed_and_urpme { my (@names) = @_; check_installed_names(@names); urpme(join(' ', @names)); check_nothing_installed(); } END { $using_root and system('rm -rf root'); $server_pid and kill(9, $server_pid); system('rm -rf tmp'); } 1;