path: root/
diff options
authorFrancois Pons <>2001-02-16 16:53:37 +0000
committerFrancois Pons <>2001-02-16 16:53:37 +0000
commit2a0f2e1eee73ba79d7a7989f0cacda5ec2e183ed (patch)
tree2c676e1d13261c4f4962535f16cbcae06bee1c3c /
parenta73a3e74e32ec5360b62c68f8a80b55a4b79bfdd (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 69da34c4..912d3aca 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ sub read_config {
my ($urpm) = @_;
#- keep in mind if it has been called before.
- $urpm->{media} ||= [];
+ $urpm->{media} and return; $urpm->{media} ||= [];
#- check urpmi.cfg content, if the file is old keep track
#- of old format used.
@@ -982,18 +982,51 @@ sub filter_minimal_packages_to_upgrade {
my $pkg = $urpm->{params}{depslist}[$id];
+ #- search for package that will be upgraded, and check the difference
+ #- of provides to see if something will be altered and need to be upgraded.
+ my %diffprovides;
+ rpmtools::db_traverse_tag($db,
+ 'name', [ $pkg->{name} ],
+ [ qw(name version release sense provides) ], sub {
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ foreach (@{$p->{provides}}) {
+ s/\[\*\]//;
+ s/\[([^\]]*)\]/ $1/;
+ $diffprovides{$_} = "$p->{name}-$p->{version}-$p->{release}";
+ }
+ });
+ $ask_child->("$pkg->{name}-$pkg->{version}-$pkg->{release}", "provides", sub {
+ delete $diffprovides{$_};
+ });
+ foreach (keys %diffprovides) {
+ #- check for exact match on it.
+ if (/^(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*([^\s-]*)-?(\S*)/) {
+ rpmtools::db_traverse_tag($db,
+ 'whatrequires', [ $1 ],
+ [ qw(name version release sense requires) ], sub{
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ foreach (@{$p->{requires}}) {
+ s/\[\*\]//;
+ s/\[([^\]]*)\]/ $1/;
+ exists $diffprovides{$_} and $provides{$p->{name}} = undef;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
#- iterate over requires of the packages, register them.
+ $provides{$pkg->{name}} = undef;
$ask_child->("$pkg->{name}-$pkg->{version}-$pkg->{release}", "requires", sub {
if ($_[0] =~ /^(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*([^\s-]*)-?(\S*)/) {
exists $provides{$1} and return;
'whatprovides', [ $1 ],
[ qw (name version release) ], sub {
+ $provides{$1} ||= undef;
$3 and eval(rpmtools::version_compare($_[0]{version}, $3) . $2 . 0) || return;
$4 and eval(rpmtools::version_compare($_[0]{release}, $4) . $2 . 0) || return;
- print STDERR "providing [$1] as $_[0]{name}-$_[0]{version}-$_[0]{release}\n";
$provides{$1} = "$_[0]{name}-$_[0]{version}-$_[0]{release}";
- }) or $provides{$1} = undef;
+ });
@@ -1001,11 +1034,10 @@ sub filter_minimal_packages_to_upgrade {
#- provides files, try to minimize choice at this level.
foreach (keys %provides) {
$provides{$_} and next;
- print STDERR "trying to resolve [$_]\n";
my (@choices, @upgradable_choices);
foreach (@{$urpm->{params}{provides}{$_}}) {
my $pkg = $urpm->{params}{info}{$_};
- if (! exists $packages->{$pkg->{id}}) {
+ #if (! exists $packages->{$pkg->{id}}) {
#- prefer upgrade package that need to be upgraded, if they are present in the choice.
push @choices, $pkg;
@@ -1015,7 +1047,7 @@ sub filter_minimal_packages_to_upgrade {
my $cmp = rpmtools::version_compare($pkg->{version}, $p->{version});
$installed{$pkg->{id}} ||= !($cmp > 0 || $cmp == 0 && rpmtools::version_compare($pkg->{release}, $p->{release}) > 0)
- }
+ #}
$installed{$pkg->{id}} and delete $packages->{$pkg->{id}};
if (exists $packages->{$pkg->{id}} || $installed{$pkg->{id}}) {
#- the package is already selected, or installed with a better version and release.
