# Srpski cirilicni prevod urmpi.po fajla.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 MandrakeSoft
# Copyright (C) 1997-2000 GeaArt, Inc.
# Tomislav Jankovic <tomaja@net.yu>, 2000,2002.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: urpmi 3.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-08-13 12:00+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-02-25 21:05GMT+1\n"
"Last-Translator: Toma Jankovic_<toma@mandrake.co.yu>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian <office@mandrake.co.yu>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.5\n"

#: _irpm:18
msgid "installing $rpm\n"
msgstr "Instaliram $rpm\n"

#: _irpm:28
msgid ""
"Automatic installation of packages...\n"
"You requested installation of package $rpm\n"
msgstr ""
"Automatska instalacija paketa...\n"
"Zahtevali ste instalaciju paketa $rpm\n"

#: _irpm:28 po/placeholder.h:258 po/placeholder.h:374 po/placeholder.h:461
#: urpme:32 urpmi:438
msgid "Is it OK?"
msgstr "Da li je OK ?"

#: _irpm:30 po/placeholder.h:247 po/placeholder.h:445 urpmi:375 urpmi:392
#: urpmi:441 urpmi:469 urpmi:497
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "OK"

#: _irpm:31 po/placeholder.h:209 po/placeholder.h:380 urpmi:376 urpmi:393
#: urpmi:442 urpmi:470 urpmi:498
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Poni�ti"

#. This is a list of chars acceptable as a 'no' answer to a Yes/No question;
#. you can put here the letters for 'no' for your language, so people
#. can hit those keys in their keyboard to reply.
#. please keep the 'Nn' for compatibility reasons
#: _irpm:37 po/placeholder.h:17 po/placeholder.h:227 po/placeholder.h:379
#: po/placeholder.h:410 urpme:35 urpmi:380 urpmi:397 urpmi:446 urpmi:502
#: urpmi:543
msgid "Nn"
msgstr "NnNn"

#. This is a list of chars acceptable as a 'yes' answer to a Yes/No question;
#. you can put here the letters for 'yes' for your language, so people
#. can hit those keys in their keyboard to reply.
#. please keep the 'Yy' for compatibility reasons
#: _irpm:38 po/placeholder.h:11 po/placeholder.h:116 po/placeholder.h:372
#: po/placeholder.h:412 urpme:37 urpmi:381 urpmi:398 urpmi:447 urpmi:503
#: urpmi:544
msgid "Yy"
msgstr "DdDdYy"

#: _irpm:39 po/placeholder.h:249 po/placeholder.h:369 po/placeholder.h:449
#: urpme:126 urpmi:382 urpmi:399 urpmi:448
msgid " (Y/n) "
msgstr " (D/n) "

#: _irpm:58
msgid "$rpm: command not found\n"
msgstr "$rpm: komanda nije prona�ena\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:18 po/placeholder.h:195
#, c-format
msgid "urpmf version %s"
msgstr "urpmf verzija %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:19 po/placeholder.h:150
msgid "Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 MandrakeSoft."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002 MandrakeSoft."

#: po/placeholder.h:20 po/placeholder.h:191
msgid ""
"This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU "
msgstr ""
"Ovo je besplatan softver i mo�e biti slobodno redistribuiran pod uslovima "
"GNU i GPL."

#: po/placeholder.h:21 po/placeholder.h:38 po/placeholder.h:165
msgid "usage: urpmf [options] <file>"
msgstr "upotreba: urpmf [options] <datoteka>"

#: po/placeholder.h:22 po/placeholder.h:139
msgid ""
"  --quiet         - do not print tag name (default if no tag given on command"
msgstr ""
"  --quiet         - ne �tampa ima taga(default opcija ukoliko nije dat tag u "

#: po/placeholder.h:23 po/placeholder.h:192
msgid "                    line, incompatible with interactive mode)."
msgstr "                    linija, nekompatibilna sa interaktivnim modom)."

#: po/placeholder.h:24 po/placeholder.h:160
msgid "  --all           - print all tags."
msgstr "  --all           - �tampa sve tagove."

#: po/placeholder.h:25 po/placeholder.h:201
msgid ""
"  --name          - print tag name: rpm filename (assumed if no tag given on"
msgstr ""
"  --name          - �tampa ime taga: rpm ime datoteke (pretpostavljeno "
"ukoliko nema taga"

#: po/placeholder.h:26 po/placeholder.h:205
msgid "                    command line but without package name)."
msgstr "                    komandna linija ali bez imena paketa)."

#: po/placeholder.h:27 po/placeholder.h:132
msgid "  --group         - print tag group: group."
msgstr "  --group         - �tampa tag grupe: grupa."

#: po/placeholder.h:28 po/placeholder.h:114
msgid "  --size          - print tag size: size."
msgstr "  --size          - �tampa tag veli�ine: veli�ina."

#: po/placeholder.h:29 po/placeholder.h:170
msgid "  --serial        - print tag serial: serial."
msgstr "  --serial        - �tampa serijski tag: serijski."

#: po/placeholder.h:30 po/placeholder.h:183
msgid "  --summary       - print tag summary: summary."
msgstr "  --summary       - �tampa tag sa�etka: sa�etak."

#: po/placeholder.h:31 po/placeholder.h:154
msgid "  --description   - print tag description: description."
msgstr "  --description   - �tampa tag opisa: opis."

#: po/placeholder.h:32 po/placeholder.h:174
msgid "  --provides      - print tag provides: all provides (multiple lines)."
msgstr "  --provides      - �tampa tag opcija: sve opcije (multi linije)."

#: po/placeholder.h:33 po/placeholder.h:238
msgid "  --requires      - print tag requires: all requires (multiple lines)."
msgstr "  --requires      - �tampa tag zahteva: sve potrebe (multi linije)."

#: po/placeholder.h:34 po/placeholder.h:55
msgid "  --files         - print tag files: all files (multiple lines)."
msgstr "  --files         - �tampa tag datoteka: sve datoteke (multi linije)."

#: po/placeholder.h:35 po/placeholder.h:47
msgid ""
"  --conflicts     - print tag conflicts: all conflicts (multiple lines)."
msgstr "  --conflicts     - �tampa tag problema: svi problemi (multi linije)."

