#!/usr/bin/perl #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Project : Linux-Mandrake # Module : spec-helper # File : compress_files # Version : $Id$ # Author : Frederic Lepied # Created On : Thu Feb 10 08:04:11 2000 # Purpose : compress man and info pages. #--------------------------------------------------------------- use Cwd; use File::Find; ################################################################################ # Returns the basename of the argument passed to it. sub basename { my $fn = shift; $fn =~ s!^.*/(.*?)$!$1!; return $fn; } ################################################################################ # Returns the directory name of the argument passed to it. sub dirname { my $fn = shift; $fn =~ s!^(.*)/.*?$!$1!; return $fn; } ################################################################################ # Run a command that may have a huge number of arguments, like xargs does. # Pass in a reference to an array containing the arguments, and then other # parameters that are the command and any parameters that should be passed to # it each time. sub xargs { my $args = shift; # The kernel can accept command lines up to 20k worth of characters. my $command_max = 20000; # Figure out length of static portion of command. my $static_length = 0; foreach (@_) { $static_length += length($_)+1; } my @collect; my $length = $static_length; foreach (@$args) { if (length($_) + 1 + $static_length > $command_max) { error(qq(This command is greater than the maximum command size allowed by the kernel, and cannot be split up further. What on earth are you doing? "@_ $_")); } $length+=length($_) + 1; if ($length < $command_max) { push @collect, $_; } else { system(@_,@collect) if $#collect > -1; @collect = $_; $length = $static_length + length($_) + 1; } } system(@_,@collect) if $#collect > -1; } ################################################################################ # Check if a file is a .so man page, for use by File::Find. my @sofiles; my @sodests; sub find_so_man() { local $_ = $_; # The -s test is becuase a .so file tends to be small. We don't want # to open every man page. 1024 is arbitrary. if (! -f $_ || -s $_ > 1024) { return; } # Test first line of file for the .so thing. my $SOTEST; open($SOTEST, $_); my $l = <$SOTEST>; close $SOTEST; if ($l =~ m/\.so\s+(.*)/) { my $solink=$1; # This test is here to prevent links like ... man8/../man8/foo.8 if (basename($File::Find::dir) eq dirname($solink)) { $solink = basename($solink); } else { $solink = "../$solink"; } push @sofiles, "$File::Find::dir/$_"; push @sodests, $solink; } } ################################################################################ my $ext = $ARGV[0] ||= '.gz'; die "Unknown extension $ext" unless $ext =~ /^\.(?:gz|bz2|lzma)$/; my $RPM_BUILD_ROOT = $ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}; chdir($RPM_BUILD_ROOT) or die "Can't cd to $ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}: $!"; # Now the .so conversion. @sofiles = @sodests = (); foreach my $dir (qw{usr/man usr/X11R6/man usr/lib/perl5/man}) { find(\&find_so_man, $dir) if -e $dir; } foreach my $sofile (@sofiles) { my $sodest = shift(@sodests); system "rm", "-f",$sofile; system "ln", "-sf",$sodest,$sofile; } my @files = split(/\n/, `find usr/info usr/share/info usr/man usr/share/man usr/X11*/man usr/lib/perl5/man -type f ! -name "*.gz" -a ! -name "*.bz2" -a ! -name "*.lzma" ! -name 'dir' ! -name 'whatis' 2>/dev/null || true`); if ($ext ne '.gz') { my @gz_files = split(/\n/, `find usr/info usr/share/info usr/man usr/share/man usr/X11*/man usr/lib/perl5/man -type f -name "*.gz" 2>/dev/null || true`); if (@gz_files) { xargs(\@gz_files, "gzip", "-d"); $? ? die "Something wrong with the decompression of the gzip man/info file, fix this ASAP" : exec($0) } } if ($ext ne '.bz2') { my @bz_files = split(/\n/, `find usr/info usr/share/info usr/man usr/share/man usr/X11*/man usr/lib/perl5/man -type f -name "*.bz2" 2>/dev/null || true`); if (@bz_files) { xargs(\@bz_files, "bzip2", "-d"); $? ? die "Something wrong with the decompression of the bzip2 man/info file, fix this ASAP" : exec($0) } } if ($ext ne '.lzma') { my @lzma_files = split(/\n/, `find usr/info usr/share/info usr/man usr/share/man usr/X11*/man usr/lib/perl5/man -type f -name "*.lzma" 2>/dev/null || true`); if (@lzma_files) { xargs(\@lzma_files, "lzmash", "-d"); $? ? die "Something wrong with the decompression of the lzma man/info file, fix this ASAP" : exec($0) } } # Exclude files from compression. if (@files && defined($ENV{EXCLUDE_FROM_COMPRESS})) { my @new; foreach (@files) { my $ok = 1; foreach my $x (split(' ', $ENV{EXCLUDE_FROM_COMPRESS})) { if (/\Q$x\E/) { $ok = ''; last; } } push @new,$_ if $ok; } @files = @new; } # Look for files with hard links. If we are going to compress both, # we can preserve the hard link across the compression and save # space in the end. my @f; my (%hardlinks, %seen); foreach (@files) { my ($dev, $inode, undef, $nlink) = stat($_); if ($nlink > 1) { if (! $seen{"$inode.$dev"}) { $seen{"$inode.$dev"} = $_; push @f, $_; } else { # This is a hardlink. $hardlinks{$_} = $seen{"$inode.$dev"}; } } else { push @f, $_; } } if (@f) { # Make executables not be anymore. xargs(\@f, "chmod", "a-x"); my @command = $ext eq '.gz' ? qw/gzip -9f/ : $ext eq '.bz2' ? qw/bzip2 -9f/ : $ext eq '.lzma' ? qw/lzma -9f --text/ : qw// ; xargs(\@f, @command); } # Now change over any files we can that used to be hard links so # they are again. foreach (keys %hardlinks) { # Remove old file. system("rm", "-f", $_); # Make new hardlink. system("ln", "$hardlinks{$_}$ext", "$_$ext"); } # Fix up symlinks that were pointing to the uncompressed files. my $FIND; open($FIND, "find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type l |"); while (<$FIND>) { local $_ = $_; chomp; my ($directory) = m!(.*)/!; my $linkval = readlink($_); if (! -e "$directory/$linkval" && -e "$directory/$linkval$ext") { system("rm", "-f", $_); system("ln", "-sf", "$linkval$ext", "$_$ext"); } elsif (! -e "$directory/$linkval" && ! -e "$directory/$linkval$ext" && $directory =~ m|man/|) { #Bad link go on nowhere (any better idea) ? unlink($_); } } # compress_files ends here