class="hl kwa">use diagnostics; use strict; #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use fs::type; use run_program; use devices; use modules; use fs; sub max_nb() { 31 } sub new { my ($raids, %opts) = @_; my $md_part = { %opts }; add2hash_($md_part, { 'chunk-size' => '64', disks => [], device => 'md' . int(@$raids), notFormatted => 1, level => 1 }); push @$raids, $md_part; foreach (@{$md_part->{disks}}) { $_->{raid} = $md_part->{device}; fs::type::set_pt_type($_, 0xfd); delete $_->{mntpoint}; } update($md_part); $md_part; } sub add { my ($md_part, $part) = @_; $md_part->{isMounted} and die N("Can't add a partition to _formatted_ RAID %s", $md_part->{device}); inactivate_and_dirty($md_part); set_isFormatted($part, 0); $part->{raid} = $md_part->{device}; delete $part->{mntpoint}; push @{$md_part->{disks}}, $part; update($md_part); } sub delete { my ($raids, $md_part) = @_; inactivate_and_dirty($md_part); delete $_->{raid} foreach @{$md_part->{disks}}; @$raids = grep { $_ != $md_part } @$raids; } sub change_device { my ($md_part, $prev_device) = @_; if ($prev_device ne $md_part->{device}) { inactivate_and_dirty({ device => $prev_device }); $_->{raid} = $md_part->{device} foreach @{$md_part->{disks}}; } } sub removeDisk { my ($raids, $part) = @_; my $md_part = fs::get::device2part($part->{raid}, $raids); inactivate_and_dirty($md_part); fs::type::set_isFormatted($part, 0); delete $part->{raid}; my $disks = $md_part->{disks}; @$disks = grep { $_ != $part } @$disks; if (@$disks) { update($md_part); } else { @$raids = grep { $_ != $md_part } @$raids; } } sub updateSize { my ($part) = @_; local $_ = $part->{level}; my @l = map { $_->{size} } @{$part->{disks}}; $part->{size} = do { if (/0|linear/) { sum @l } elsif (/1/) { min @l } elsif (/4|5/) { min(@l) * $#l } }; } sub module { my ($part) = @_; my $mod = $part->{level}; $mod = 5 if $mod eq "4"; $mod = "raid$mod" if $mod =~ /^\d+$/; $mod; } sub update { updateSize($_) foreach @_; } sub make { my ($raids, $part) = @_; return if is_active($part->{device}); inactivate_and_dirty($part); isRAID($_) and make($raids, $_) foreach @{$part->{disks}}; eval { modules::load(module($part)) }; whereis_binary('mdadm') or die 'mdadm not installed'; run_program::run_or_die('mdadm', '--create', '--run', devices::make($part->{device}), '--chunk=' . $part->{'chunk-size'}, "--level=$part->{level}", '--raid-devices=' . int(@{$part->{disks}}), map { devices::make($_->{device}) } @{$part->{disks}}); } sub format_part { my ($raids, $part) = @_; $part->{isFormatted} and return; make($raids, $part); fs::format::part_raw($part); set_isFormatted($_, 1) foreach @{$part->{disks}}; } sub verify { my ($raids) = @_; foreach (@$raids) { @{$_->{disks}} >= ($_->{level} =~ /4|5/ ? 3 : 2) or die N("Not enough partitions for RAID level %d\n", $_->{level}); } } sub inactivate_and_dirty { my ($part) = @_; run_program::run('mdadm', '--stop', devices::make($part->{device})); set_isFormatted($part, 0); } sub active_mds() { map { if_(/^(md\d+) /, $1) } cat_("/proc/mdstat"); } sub detect_during_install { my (@parts) = @_; detect_during_install_once(@parts); detect_during_install_once(@parts) if active_mds(); #- try again to detect RAID 10 } sub detect_during_install_once { my (@parts) = @_; devices::make("md$_") foreach 0 .. max_nb(); output('/etc/mdadm.conf', join(' ', 'DEVICE', (map { "/dev/$_" } active_mds()), map { devices::make($_->{device}) } @parts), "\n"); run_program::run('mdadm', '>>', '/etc/mdadm.conf', '--examine', '--scan'); foreach (@{parse_mdadm_conf(scalar cat_('/etc/mdadm.conf'))->{ARRAY}}) { eval { modules::load($_->{level}) }; } run_program::run('mdadm', '--assemble', '--scan'); } sub get_existing { my @parts = @_; my $raids = []; foreach my $md (active_mds()) { my $conf = parse_mdadm_conf(scalar run_program::get_stdout('mdadm', '--detail', '--brief', devices::make($md))); @{$conf->{ARRAY}} or next; @{$conf->{ARRAY}} == 1 or internal_error("too many answers"); my $raw_part = $conf->{ARRAY}[0]; $raw_part->{level} =~ s/raid//; #- { linear | raid0 | raid1 | raid5 } -> { linear | 0 | 1 | 5 } my @mdparts = map { if (my $part = fs::get::device2part($_, [ @parts, @$raids ])) { $part; } else { log::l("ERROR: unknown raw raid device $_"); (); } } split(',', $raw_part->{devices}); my $md_part = new($raids, device => $md, level => $raw_part->{level}, disks => \@mdparts); my $type = fs::type::type_subpart_from_magic($md_part); if ($type) { put_in_hash($md_part, $type); } else { fs::type::set_fs_type($md_part, 'ext3'); } my $fs_type = $type && $type->{fs_type}; fs::type::set_isFormatted($md_part, to_bool($fs_type)); log::l("RAID: found $md (raid $md_part->{level}) type $fs_type with parts $raw_part->{devices}"); } $raids; } sub is_active { my ($dev) = @_; member($dev, active_mds()); } sub inactivate_all() { run_program::run('mdadm', '--stop', devices::make($_)) foreach active_mds(); } sub prepare_prefixed { my ($raids) = @_; my %raids = map { devices::make($_->{device}) => [ map { devices::make($_->{device}) } @{$_->{disks}} ] } @$raids; output("$::prefix/etc/mdadm.conf", join(' ', 'DEVICE', uniq(map { @$_ } values %raids)) . "\n", map_each { "ARRAY $::a devices=" . join(',', @$::b) . "\n" } %raids); } sub parse_mdadm_conf { my ($s) = @_; my %conf = (DEVICE => [], ARRAY => []); $s =~ s!^\s*#.*!!gm; #- remove comments $s =~ s!\n(\s)!$1!g; #- join lines starting with a space foreach (split("\n", $s)) { if (/^DEVICE\s+(.*)/) { push @{$conf{DEVICE}}, split(' ', $1); } elsif (my ($md, $md_conf) = /^ARRAY\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/) { my %md_conf = map { if_(/(.*)=(.*)/, $1 => $2) } split(' ', $md_conf); $md_conf{device} = $md; push @{$conf{ARRAY}}, \%md_conf; } } \%conf } 1;