#: po/placeholder.h:36 po/placeholder.h:136
msgid ""
"  --obsoletes     - print tag obsoletes: all obsoletes (multiple lines)."
msgstr ""
"  --obsoletes     - print tag obsoletes: all obsoletes (multiple lines)."

#: po/placeholder.h:37 po/placeholder.h:162
msgid "  --prereqs       - print tag prereqs: all prereqs (multiple lines)."
msgstr "  --prereqs       - print tag prereqs: all prereqs (multiple lines)."

#: po/placeholder.h:39 po/placeholder.h:84
msgid "try urpmf --help for more options"
msgstr "probajte sa urpmf --help za vi�e opcija"

#: po/placeholder.h:40 po/placeholder.h:65
msgid "no full media list was found"
msgstr "nije pronagjena lista punog medija"

#: po/placeholder.h:41 po/placeholder.h:269
#, c-format
msgid "unable to write config file [%s]"
msgstr "ne mogu da izvr�im upis u konfiguracionu datoteku [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:42 po/placeholder.h:270 urpm.pm:1896
#, c-format
msgid "%s conflicts with %s"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:43
msgid "examining whole urpmi database"
msgstr "istra�ujem celu urpmi bazu podataka"

#: po/placeholder.h:44
msgid "  -y             - impose fuzzy search.\n"
msgstr "  -y             - uzrokuje fuzzy pretragu.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:45 po/placeholder.h:275 urpm.pm:429
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find list file for \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "nemogu da pronagjem datoteku liste za \"%s\", medijum je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:46 po/placeholder.h:273
#, c-format
msgid "nothing to write in list file for \"%s\""
msgstr "nema ni�ta za upis u datoteku liste za \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:48 po/placeholder.h:276
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse hdlist file of \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da parsiram hdlist datoteku za \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:49 po/placeholder.h:400
#, fuzzy
msgid "  --auto         - automatically select a package in choices.\n"
msgstr ""
"  --auto         - automatski selektuje ispravne pakete od ponugjenog.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:50 po/placeholder.h:277
#, c-format
msgid "nothing written in list file for \"%s\""
msgstr "nema �ta da se upi�e u datoteku liste za \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:51 po/placeholder.h:580
msgid ""
"  --sources      - give all source packages before downloading (root only).\n"
msgstr ""
"  --sources      - prikazuje sve izvorne pakete pre download-a (samo root).\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:52
msgid ""
"  --auto-select  - automatically select packages for upgrading the system.\n"
msgstr "  --auto-select  - automatski bira pakete za a�uriranje sistema.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:53 po/placeholder.h:279
#, c-format
msgid "retrieving description file of \"%s\"..."
msgstr "dobavljanje opisnog fajla za \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:54 po/placeholder.h:281 urpm.pm:1661
#, c-format
msgid "package %s is not found."
msgstr "paket %s nije pronagjen."

#: po/placeholder.h:56
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "trying to select multiple media: %s"
msgstr "poku�avam da selektujem multi medij: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:57 po/placeholder.h:285
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "selecting multiple media: %s"
msgstr "poku�avam da selektujem multi medij: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:58
#, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" tries to use an already used hdlist, medium ignored"
msgstr ""
"medij \"%s\" poku�ava da koristi hdlist koji se veKj koristi, medij je "

#: po/placeholder.h:59 po/placeholder.h:368 urpme:53
msgid "unknown package(s) "
msgstr "nepoznati paket(i) "

#: po/placeholder.h:60 po/placeholder.h:286 urpm.pm:382
#, c-format
msgid "unable to use name \"%s\" for unnamed medium because it is already used"
msgstr ""
"ne mogu da koristim \"%s\" ime za bezimeni medijum zato �to se veKj koristi"

#: po/placeholder.h:61
msgid "problem reading hdlist file, trying again"
msgstr "gre�ka pri u�itavanju hdlist fajla, poku�ajte ponovo"

#: po/placeholder.h:62 po/placeholder.h:289 urpm.pm:389
#, c-format
msgid "unable to take medium \"%s\" into account as no list file [%s] exists"
msgstr ""
"ne mogu da uzmem medij \"%s\" u ra�unicu po�to ne postoji datoteka liste [%"
"s] "

#: po/placeholder.h:63
msgid "keeping only files referenced in provides"
msgstr "sa�uvaj samo datoteke ozna�ene kao dostupno"

#: po/placeholder.h:64 po/placeholder.h:290
#, c-format
msgid "found %d headers in cache"
msgstr "pronagjeno %d hedera u ke� memoriji"

#: po/placeholder.h:66 po/placeholder.h:483 urpmi.addmedia:96
#: urpmi.addmedia:113
#, c-format
msgid "unable to update medium \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "ne mogu da a�uriram medij \"%s\"\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:67 po/placeholder.h:436 po/placeholder.h:560
msgid "  --src          - next package is a source package (same as -s).\n"
msgstr "  --src          - sledeKji paket je izvorni paket (isto kao i  -s).\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:68 po/placeholder.h:438
msgid "  --noclean      - keep rpm not used in cache.\n"
msgstr "  --noclean      - �uva rpm koji nisu kori�teni u ke�u.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:69 po/placeholder.h:488 po/placeholder.h:526
#: po/placeholder.h:545
msgid "  -c             - clean headers cache directory.\n"
msgstr "  -c             - �isti headers cache diremtorijum.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:70 po/placeholder.h:293
#, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" already exists"
msgstr "medij \"%s\" veKj postoji"

#: po/placeholder.h:71 po/placeholder.h:292 urpm.pm:196
#, c-format
msgid "unknown protocol defined for %s"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:72 po/placeholder.h:294
#, c-format
msgid "unable to write list file of \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da upi�em datoteku liste za \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:73 po/placeholder.h:571
msgid "  names or rpm files given on command line are queried.\n"
msgstr "  imena ili rpm fajlovi dati u komandnoj liniji su potrebi.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:74 po/placeholder.h:296 urpm.pm:177
msgid "Unknown webfetch `$proxy->{type}' !!!\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:75 po/placeholder.h:443 po/placeholder.h:577
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  --auto-select  - automatically select packages to upgrade the system.\n"
msgstr "  --auto-select  - automatski bira pakete za a�uriranje sistema.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:76 po/placeholder.h:297 urpm.pm:1536
#, c-format
msgid "no package named %s"
msgstr "Nema paketa sa imenom %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:77 po/placeholder.h:444 urpmi:553
msgid "Try installation even more strongly (--force)? (y/N) "
msgstr "Prisilna instalacija (--force)? (da/Ne) ?"

