Version 6.4 - 26 August 2012, by Thierry Vignaud - compress synthesis files with '--text' flag passed to xz (shrinks by 4-7%) Version 6.3 - 25 June 2012, by Thierry Vignaud - actually compress xml files with '--text' flag passed to lzma (shrinks files.xml.lzma by 25% \o/) - compress synthesis with XZ too (40% saving) - drop compatibility with perl-URPM < 1.48 (ie < 2007.1) - drop genhdlist-old (genhdlist2 was introduced 4 years ago) Version 6.2 - 27 February 2012, by Thierry Vignaud - keep real filesizes in synthesis Version 6.1 - 09 September 2011, by Thierry Vignaud - force locale to be C (mga#95, Pascal Terjan) (when packages contain translated summary/description genhdlist2 would embed them instead of the English version) Version 6.0 - 15 December 2010, by Per Øyvind Karlsen - compress xml files with '--text' flag passed to lzma (shrinks files.xml.lzma by 25% \o/) - add support for custom compression filter used for xml-info & synthesis. Version 5.9 - 20 January 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - drop parsehdlist, rpm2header: unused, partially duplicated with perl-URPM - drop (doesn't handle lzma payload which is the default) Version 5.8 - 30 September 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - gendistrib: o don't call genhdlist2 with --no-md5sum for no good reason Version 5.7 - 23 September 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o with --versioned, create "versioned" metadata o add xml header to xml files generated - gendistrib: o if "xml-info" is set in media.cfg, pass --xml-info to genhdlist2 - parsehdlist, rpm2header o fix support for rpm5 o update deprecated code - genhdlist-old o genhdlist is now renamed as genhdlist-old Version 5.6 - 18 March 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - gendistrib: o "askmedia" and "suppl" must not modify gendistrib behaviour (#39017) Version 5.5 - 5 March 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o use utf8:: functions instead of Encode (to be able to work with only perl base modules) - parsehdlist, rpm2header: o add support for rpm5 Version 5.4 - 26 February 2008, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - parsehdlist, rpm2header: o do not add/use FILENAME_TAG and FILESIZE_TAG to/in hdlist anymore Version 5.3.6 - 5 February 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o fix writing utf8 in xml info files (#37482) Version 5.3.5 - 15 January 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o rename --xml-media-info into --xml-info (to be coherent with urpmi) Version 5.3.4 - 18 December 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o add --no-hdlist option (to be used by urpmi for --probe-rpms) Version 5.3.3 - 17 December 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o generate {info,changelog,files}.xml.lzma when they already exist, or when --xml-media-info is used o error message when parse_hdlist (partially) fail o handle old-rpms.lst (to be generated by youri) which will allow keeping rpms for some time without having in hdlist (useful for installs which expect the pkgs to be in sync in hdlist during the full install time) it will also allow keeping deprecated packages for some time Version 5.3.2 - 22 June 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux - genhdlist2: o add --allow-empty-media o fix MD5SUM generation o allow using this script with perl-URPM 1.47 (ie mdv2007.0) - gendistrib: o call genhdlist2 instead of doing things here o media/media_info/ is now a symlink to media/xxx/yyy/media_info/ o and pubkey_xxx_yyy are also symlinks now - parsehdlist: o display pkgsize with --all (Christiaan Welvaart)