.TH urpmi.removemedia 8 "07 Jan 2003" "Mandrakesoft" "Mandrakelinux" .IX urpmi.removemedia .SH NAME urpmi.removemedia \- remove a rpm media from the known medias of urpmi .SH SYNOPSIS .B urpmi.removemedia [options] <\fInames\fP> .SH DESCRIPTION urpmi.removemedia removes from all configuration files all references to the named media and to rpms from that media. .PP <\fInames\fP> is a list of names you first told to urpmi.addmedia. .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB\-a\fP" Selects and removes all medias. .IP "\fB\-c\fP" Clean header cache directory (/var/cache/urpmi/headers). .SH FILES .de FN \fI\|\\$1\|\fP .. .TP .FN /usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia The \fBurpmi.removemedia\fP executable (perl script) .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/list.* Contains the list of all packages known by urpmi and their location only if a password is used to access distant location (using network protocol) or various directory are used to store packages. .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.* Contains information about all known packages; it's a summary of rpm headers. If an hdlist file is used for a medium, \fBurpmf\fP can operate completely without accessing this medium (this is almost always the case). .TP .FN /var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.* Contains synthesis information about all known packages built from hdlist files that can be used by minimal closure algorithm. If these files are not present hdlist files will be used instead but this is much slower. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg Contains media description, previous format from older urpmi is still accepted. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/parallel.cfg Contains parallel alias description, format is \fB<alias>:<interface[(media)]>:<interface_parameter>\fP where \fB<alias>\fP is a symbolic name, \fB<interface>\fP can be \fBka-run\fP or \fBssh\fP, \fB<media>\fP is a media list (as \fB--media\fP parameter), \fB<interface_parameter>\fP is a specific interface parameter list like "-c ssh -m node1 -m node2" for \fBka-run\fP extension or "node1:node2" for \fBssh\fP extension. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/skip.list The list of packages that should not be automatically updated when using --auto-select. It contains one package expression per line; either a package name, or a regular expression (if enclosed in slashes \fB/\fP) to match the name of packages against. .TP .FN /etc/urpmi/inst.list The list of packages that should be installed instead of updated. It has the same format as the skip.list. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fIurpmi\fP(8), \fIurpmi.addmedia\fP(8), \fIurpmi.update\fP(8), \fIurpmf\fP(8), \fIurpmq\fP(8), .SH AUTHOR Pascal Rigaux, Mandrakesoft <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> (original author) .PP Francois Pons, Mandrakesoft <fpons@mandrakesoft.com> .PP Rafael Garcia-Suarez, Mandrakesoft <rgarciasuarez@mandrakesoft.com> (current maintainer)