#: po/placeholder.h:78 po/placeholder.h:300 urpm.pm:424
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find hdlist file for \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "ne mogu da pronagjem hdlist datoteku za \"%s\", medijum je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:79 po/placeholder.h:299
#, c-format
msgid "built hdlist synthesis file for medium \"%s\""
msgstr "kreiram hdlist simteznu datoteku za medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:80 po/placeholder.h:301
msgid "urpmi database locked"
msgstr "urpmi baza podataka zaklju�ana"

#: po/placeholder.h:81 po/placeholder.h:302
#, c-format
msgid "file [%s] already used in the same medium \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:82 po/placeholder.h:370 po/placeholder.h:448 urpme:64
#: urpmi:504
msgid " (y/N) "
msgstr " (d/N) "

#: po/placeholder.h:83 po/placeholder.h:452
msgid "  -a             - select all matches on command line.\n"
msgstr "  -a             - selektuje sva poklapanja u komandnoj liniji.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:85
msgid ""
"some packages have to be removed for being upgraded, this is not supported "
msgstr ""
"neki paketi moraju biti uklonjeni da bi bili a�urirani, �to jo� "

#: po/placeholder.h:86 po/placeholder.h:305 urpm.pm:1403
#, c-format
msgid "mounting %s"
msgstr "montiram %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:87 po/placeholder.h:506 po/placeholder.h:550
msgid "  -f             - force generation of hdlist files.\n"
msgstr "  -f             - primorava na generisanje hdlist fajlova.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:88 po/placeholder.h:309 urpm.pm:226
#, c-format
msgid "wget failed: exited with %d or signal %d\n"
msgstr "wget neuspeo: kraj sa %d ili signalom %d\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:89 po/placeholder.h:517 urpmi.removemedia:47
msgid "nothing to remove (use urpmi.addmedia to add a media)\n"
msgstr "nema ni�ega za brisanje (koristi urpmi.addmedia za dodavanje medija)\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:90 po/placeholder.h:313 urpm.pm:1791
#, c-format
msgid "malformed input: [%s]"
msgstr "pogre�an unos: [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:91 po/placeholder.h:463
msgid "  --env          - use specific environment (typically a bug report).\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:92 po/placeholder.h:466 po/placeholder.h:600
msgid "  -y             - impose fuzzy search (same as --fuzzy).\n"
msgstr "  -y             - uzrokuje fuzzy pretragu (kao i  --fuzzy).\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:93
msgid ""
"  -u             - remove package if a better version is already installed.\n"
msgstr ""
"  -u             - uklanja pakete ukoliko je novija verdzija veKj "

#: po/placeholder.h:94 po/placeholder.h:472 urpmi:326
#, c-format
msgid "One of the following packages is needed to install %s:"
msgstr "Jedan od slede�ih paketa je potreban da bi instalirali %s:"

#: po/placeholder.h:95
msgid "Press Enter when it's done..."
msgstr "Pritisnite enter kada zavr�ite..."

#: po/placeholder.h:96 po/placeholder.h:315
msgid "...copying failed"
msgstr "...kopiranje neuspelo"

#: po/placeholder.h:97 po/placeholder.h:316 urpm.pm:291
#, fuzzy
msgid "ssh is missing\n"
msgstr "nedostaje wget\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:98
#, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" tries to use an already used list, medium ignored"
msgstr ""
"medij \"%s\" poku�ava da koristi listu koja je u upotrebi, medij je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:99 po/placeholder.h:319 urpm.pm:1878
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to remove package %s"
msgstr "Samo superkorisnik mo�e instalirati pakete"

#: po/placeholder.h:100 po/placeholder.h:561
msgid "  -h             - print this help message.\n"
msgstr "  -h             - prikazuje ovu poruku o pomoKji.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:101
msgid "  -g             - print groups too with name.\n"
msgstr "  -g             - prikazuje i grupe sa imenom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:102 po/placeholder.h:527
msgid "  -a             - select all media.\n"
msgstr "  -a             - selektuje sve medije.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:103 po/placeholder.h:325
#, c-format
msgid "invalid hdlist description \"%s\" in hdlists file"
msgstr "nepravilan hdlist opis \"%s\" i hdlists fajlu"

#: po/placeholder.h:104 po/placeholder.h:490
msgid "  -h             - try to find and use synthesis or hdlist file.\n"
msgstr ""
"  -h             - poku�ava da pronagje i iskoristi synthesis ili hdlist "

#: po/placeholder.h:105 po/placeholder.h:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -r             - print version and release with name also.\n"
msgstr "  -r             - prikazuje verziju i izdanje sa imenom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:106
msgid "  -r             - print version and release too with name.\n"
msgstr "  -r             - prikazuje verziju i izdanje sa imenom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:107 po/placeholder.h:578
msgid "  -f             - print version, release and arch with name.\n"
msgstr "  -f             - prikazuje verziju, izdanje i arch sa imenom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:108
msgid "  --auto         - automatically select a good package in choices.\n"
msgstr ""
"  --auto         - automatski selektuje ispravne pakete od ponugjenog.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:109
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse correctly [%s]"
msgstr "ne mogu da ispravno parsiram [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:110 po/placeholder.h:557 urpmi.update:78
msgid "nothing to update (use urpmi.addmedia to add a media)\n"
msgstr ""
"nema ni�ega za a�uriranje (koristi urpmi.addmedia za dodavanje medija)\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:111
#, c-format
msgid "read synthesis file [%s]"
msgstr "�ita depslist fajl [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:112 po/placeholder.h:330 urpm.pm:205
msgid "no webfetch (curl or wget currently) found\n"
msgstr "webfetch (trenutno surl ili wget) nije pronagjen\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:113 po/placeholder.h:581
msgid ""
"  -c             - choose complete method for resolving requires closure.\n"
msgstr ""
"  -c             - bira kompletan metod za re�avanje koje zahteva "

