
#- Copyright (C) 2005 MandrakeSoft SA
#- Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA

use strict;

BEGIN { #- set up a safe path and environment
    $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin";
    delete @ENV{qw(ENV BASH_ENV IFS CDPATH)};

use Gtk2;
use gurpmi;
use urpm::util;

sub usage() { gurpmi::usage() }

#- globals
my ($srpms, $rpms) = ([], []);
my ($mainw, $mainbox);
my @all_rpms = gurpmi::parse_command_line();

#- Now, the graphical stuff.


#- Create main window

$mainw = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel');
$mainw->set_title(N("RPM installation"));
$mainw->signal_connect(destroy => \&cancel_n_quit);
$mainbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 5);

sub all_descriptions {
    my (@rpms) = @_;
    join '', `rpm -qp --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}: %{summary}\\n' @rpms`;

foreach (@all_rpms) {
    unless (-e $_) {
	$mainbox->pack_start(new_label(N("Error: unable to find file %s, will cancel operation", $_)), 1, 1, 0);
	my $abort_button = Gtk2::Button->new(but(N("_Ok")));
	$abort_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { cancel_n_quit(); exit 1 });
	add_button_box($mainbox, $abort_button);
    /\.src\.rpm$/ ? push(@$srpms, $_) : push(@$rpms, $_);

sub proceed() {
    #- we need to switch to root if we're not already (via consolehelper)
    #- yes. hardcoded paths. safe.
    exec $> ? '/usr/bin/gurpmi2' : '/usr/sbin/gurpmi2', @ARGV;

#- Ask question: save or install ?
#- change depending on the number of rpms, and on the presence of srpms
if (!$gurpmi::options{auto} && @all_rpms + @gurpmi::names) {
    my $msg = (
	@$srpms > 0
	? N("You have selected a source package:


You probably didn't want to install it on your computer (installing it would allow you to make modifications to its sourcecode then compile it).

What would you like to do?", basename($srpms->[0]))
	: @all_rpms == 0
	? N("You are about to install the following software packages on your computer:


Proceed?", join("\n", map { "- $_" } @gurpmi::names))
	: @all_rpms == 1
	? N("You are about to install the following software package on your computer:


You may prefer to just save it. What is your choice?", all_descriptions($rpms->[0]))
	: N("You are about to install the following software packages on your computer:


Proceed?", all_descriptions(@all_rpms))
    $mainbox->pack_start(new_label($msg), 1, 1, 0);
} else {
    #- we're doing an --auto-select, proceed without asking

{   #- buttons
    my $inst_button = Gtk2::Button->new(but(N("_Install")));
    my $save_button = @all_rpms == 1 ? Gtk2::Button->new(but(N("_Save"))) : undef;
    my $ccel_button = Gtk2::Button->new(but(N("_Cancel")));

    $inst_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
	#- performs installation.
    $save_button and $save_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
	my $file_dialog = Gtk2::FileSelection->new(N("Choose location to save file"));
	my $filename = @$srpms > 0 ? $srpms->[0] : $rpms->[0];
	$file_dialog->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
	    my $location = $file_dialog->get_filename;
	    $location and exec '/bin/mv', '-f', $filename, $location;
	$file_dialog->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => \&quit);
    $ccel_button->signal_connect(clicked => \&cancel_n_quit);
    add_button_box($mainbox, grep { defined $_ } $inst_button, $save_button, $ccel_button);
