.TH urpmi 8 "25 Nov 2004" "Mandrakesoft" "Mandrakelinux" .IX urpmi .SH NAME urpmi \- rpm wrapper making installs easier for the user .SH SYNOPSIS .B urpmi [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIpackage_names\fP | \fIrpm_files...\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION urpmi authorizes well-known rpms (or rpm files) to be installed including all their dependencies. You can use it to install the dependencies of a source package, or a source package itself. You can compare rpm vs. urpmi with insmod vs. modprobe or dpkg vs apt-get. .PP Just launch urpmi followed by what you think is the name of the package(s), and urpmi will: .br \- Propose different package names if the name was ambiguous, and quit. .br \- If only one corresponding package is found, check whether its dependencies are already installed. .br \- If not, propose to install the dependencies, and on a positive answer, proceed. .PP Note that urpmi handles installations from various types of media (ftp, http, rsync, local and nfs volumes, removable media such as CDROMs) and is able to install dependencies from a media different from the original package's media. If necessary, for removable media, urpmi may ask you to insert the appropriate disk. .PP To add a new media containing rpms, run urpmi.addmedia. .br To remove an existing media, use urpmi.removemedia. .br To update the package list (for example when the ftp archive changes) use urpmi.update. .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB\--help\fP" Print a help message and exit (this is the same as \fB-h\fP or \fB-?\fP). .IP "\fB\--update\fP" Use only update media. This means that \fBurpmi\fP will search packages and resolve dependencies only in media marked as containing updates. .IP "\fB\--media\fP \fImedia1,...,mediaN\fP" Select specific media to be used, instead of all available media (or update media if \fB--update\fP is used). .IP "\fB\--excludemedia\fP \fImedia1,...,mediaN\fP" Do not use the specified media. .IP "\fB\--searchmedia\fP \fImedia\fP" Use only the specified media to search for packages when combined with \fB\--auto-select\fP. .IP "\fB\--sortmedia\fP \fImedia1,...,mediaN\fP" Sort the specified media. Substrings may be used to simplify grouping. .IP "\fB\--synthesis\fP \fIfile\fP" Use the specified synthesis file instead of the urpmi database for searching packages and resolving dependencies. .IP "\fB\--auto\fP" Install all required dependencies without asking. .IP "\fB\--auto-select\fP" Automatically select all packages that have to be upgraded, according to already installed packages and packages listed in various registered media. .IP "\fB\--no-uninstall\fP" Never ask to uninstall a package but prefer aborting instead. This can be safer in auto mode. .IP "\fB\--keep\fP" When some dependencies cannot be satisfied, change the selection of packages to try to keep existing packages instead of removing them. This behaviour generally rejects the upgrade of packages given on command line (or when using \fB\--auto-select\fP) when a dependency error occurs. .IP "\fB\--split-level \fInumber\fP" Split urpmi's operation in small transactions when the total number of packages to upgrade is greater than the given \fInumber\fP. This option is activated by default, and the default value of \fInumber\fP is 20. .IP "\fB\--split-length \fIcount\fP" Split urpmi's operation in small transactions of at least \fIcount\fP packages. The default is 1 and setting this value to 0 just disables splitting in small transactions. .IP "\fB\--fuzzy\fP" Disable fast search on exact package name; i.e. it will propose all packages matching partially the name, even if one of them matches exactly the specified name (this is the same as \fB\-y\fP). .IP "\fB\--src\fP \fIname\fP" Search a source package matching \fIname\fP and select all its dependencies by default, unless \fB\--install-src\fP is used in order to install the source package itself. .IP "\fB\--install-src\fP" Install only the source package (no binary packages will be installed). .IP "\fB\--clean\fP" Remove all packages from the cache in directory /var/cache/urpmi/rpms. .IP "\fB\--noclean\fP" Do not remove any packages from the cache in directory /var/cache/urpmi/rpms. .IP "\fB\--force\fP" Assume yes on all questions. .IP "\fB\--allow-nodeps\fP" With this option, urpmi will ask the user on error whether it should continue the installation without checking dependencies. By default, urpmi exits immediately in this case. .IP "\fB\--allow-force\fP" With this option, urpmi will ask the user on error whether it should proceed to a forced installation. By default, urpmi exits immediately in this case. .IP "\fB\--parallel\fP \fIalias\fP" Activate distributed execution of urpmi to other machines (it is mandatory that urpmi is installed, but it is not necessary to have media defined on any machines). \fIalias\fP defines which extension module is to be used by urpmi (currently, \fBurpmi-parallel-ka-run\fP