#: po/placeholder.h:115 po/placeholder.h:504 urpmi.addmedia:112
#, c-format
msgid "unable to create medium \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "ne mogu da kreiram medij \"%s\"\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:117 po/placeholder.h:333
#, c-format
msgid "copying source hdlist (or synthesis) of \"%s\"..."
msgstr "kopiranje izvorne hdlist (ili synthesis) za \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:118 po/placeholder.h:373 urpme:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "unknown package "
msgstr "nepoznati paket(i) "

#: po/placeholder.h:119 po/placeholder.h:585 urpmq:122
#, c-format
msgid "urpmq: unknown option \"-%s\", check usage with --help\n"
msgstr "urpmq: nepoznata opcija \"-%s\", proverite upotrebu sa --help\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:120 po/placeholder.h:376 urpme:42
msgid "usage: urpme [-a] [--auto] <packages...>\n"
msgstr "upotreba: urpme [-a] [--auto] <paketi...>\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:121 po/placeholder.h:335
#, c-format
msgid "building hdlist [%s]"
msgstr "kreiram hdlist [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:122 po/placeholder.h:417 po/placeholder.h:595
msgid "  --media        - use only the media listed by comma.\n"
msgstr "  --media        - koristi samo medije prikazane sa zarezom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:123 po/placeholder.h:338
#, c-format
msgid "added medium %s"
msgstr "dodani medij %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:124 po/placeholder.h:337 urpm.pm:1718
#, c-format
msgid "unable to read rpm file [%s] from medium \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da pro�itam rpm datoteku [%s] sa medija \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:125 po/placeholder.h:339
msgid "retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed"
msgstr "povraKjaj izvorne hdlist (ili synthesis) neuspeo"

#: po/placeholder.h:126 po/placeholder.h:342 urpm.pm:1803
#, c-format
msgid "...retrieving failed: %s"
msgstr "...povraKjaj neuspeo: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:127 po/placeholder.h:344 urpm.pm:1734
#, c-format
msgid "incoherent medium \"%s\" marked removable but not really"
msgstr ""
"nekoherentan medij \"%s\" je ozna�en kao prenosni ali to nije u stvarnosti"

#: po/placeholder.h:128 po/placeholder.h:343 urpm.pm:1848
msgid "Preparing..."
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:129 po/placeholder.h:430
msgid ""
"  --bug          - output a bug report in directory indicated by next arg.\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:130 po/placeholder.h:347 urpm.pm:1441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid rpm file name [%s]"
msgstr "pogre�no ime rpm datoteke [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:131
#, c-format
msgid "unknown data associated with %s"
msgstr "nepoznati podaci dodeljeni za %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:133 po/placeholder.h:439 urpmi:335
#, c-format
msgid "What is your choice? (1-%d) "
msgstr "�ta je va� izbor ? (1-%d) "

#: po/placeholder.h:134 po/placeholder.h:350 urpm.pm:404
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access list file of \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "ne mogu da pristupim datoteci liste za \"%s\", medij ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:135 po/placeholder.h:440 po/placeholder.h:489
#: po/placeholder.h:551 po/placeholder.h:562
msgid "  --wget         - use wget to retrieve distant files.\n"
msgstr "  --wget         - koristi wget za dobavljanje udaljenih fajlova.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:137
#, c-format
msgid "avoid selecting %s as not enough files will be updated"
msgstr ""
"izbegavam selektovanje  %s po�to neKje biti a�urirano dovoljno datoteka"

#: po/placeholder.h:138 po/placeholder.h:351 urpm.pm:1442 urpm.pm:1908
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access rpm file [%s]"
msgstr "ne mogu da pristupim rpm datoteci [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:140 po/placeholder.h:447 urpmi:338
msgid "Sorry, bad choice, try again\n"
msgstr "Lo� izbor, probajte ponovo\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:141 po/placeholder.h:353 urpm.pm:1745
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access medium \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da pristupim mediju \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:142 po/placeholder.h:352 urpm.pm:1427
#, c-format
msgid "relocated %s entries in depslist"
msgstr "preme�teni %s unosi u depslist"

#: po/placeholder.h:143 po/placeholder.h:451 po/placeholder.h:505
#: po/placeholder.h:540 po/placeholder.h:584
msgid "  --curl         - use curl to retrieve distant files.\n"
msgstr "  --curl         - koristi curl za dobavljanje udaljenih fajlova.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:144 po/placeholder.h:354
#, c-format
msgid "trying to select inexistent medium \"%s\""
msgstr "poku�avam da selektujem inexistant medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:145
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse correctly [%s] on value \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da ispravno parsiram [%s] na vrednost \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:146 po/placeholder.h:357
#, c-format
msgid "no rpm files found from [%s]"
msgstr "nema rpm datoteka na [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:147 po/placeholder.h:361 urpm.pm:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "rsync is missing\n"
msgstr "nedostaje curl\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:148 po/placeholder.h:362 urpm.pm:358
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" trying to use an already used hdlist, medium ignored"
msgstr ""
"medij \"%s\" poku�ava da koristi hdlist koji se veKj koristi, medij je "

#: po/placeholder.h:149 po/placeholder.h:465 urpmi:185
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Unable to create directory [%s] for bug report"
msgstr "ne mogu da ispravno parsiram [%s] na vrednost \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:151 po/placeholder.h:363 urpm.pm:229
msgid "curl is missing\n"
msgstr "nedostaje curl\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:152 po/placeholder.h:365 urpm.pm:393
#, c-format
msgid "unable to determine medium of this hdlist file [%s]"
msgstr "ne mogu da odredim medij za ovu hdlist datoteku [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:153 po/placeholder.h:381
msgid "  --help         - print this help message.\n"
msgstr "  --help         - prikazuje ovaj ekran o pomoKji.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:155 po/placeholder.h:382 urpmi:564
msgid "everything already installed"
msgstr "sve je ve� instalirano"

#: po/placeholder.h:156 po/placeholder.h:271 urpm.pm:1796
msgid "retrieving rpms files..."
msgstr "dobavljam rpms fajlove..."

