
use strict;

use urpm;
use urpm::msg;
use urpm::orphans;

my %options = (
    restrict_group => 0,
    group => 'System/Libraries',
    root => '',

my $usage = N("usage: %s [options]
where [options] are from
", $0) . N("   -h|--help      - print this help message.
") . N("   --root <path>  - use the given root instead of /
") . N("   -g [group]     - restrict results to specified group.
") . N("                    defaults to %s.
", $options{group}) . N("   -f             - output rpm full name (NVRA)

my $urpm = urpm->new;

while (my $_ = shift) {
    $_ eq '--root' and do {
	my $root = shift;
	$root and urpm::set_files($urpm, $root);

    $_ eq '-g' and do {
	$options{restrict_group} = 1;
	next if !@ARGV || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/;
	my $group = shift;
	$options{group} = $group;
    $_ eq '-f' and do { $options{fullname} = 1; next };
    print $usage; exit 1;

my $discard = $options{restrict_group} && sub { $_[0]->group !~ /\Q$options{group}/oi };
my $leaves = urpm::orphans::installed_leaves($urpm, $discard);

my @l = map { $options{fullname} ? scalar $_->fullname : $_->name } @$leaves;
print "$_\n" foreach sort @l;