or \fBurpmi-parallel-ssh\fP are available) and which machines should be updated. This alias is defined in the file /etc/urpmi/parallel.cfg as described below. .IP "\fB\--root\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Use the file system tree rooted for rpm install. All operations and scripts will run after chroot(2). The rpm database that lies in the rooted tree will be used, but the urpmi configuration comes from the normal system. .IP "\fB\--wget\fP" Use wget for downloading distant files. By default curl is used if available, or wget instead. .IP "\fB\--curl\fP" Use curl for downloading distant files. By default curl is used if available, or wget instead. .IP "\fB\--limit-rate \fIrate\fP" Try to limit the download speed, \fIrate\fP is given in bytes/sec. This option is not active by default. .IP "\fB\--proxy\fP \fIproxyhost[:port|1080]\fP" Use specified HTTP proxy. .IP "\fB\--proxy-user\fP \fIuser:password\fP" Use specified user and password to use for proxy authentication. .IP "\fB\--bug\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Create a bug report in \fIdirectory\fP, you have to send a compressed archive of the directory to the \fBurpmi\fP maintainer for the bug being (probably) fixed. .IP "\fB\--env\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Use a different environment directly from a bug report to replay a bug, the argument is the same argument given to \fB--bug\fP option. .IP "\fB\--verify-rpm\fP" or "\fB\--no-verify-rpm\fP" Activate or deactivate rpm signature checking. It's activated by default. .IP "\fB\--test\fP" Test (same as \fBrpm --test\fP) installation of packages but do not modify the system. .IP "\fB\--strict-arch\fP" Upgrade only packages if the newer version has the same architecture than the installed one. Mostly useful on machines that support several architectures (32 and 64 bit). .IP "\fB\--norebuild\fP" Don't try to rebuild the hdlist files from the RPMs if the original hdlist wasn't readable or was corrupted. .IP "\fB\--excludepath\fP \fIstring\fP" Do not install files whose name begins with the given \fIstring\fP (same as \fBrpm --excludepath\fP). .IP "\fB\--excludedocs\fP" Do not install documents files (same as \fBrpm --excludedocs\fP). .IP "\fB\-a\fP" If multiple packages match the given substring, install them all. .IP "\fB\-p\fP" Allow search in provides to find package (default). .IP "\fB\-P\fP" Do not search in provides to find package (this is the opposite of \fB-p\fP). .IP "\fB\-y\fP" Yhis is the same as \fB--fuzzy\fP. .IP "\fB\-s\fP" This is the same as \fB--src\fP. .IP "\fB\-q\fP" Quiet mode: when calling rpm no upgrade status is printed. .IP "\fB\-v\fP" Proposes a verbose mode with various messages. .SH EXAMPLES .IP "urpmi ssh://foo@bar.net/home/foo/test.rpm" Fetch /home/foo/test.rpm from server bar.net over ssh using user foo. You can use a public key or enter your password. .IP "urpmi --media foo- --auto-select" Fetch all the updates from media containing foo- in their name. .SH FILES See \fIurpmi.files\fP(5). .SH EXIT CODES .IP 1 Command line inconsistency. .IP 2 Problem registering local packages. .IP 3 Source packages not retrievable. .IP 4 Medium is not selected. .IP 5 Medium already exists. .IP 6 Unable to save configuration. .IP 7 Urpmi database locked. .IP 8 Unable to create bug report. .IP 9 Unable to open rpmdb. .IP 10 Some files are missing for installation. .IP 11 Some transactions failed but not all. .IP 12 All transactions failed. .IP 13 Some files are missing and some transactions failed but not all. .IP 14 Some files are missing and all transactions failed. .SH "BUG REPORTS" If you find a bug in \fBurpmi\fP please report it using .I urpmi --bug bug_name_as_directory ... command with the command line used, it will automatically create a directory called \fIbug_name_as_directory\fP containing necessary files to reproduce it if possible. .PP Please test the report using .I urpmi --env bug_name_as_directory ... to check bug is still here, currently only resolution bugs are reproduceable. .PP For sending the report, use .I tar cvfz bug_name_as_directory.tgz bug_name_as_directory and send it directly to the current maintainer (rgarciasuarez@mandrakesoft.com) with a description of what is wrong according to you. .SH BUGS When a package is removed, it may not be replaced with an older version. .SH AUTHOR Pascal Rigaux, Mandrakesoft (original author) .PP Francois Pons, Mandrakesoft .PP Rafael Garcia-Suarez, Mandrakesoft (current maintainer) .SH CONTRIBUTORS Please mail to authors if you are not belonging to this alphabetically sorted list after having contributed. .PP Andrej Borsenkow, Guillaume Cottenceau, Philippe Libat, Bryan Paxton, Guillaume Rousse, Michael Scherer, Alexander Skwar, Olivier Thauvin, Erwan Velu, Florent Villard. .SH SEE ALSO \fIurpmi.addmedia\fP(8), \fIurpmi.update\fP(8), \fIurpmi.removemedia\fP(8), \fIurpmf\fP(8), \fIurpmq\fP(8), \fIurpmi.cfg\fP(5), \fIurpmi.files\fP(5).