#: po/placeholder.h:157 po/placeholder.h:272
#, c-format
msgid "using different removable device [%s] for \"%s\""
msgstr "koristeKji razli�it prenosni uregjaj ili [%s] za \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:158 po/placeholder.h:388 urpmi:327
msgid "One of the following packages is needed:"
msgstr "Potrebni su slede�i paket(i):"

#: po/placeholder.h:159 po/placeholder.h:274
msgid ""
"unable to access first installation medium (no Mandrake/base/hdlists file "
msgstr ""
"ne mogu da pristupim prvom instalacionom mediju (nije pronagjen Mandrake/"
"base/hdlists fajl)"

#: po/placeholder.h:161 po/placeholder.h:570 urpmq:125
#, c-format
msgid "urpmq: cannot read rpm file \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "urpmq: ne mogu da pro�itam rpm datoteku \"%s\"\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:163 po/placeholder.h:375 urpme:90
msgid "Nothing to remove.\n"
msgstr "Nema ni�ega za uklanjanje.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:164 po/placeholder.h:278 urpm.pm:301
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "rsync failed: exited with %d or signal %d\n"
msgstr "neuspeo curl: kraj sa %d ili signalom  %d\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:166 po/placeholder.h:280
msgid "unable to access first installation medium"
msgstr "ne mogu da pristupim prvom instalacionom mediju"

#: po/placeholder.h:167 po/placeholder.h:411 urpmi:215 urpmi:521 urpmi:531
#: urpmi:538 urpmi:551 urpmi:558
msgid "Installation failed"
msgstr "Instalaci�a neuspela"

#: po/placeholder.h:168 po/placeholder.h:415 po/placeholder.h:586
msgid "  -P             - do not search in provides to find package.\n"
msgstr "  -P             - ne pretra�uje dostupno radi nala�enja paketa.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:169 po/placeholder.h:282 urpm.pm:1414
#, c-format
msgid "unmounting %s"
msgstr "demontiram %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:171 po/placeholder.h:283
#, c-format
msgid "removing %d obsolete headers in cache"
msgstr "uklanjam %d obsolete hhedere u ke� memoriji"

#: po/placeholder.h:172 po/placeholder.h:284
#, c-format
msgid "no hdlist file found for medium \"%s\""
msgstr "nije pronagjena hdlist datoteka za medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:173
msgid "<non printable chars>"
msgstr "<non printable karakteri>"

#: po/placeholder.h:175 po/placeholder.h:287
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "problem reading synthesis file of medium \"%s\""
msgstr "kreiram hdlist simteznu datoteku za medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:176 po/placeholder.h:428 po/placeholder.h:597
msgid "  -v             - verbose mode.\n"
msgstr "  -v             - verbose mod.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:177 po/placeholder.h:288
#, c-format
msgid "removing medium \"%s\""
msgstr "uklanjam medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:178
#, c-format
msgid "unable to build synthesis file for medium \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da kreiram sinteznu datoteku za medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:179
#, c-format
msgid "trying to select multiple medium: %s"
msgstr "poku�avam da selektujem multi medij: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:180 po/placeholder.h:559
msgid "  -a             - select all non-removable media.\n"
msgstr "  -a             - selektuje sve ne prenosive medije.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:181 po/placeholder.h:435
msgid "  names or rpm files given on command line are installed.\n"
msgstr "  imena ili rpm fajlovi u komandnoj liniji su instalirani.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:182
#, c-format
msgid "avoid selecting %s as its locales language is not already selected"
msgstr "izbegavam selektovanje %s po�to njen lokalni jezik nije izabran"

#: po/placeholder.h:184 po/placeholder.h:291
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "reading rpms files from [%s]"
msgstr "nema rpm datoteka na [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:185
msgid "  --complete     - use parsehdlist server to complete selection.\n"
msgstr ""
"  --complete     - koristi parsehdlist server za zavr�etak selekcije.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:186 po/placeholder.h:295
#, c-format
msgid "write config file [%s]"
msgstr "upisujem u konfiguracionu datoteku [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:187 po/placeholder.h:442 urpmi:467
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press Enter when ready..."
msgstr "Pritisnite enter kada zavr�ite..."

#: po/placeholder.h:188 po/placeholder.h:298 urpm.pm:217
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to handle protocol: %s"
msgstr "ne mogu da kreiram hdlist: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:189
msgid "unable to build hdlist synthesis, using parsehdlist method"
msgstr "ne mogu da kreiram hdlist synthesis, koristim parsehdlist metod"

#: po/placeholder.h:190 po/placeholder.h:499
msgid ""
"  --distrib      - automatically create all media from an installation "
msgstr ""
"  --distrib      - automatski kreira sve medije sa instalacionog medija.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:193 po/placeholder.h:450 po/placeholder.h:583
msgid "  -s             - next package is a source package (same as --src).\n"
msgstr ""
"  -s             - sledeKji paket je izvorni paket(isto kao i  --src).\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:194 po/placeholder.h:303 urpm.pm:1649
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to correctly parse [%s] on value \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da ispravno parsiram [%s] na vrednost \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:196 po/placeholder.h:306 urpm.pm:376
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unable to take care of medium \"%s\" as list file is already used by another "
msgstr ""
"ne mogu da koristim medij \"%s\" po�to se datoteka liste kotristi od strane "
"drugog medija"

#: po/placeholder.h:197 po/placeholder.h:304 urpm.pm:1883 urpm.pm:1888
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to install package %s"
msgstr "Samo superkorisnik mo�e instalirati pakete"

#: po/placeholder.h:198 po/placeholder.h:307
#, c-format
msgid "examining synthesis file [%s]"
msgstr "ispitujem synthesis fajl [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:199 po/placeholder.h:308
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "reading headers from medium \"%s\""
msgstr "uklanjam medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:200 po/placeholder.h:310
msgid "performing second pass to compute dependencies\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:202 po/placeholder.h:311 urpm.pm:361
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" trying to use an already used list, medium ignored"
msgstr ""
"medij \"%s\" poku�ava da koristi listu koja je u upotrebi, medij je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:203 po/placeholder.h:312
#, c-format
msgid "unable to retrieve pathname for removable medium \"%s\""
msgstr "ne mogu da dobavim putanju za prenosni medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:204 po/placeholder.h:314 urpm.pm:1614 urpm.pm:1640
#, c-format
msgid "there are multiple packages with the same rpm filename \"%s\""
msgstr "postoji vi�e paketa sa istim imenom rpm datoteke \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:206 po/placeholder.h:601
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -g             - print groups with name also.\n"
msgstr "  -g             - prikazuje i grupe sa imenom.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:207 po/placeholder.h:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "  --list         - list available packages.\n"
msgstr "  --all           - �tampa sve tagove."

