=head1 NAME rurpmi - restricted urpmi =head1 SYNOPSIS rurpmi [options] [package_names] =head1 DESCRIPTION rurpmi is similar to urpmi, but has a stripped-down set of features. It's intended to be used by users with sudo rights on it, preventing them to abuse it to compromise the system. With it, you can't install arbitrary rpm files, the B<--keep>, B<--verify-rpm>, and B<--norebuild> options are forced, and several dangerous options are forbidden (B<--root>, B<--use-distrib>, B<--env>, B<--nolock>, B<--allow-nodeps>, B<--allow-force>, B<--force>). =head1 CAVEAT This software is still experimental. While some operations are forbidden, there is no guarantee it is actually secure. =head1 OPTIONS The options are the same than urpmi ones. =head1 AUTHOR Maintained by Rafael Garcia-Suarez, =head1 SEE ALSO L(8)>.