.TH urpmf 8 "05 Jul 2001" "MandrakeSoft" "Mandrake Linux" .IX urpmf .SH NAME urpmf \- RPMFind - Finds the RPM package providing the specified file .SH SYNOPSIS .B urpmf [\fIoptions\fP] <\fIfile\fP> .SH DESCRIPTION urpmf outputs a list of packages providing the file specified as an argument. .PP <\fIfile\fP> is the name of the file you wish to know the package providing it. Note that you may type just a substring of the file you are looking for, \fBurpmf\fP will then print a list of matching files with their corresponding packages. .PP urpmf searches through installed and uninstalled packages. .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB\--help\fP" print an help message and exit. .IP "\fB\--quiet\fP" do not print tag name (default if no tag given on command line, incompatible with interactive mode). .IP "\fB\--all\fP" print all tags. .IP "\fB\--name\fP" print tag name: rpm filename (assumed if no tag given on command line but without package name). .IP "\fB\--group\fP" print tag group: group. .IP "\fB\--size\fP" print tag size: size. .IP "\fB\--serial\fP" print tag serial: serial. .IP "\fB\--summary\fP" print tag summary: summary. .IP "\fB\--description\fP" print tag description: description. .IP "\fB\--provides\fP" print tag provides: all provides (mutliple lines). .IP "\fB\--requires\fP" print tag requires: all requires (multiple lines). .IP "\fB\--files\fP" print tag files: all files (multiple lines). .IP "\fB\--conflicts\fP" print tag conflicts: all conflicts (multiple lines). .IP "\fB\--obsoletes\fP" print tag obsoletes: all obsoletes (multiple lines). .IP "\fB\--prereqs\fP" print tag prereqs: all prereqs (multiple lines). .SH FILES /usr/bin/urpmf .br The \fBurpmf\fP executable (perl script) .PP /var/lib/urpmi/list.* .br Contains the list of all packages known by urpmi and their location. There is one filelist per media(*). .PP /var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.* .br Contain information about all known packages, it's a summary of rpm headers. There is one filelist per media(*). .PP /var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.* .br Contain synthesis information about all known packages built from hdlist files that can be used by minimal closure algorithm. If these files are not present use \fBurpmi.update -a\fP to generate them. These files are not mandatory. .PP /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg .br Contains media description, previous format from older urpmi is accepted. .PP /etc/urpmi/skip.list .br Contains package names that should be not automatically updated. .PP /var/lib/urpmi/depslist.ordered .br A simple text file containing all dependencies of all known packages. .PP /var/lib/urpmi/provides .br A simple text file containning all provides and the list of associated packages that contains them. .PP /var/lib/urpmi/compss .br A simple text file containning for each Group used the list of package in this group. .SH "SEE ALSO" urpmi(8), urpmq(8), urpmi.addmedia(8), urpmi.update(8), urpmi.removemedia(8), autoirpm(8), autoirpm-icons(8), gurpmi(8), rpmdrake(8) .SH AUTHOR Pascal Rigaux, Mandrakesoft <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> .br Francois Pons, Mandrakesoft <fpons@mandrakesoft.com>