#: po/placeholder.h:208 po/placeholder.h:367 urpme:125
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be removed (%d "
msgstr "Radi zadovoljenja zavisnosti, slede�i paketi �e biti uklonjeni (%d MB)"

#: po/placeholder.h:210 po/placeholder.h:317 urpm.pm:1895
#, c-format
msgid "%s is needed by %s"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:211 po/placeholder.h:318
msgid "retrieving hdlists file..."
msgstr "dobavljam hdlists fajl..."

#: po/placeholder.h:212 po/placeholder.h:383 urpmi:160
#, c-format
msgid "urpmi: unknown option \"-%s\", check usage with --help\n"
msgstr "urpmi: nepoznata opcija \"-%s\", proverite upotrebu sa --help\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:213 po/placeholder.h:320 urpm.pm:402
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access hdlist file of \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "ne mogu da pristupim hdlist datoteci za \"%s\", medij je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:214 po/placeholder.h:321 urpm.pm:1446
msgid "unable to register rpm file"
msgstr "ne mogu da registrujem rpm datoteku"

#: po/placeholder.h:215 po/placeholder.h:322
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:216 po/placeholder.h:326
#, c-format
msgid "found probed hdlist (or synthesis) as %s"
msgstr "pronagjen hdlist (ili synthesis) kao \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:217 po/placeholder.h:323 urpm.pm:456
#, c-format
msgid "unable to inspect list file for \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "ne mogu da istra�im datoteku liste za \"%s\", medij je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:218 po/placeholder.h:324
#, c-format
msgid "too many mount points for removable medium \"%s\""
msgstr "previ�e ta�aka montiranja za prenosni medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:219 po/placeholder.h:328
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "problem reading hdlist file of medium \"%s\""
msgstr "kreiram hdlist simteznu datoteku za medij \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:220 po/placeholder.h:327 urpm.pm:448
#, c-format
msgid "incoherent list file for \"%s\", medium ignored"
msgstr "nekoherentna datoteka liste za \"%s\", medij je ignorisan"

#: po/placeholder.h:221 po/placeholder.h:395 po/placeholder.h:572
msgid "  --update       - use only update media.\n"
msgstr "  --update       - koristi samo update medij.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:222 po/placeholder.h:329
#, c-format
msgid "copy of [%s] failed"
msgstr "kopiranje [%s] neuspelo"

#: po/placeholder.h:223 po/placeholder.h:579
msgid "  -d             - extend query to package dependencies.\n"
msgstr "  -d             - pro�iruje pretragu na zavisnost paketa.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:224
#, c-format
msgid "unable to analyse synthesis data of %s"
msgstr "ne mogu da analiziram synthesis podatke za %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:225 po/placeholder.h:378 urpme:116
#, c-format
msgid "removing package %s will break your system\n"
msgstr "uklanjanje %s paketa Kje naru�iti va� sistem\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:226 po/placeholder.h:331
#, c-format
msgid "retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of \"%s\"..."
msgstr "dobavljam izorni hdlist (ili synthesis) za \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:228 po/placeholder.h:413
msgid "  --X            - use X interface.\n"
msgstr "  --X            - koristi X interfejs.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:229 po/placeholder.h:332
msgid "...copying done"
msgstr "...kopiranje zavr�eno"

#: po/placeholder.h:230 po/placeholder.h:414 urpmi:428 urpmi:437
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (%"
"d MB)"
msgstr ""
"Radi zadovoljenja zavisnosti, slede�i paketi �e biti instalirani (%d MB)"

#: po/placeholder.h:231 po/placeholder.h:334
msgid "copying hdlists file..."
msgstr "kopiram hdlist fajl..."

#: po/placeholder.h:232 po/placeholder.h:336 urpm.pm:337 urpm.pm:349
#, c-format
msgid "syntax error in config file at line %s"
msgstr "sintaksna gre�ka u konfiguracionoj datoteci u liniji %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:233 po/placeholder.h:416 urpmi:545
msgid "Try installation without checking dependencies? (y/N) "
msgstr "Instaliacija bez provere zavisnosti (da/Ne)? "

#: po/placeholder.h:234 po/placeholder.h:422 po/placeholder.h:596
msgid "  --fuzzy        - impose fuzzy search (same as -y).\n"
msgstr "  --fuzzy        - uzrokuje fuzzy pretragu (isto kao -y).\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:235 po/placeholder.h:340 urpm.pm:1449
msgid "error registering local packages"
msgstr "gre�ka pri registrovanju lokalnih paketa"

#: po/placeholder.h:236 po/placeholder.h:341
#, c-format
msgid "taking removable device as \"%s\""
msgstr "uzimam prenosni uregjaj kao \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:237 po/placeholder.h:429
msgid "  -p             - allow search in provides to find package.\n"
msgstr ""
"  -p             - dozvoljava pretragu u omoguKjenom radi pronala�enja "

#: po/placeholder.h:239 po/placeholder.h:345
#, c-format
msgid "copying description file of \"%s\"..."
msgstr "kopiram opisni fajl za \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:240 po/placeholder.h:599
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -u             - remove package if a more recent version is already "
msgstr ""
"  -u             - uklanja pakete ukoliko je novija verdzija veKj "

