#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More 'no_plan'; use MDK::Common; BEGIN { use_ok 'urpm::cfg' } BEGIN { use_ok 'urpm::download' } my $file = 'testurpmi.cfg'; my $proxyfile = $urpm::download::PROXY_CFG = 'testproxy.cfg'; open my $f, '>', $file or die $!; print $f (my $cfgtext = <<URPMICFG); { downloader: wget fuzzy: no verify-rpm: 0 } update\\ 1 http://foo/bar/ { compress: 1 fuzzy: 1 keep: yes key-ids: "123" update verify-rpm: yes } update_2 ftp://foo/bar/ { hdlist: hdlist.update2.cz ignore key_ids: 456 789 priority-upgrade: 'kernel' synthesis with_hdlist: hdlist.update2.cz } URPMICFG close $f; my $config = urpm::cfg::load_config($file); ok( ref $config, 'config loaded' ); ok( urpm::cfg::dump_config($file.2, $config), 'config written' ); # things that have been tidied up by dump_config $cfgtext =~ s/\byes\b/1/g; $cfgtext =~ s/\bno\b/0/g; $cfgtext =~ s/\bkey_ids\b/key-ids/g; $cfgtext =~ s/"123"/123/g; $cfgtext =~ s/'kernel'/kernel/g; my $cfgtext2 = cat_($file.2); $cfgtext2 =~ s/# generated.*\n//; is( $cfgtext, $cfgtext2, 'config is the same' ) or system qw( diff -u ), $file, $file.2; open $f, '>', $proxyfile or die $!; print $f ($cfgtext = <<PROXYCFG); http_proxy=http://foo:8080/ local:http_proxy=http://yoyodyne:8080/ local:proxy_user=rafael:richard PROXYCFG close $f; my $p = get_proxy(); is( $p->{http_proxy}, 'http://foo:8080/', 'read proxy' ); ok( !defined $p->{user}, 'no user defined' ); $p = get_proxy('local'); is( $p->{http_proxy}, 'http://yoyodyne:8080/', 'read media proxy' ); is( $p->{user}, 'rafael', 'proxy user' ); is( $p->{pwd}, 'richard', 'proxy password' ); ok( dump_proxy_config(), 'dump_proxy_config' ); $cfgtext2 = cat_($proxyfile); $cfgtext2 =~ s/# generated.*\n//; is( $cfgtext, $cfgtext2, 'dumped correctly' ); set_proxy_config(http_proxy => ''); ok( dump_proxy_config(), 'dump_proxy_config erased' ); $cfgtext2 = cat_($proxyfile); $cfgtext2 =~ s/# generated.*\n//; $cfgtext =~ s/^http_proxy.*\n//; is( $cfgtext, $cfgtext2, 'dumped correctly' ); END { unlink $file, $file.2, $proxyfile }