#: po/placeholder.h:241
#, c-format
msgid "unable to build hdlist: %s"
msgstr "ne mogu da kreiram hdlist: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:242 po/placeholder.h:346 urpm.pm:1709 urpm.pm:1712
#: urpm.pm:1730
#, c-format
msgid "medium \"%s\" is not selected"
msgstr "medij \"%s\" nije izabran"

#: po/placeholder.h:243 po/placeholder.h:348 urpm.pm:418
#, c-format
msgid "trying to bypass existing medium \"%s\", avoiding"
msgstr "poku�avam da premostim postojeKji medij \"%s\", izbegavam"

#: po/placeholder.h:244 po/placeholder.h:437
msgid "  -q             - quiet mode.\n"
msgstr "  -q             - tihi mod.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:245 po/placeholder.h:349
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to read rpms files from [%s]: %s"
msgstr "ne mogu da pro�itam rpm datoteku [%s] sa medija \"%s\""

#: po/placeholder.h:246
msgid "Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 MandrakeSoft."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 MandrakeSoft."

#: po/placeholder.h:248 po/placeholder.h:446 po/placeholder.h:582
msgid ""
"  --force        - force invocation even if some packages do not exist.\n"
msgstr ""
"  --force        - primorava na invokaciju �ak  i ako neki paketi ne "

#: po/placeholder.h:250 po/placeholder.h:371 urpme:63
#, c-format
msgid "Using \"%s\" as a substring, I found"
msgstr "Koristim \"%s\" kao podstring, pronagjeno"

#: po/placeholder.h:251 po/placeholder.h:453 urpmi:510
#, c-format
msgid "installing %s\n"
msgstr "Instaliram %s\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:252 po/placeholder.h:377 urpme:33
msgid "Remove them all?"
msgstr "Da ih uklonim sve?"

#: po/placeholder.h:253 po/placeholder.h:454 urpmi:466
#, c-format
msgid "Please insert the medium named \"%s\" on device [%s]"
msgstr "Ubacite medij sa imenom %s u ure�aj %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:254 po/placeholder.h:355 urpm.pm:1539
#, c-format
msgid "The following packages contain %s: %s"
msgstr "Slede�i paketi sadr�e %s: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:255 po/placeholder.h:356
#, c-format
msgid "examining hdlist file [%s]"
msgstr "ispitujem  hdlist fajl [%s]"

#: po/placeholder.h:256 po/placeholder.h:358 urpm.pm:1428
msgid "no entries relocated in depslist"
msgstr "nema preme�tenih unosa u depslist"

#: po/placeholder.h:257 po/placeholder.h:515
msgid "  --update       - create an update medium.\n"
msgstr "  --update       - kreira update medij.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:259 po/placeholder.h:556
msgid ""
"  -d             - force complete computation of depslist.ordered file.\n"
msgstr ""
"  -d             - primorava na kompletno prora�unavanje depslist.ordered "

#: po/placeholder.h:260 po/placeholder.h:462 po/placeholder.h:598 urpmi:455
#: urpmq:216
msgid "unable to get source packages, aborting"
msgstr "izvor paketa nije dostupan,izlazim..."

#: po/placeholder.h:261 po/placeholder.h:359 urpm.pm:1801
msgid "...retrieving done"
msgstr "... dobavljanje zavr�eno"

#: po/placeholder.h:262
#, c-format
msgid "selecting %s using obsoletes"
msgstr "selektujem %s koristeKji obsoletes"

#: po/placeholder.h:263 po/placeholder.h:360 urpm.pm:286
#, c-format
msgid "curl failed: exited with %d or signal %d\n"
msgstr "neuspeo curl: kraj sa %d ili signalom  %d\n"

#. [^:]+(:\d+)?)/*$, or
#: po/placeholder.h:264 po/placeholder.h:464 po/placeholder.h:516
#: po/placeholder.h:558 urpmi:126 urpmi:133 urpmi.addmedia:65
#: urpmi.addmedia:72 urpmi.update:45 urpmi.update:52
msgid "bad proxy declaration on command line\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:265
#, c-format
msgid "selecting %s by selection on files"
msgstr "selektujem %s selektovanjem datoteka"

#: po/placeholder.h:266 po/placeholder.h:364
#, c-format
msgid "copying source list of \"%s\"..."
msgstr "kopiram izvornu listu za \"%s\"..."

#: po/placeholder.h:267 po/placeholder.h:471 urpmi:210
msgid "Only superuser is allowed to install packages"
msgstr "Samo superkorisnik mo�e instalirati pakete"

#: po/placeholder.h:268 po/placeholder.h:366 urpm.pm:220
msgid "wget is missing\n"
msgstr "nedostaje wget\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:384
msgid ""
"  --allow-nodeps - allow asking user to install packages without\n"
"                   dependencies checking.\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:389
#, c-format
msgid ""
"urpmi version %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU "
msgstr ""
"urpmi verzija %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"Ovo je besplatan softver i mo�e biti slobodno redistribuiran pod uslovima "
"GNU i GPL. upotreba:\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:396 po/placeholder.h:495 po/placeholder.h:552
#: po/placeholder.h:573
msgid ""
"  --proxy-user   - specify user and password to use for proxy\n"
"                   authentication (format is <user:password>).\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:401 urpmi:515
msgid ""
"Installation failed, some files are missing.\n"
"You may want to update your urpmi database"
msgstr ""
"Instalacija neuspela, nedostaju neki fajlovi.\n"
"Mo�da �elite da a�urirate va�u urpmi bazu podataka"

#: po/placeholder.h:405 urpmi:390
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:\n"
"do you agree ?"
msgstr ""
"neki paketi moraju biti uklonjeni da bi bili a�urirani, �to jo� "

#: po/placeholder.h:418 po/placeholder.h:507 po/placeholder.h:546
#: po/placeholder.h:591
msgid ""
"  --proxy        - use specified HTTP proxy, the port number is assumed\n"
"                   to be 1080 by default (format is <proxyhost[:port]>).\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:423
msgid "  --verify-rpm   - verify rpm signature before installation.\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:424
msgid ""
"  --best-output  - choose best interface according to the environment:\n"
"                   X or text mode.\n"
msgstr ""
"  --best-output  - bira najbolji interfejs po ugledu na okru�enje:\n"
"                   X ili tekstualni mod.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:431 urpmi:434
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You need to be root to install the following dependencies:\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:441 urpmi:489
#, fuzzy
msgid "The following packages have bad signatures"
msgstr "Slede�i paketi sadr�e %s: %s"

#: po/placeholder.h:455 urpmi:373
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some package requested cannot be installed:\n"
"do you agree ?"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:460 urpmi:490
msgid "Do you want to continue installation ?"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:467
msgid ""
"  --allow-force  - allow asking user to install packages without\n"
"                   dependencies checking and integrity.\n"
msgstr ""

#: po/placeholder.h:473
msgid ""
"usage: urpmi.addmedia [options] <name> <url> [with <relative_path>]\n"
"where <url> is one of\n"
"       file://<path>\n"
"       ftp://<login>:<password>@<host>/<path> with <relative filename of "
"       ftp://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>\n"
"       http://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>\n"
"       removable://<path>\n"
"and [options] are from\n"
msgstr ""
"upotreba: urpmi.addmedia [opcije] <ime> <url> [sa <relativnom_putanja>]\n"
"gde je <url> jedan od\n"
"       file://<putanja>\n"
"       ftp://<login>:<lozinka>@<host>/<putanja> with <relativno ime datoteke "
"       ftp://<host>/<putanja> with <relativno ime datoteke sa hdlist>\n"
"       http://<host>/<putanja> with <relativno ime datoteke sa hdlist>\n"
"       removable_<ure�aj>://<putanja>\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:484 po/placeholder.h:518 po/placeholder.h:536
#: urpmi.addmedia:79
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unknown options '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
"nepoznate opcije '%s'\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:491 urpmi.addmedia:104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"`with' missing for ftp media\n"
msgstr ""
"`with' nedostaje za ftp medij\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:500 urpmi.addmedia:90
#, c-format
msgid ""
"no need to give <relative path of hdlist> with --distrib"
msgstr ""
"nedostaje <relativna putanja hdlist> sa --distrib"

#: po/placeholder.h:511 urpmi.addmedia:102
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<relative path of hdlist> missing\n"
msgstr ""
"nedostaje <relativna putanja hdlist>\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:522 urpmi.removemedia:49
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the entry to remove is missing\n"
"(one of %s)\n"
msgstr ""
"nedostaje unos za brisanje\n"
"(jedan od %s)\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:528
msgid ""
"usage: urpmi.removemedia [-a] <name> ...\n"
"where <name> is a medium name to remove.\n"
msgstr ""
"upotreba: urpmi.removemedia [-a] <ime> ...\n"
"gde je <ime> ime medija za uklanjanje.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:532
msgid ""
"usage: urpmi.update [options] <name> ...\n"
"where <name> is a medium name to update.\n"
msgstr ""
"upotreba: urpmi.update [opcije] <ime> ...\n"
"gde <ime> jeste ime medija za a�uriranje.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:541 urpmi.update:80
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the entry to update is missing\n"
"(one of %s)\n"
msgstr ""
"nedostaje unos za a�uriranje\n"
"(jedan od %s)\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:564
#, c-format
msgid ""
"urpmq version %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU "
msgstr ""
"urpmq verzija %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"Ovo je besplatan softver i mo�e biti redistribuiran pod uslovima GNU GPL.\n"

#: po/placeholder.h:587
msgid ""
"  --headers      - extract headers for package listed from urpmi db to\n"
"                   stdout (root only).\n"
msgstr ""
"  --headers      - ekstraktuje hedere za pakete prikazane iz urpmi db na\n"
"                   stdout (samo root).\n"

#: urpmi:61
#, c-format
msgid "urpmi version %s"
msgstr "urpmi verzija %s"

#: urpmi.addmedia:29
msgid "usage: urpmi.addmedia [options] <name> <url> [with <relative_path>]"
msgstr "usage: urpmi.addmedia [opcije] <ime> <url> [sah <relativnom_putanjom>]"

#: urpmi.addmedia:38 urpmi.addmedia:39 urpmi.addmedia:40 urpmi.addmedia:41
#: urpmi.addmedia:42 urpmi.addmedia:43 urpmi.removemedia:36
#: urpmi.removemedia:37 urpmi.removemedia:38 urpmi.update:60 urpmi.update:61
#: urpmi.update:62 urpmi.update:63 urpmi.update:64 urpmi.update:65
#: urpmi.update:66
msgid ") . _("
msgstr ") . _("

#: urpmi.removemedia:34
msgid "usage: urpmi.removemedia [-a] <name> ..."
msgstr "upotreba: urpmi.removemedia [-a] <ime> ..."

#: urpmi.removemedia:38
msgid ", $_);"
msgstr ", $_);"

#: urpmi.update:58
msgid "usage: urpmi.update [options] <name> ..."
msgstr "upotreba: urpmi.update [opcije] <ime> ..."

#: urpmq:35
#, c-format
msgid "urpmq version %s"
msgstr "urpmq verzija %s"

#~ msgid ");"
#~ msgstr ");"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "removing %s to upgrade to %s ...\n"
#~ "  since it will not be updated otherwise"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "uklanjam %s radi a�uriranja na %s...\n"
#~ "  po�to druga�ije ne bi uspelo a�uriranje"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "removing %s to upgrade to %s ...\n"
#~ "  since it will not upgrade correctly!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "uklanjam %s radi a�uriranja na %s...\n"
#~ "  zbog toga �to ne mo�e ispravno da se a�urira!"

#~ msgid "removing %s to upgrade to %s ..."
#~ msgstr "uklanjam %s radi a�uriranja na  %s ..."

#~ msgid ", $otherPackage, "
#~ msgstr ", $otherPackage, "

#~ msgid "));"
#~ msgstr "));"

#~ msgid "$p->{name}-$p->{version}-$p->{release}"
#~ msgstr "$p->{name}-$p->{version}-$p->{release}"

#~ msgid "$prefix/$_"
#~ msgstr "$prefix/$_"