diff options
authorOlivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandriva.org>2004-12-04 04:32:33 +0000
committerOlivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandriva.org>2004-12-04 04:32:33 +0000
commit740584c3e5d64c76819992c85ae10d109993c612 (patch)
parent07da2184fa53b03fa915849986a53b8b41355848 (diff)
- add external call to compress programs
- clean code - fix bugs... - start doc - add test
2 files changed, 461 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/packdrakeng.pm b/packdrakeng.pm
index 940a394..3db9a9f 100644
--- a/packdrakeng.pm
+++ b/packdrakeng.pm
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Path;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Compress::Zlib;
use vars qw($VERSION);
@@ -35,21 +36,24 @@ my $gzip_header = pack("C" . Compress::Zlib::MIN_HDR_SIZE,
Compress::Zlib::Z_DEFLATED(), 0,0,0,0,0,0, Compress::Zlib::OSCODE);
my $gzip_header_len = length($gzip_header);
sub _new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $pack = {
filename => $options{archive},
- method => $options{method} || "gzip",
- level => $options{comp_level} || 9,
+ compress_method => $options{compress},
+ uncompress_method => $options{uncompress},
+ force_extern => $options{extern} || 0, # Don't use perl-zlib
+ use_extern => 1, # default behaviour, informative only
+ level => $options{comp_level} || 6, # compression level, aka -X gzip or bzip option
- bloc_size => $options{bloc_size} || 1024*1024, # A compressed bloc will contain 1 Mega of compressed data
+ bloc_size => $options{bloc_size} || 400 * 1024, # A compressed bloc will contain 400k of compressed data
+ bufsize => $options{bufsize} || 65536, # Arbitrary buffer size to read files
- #################
- # Internal data #
- #################
+ # Internal data
handle => undef, # Archive handle
# Toc information
@@ -57,16 +61,25 @@ sub _new {
dir => {}, # dir => no matter what value
'symlink' => {}, # file => link
- coff => 0,
- bufsize => $options{bufsize} || 65536, # Arbitrary buffer size to read files
+ coff => 0, # end of current compressed data
+ # Compression sub
+ subcompress => \&extern_compress,
+ subuncompress => \&extern_uncompress,
+ direct_write => 0, # Define if wrapper write directly in archive and not into temp file
# Data we need keep in memory to achieve the storage
- current_bloc_files => [], # Files in pending compressed bloc
+ current_bloc_files => {}, # Files in pending compressed bloc
current_bloc_csize => 0, # Actual size in pending compressed bloc
current_bloc_coff => 0, # The bloc bloc location (offset)
current_bloc_off => 0, # Actual uncompressed file offset within the pending bloc
- stream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory
+ cstream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (compression)
+ ustream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (uncompression)
+ # log and verbose function:
+ log => $options{quiet} ? sub {} : sub { my @w = @_; $w[0] .= "\n"; printf STDERR @w },
+ debug => $options{debug} ? sub { my @w =@_; $w[0] = "Debug: $w[0]\n"; printf STDERR @w } : sub {},
bless($pack, $class)
@@ -75,9 +88,12 @@ sub _new {
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $pack = _new($class, %options);
sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or return undef;
+ $pack->choose_compression_method();
$pack->{need_build_toc} = 1;
+ $pack->{log}->("Creating new archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
+ $pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method},
+ $pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)");
@@ -86,48 +102,75 @@ sub open {
my $pack = _new($class, %options);
sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_RDONLY) or return undef;
+ $pack->{log}->("Opening archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
+ $pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method},
+ $pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)");
+# look $pack->{(un)compressed_method} and setup functions/commands to use
+# Have some facility about detecting we want gzip/bzip
+sub choose_compression_method {
+ my ($pack) = @_;
+ (!defined($pack->{compress_method}) && !defined($pack->{uncompress_method}))
+ and $pack->{compress_method} = "gzip";
+ my $test_method = $pack->{compress_method} || $pack->{uncompress_method};
+ $test_method =~ m/^bzip2|^bunzip2/ and do {
+ $pack->{compress_method} ||= "bzip2";
+ };
+ $test_method =~ m/^gzip|^gunzip/ and do {
+ $pack->{compress_method} ||= "gzip";
+ if (!$pack->{force_extern}) {
+ $pack->{subcompress} = \&gzip_compress;
+ $pack->{subuncompress} = \&gzip_uncompress;
+ $pack->{use_extern} = 0;
+ $pack->{direct_write} = 1;
+ }
+ };
+ $pack->{uncompress_method} ||= "$pack->{compress_method} -d";
+ $pack->{compress_method} = "$pack->{compress_method} -$pack->{level}";
my ($pack) = @_;
close($pack->{handle}) if ($pack->{handle});
+# Flush current compressed bloc
+# Write
sub build_toc {
my ($pack) = @_;
$pack->{need_build_toc} or return 1;
my ($toc_length, $cf, $cd, $cl) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
- my $handle = $pack->{handle};
+ sysseek($pack->{handle}, $pack->{coff}, 0) == $pack->{coff} or return 0;
foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'dir'}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($handle, $entry . "\n");
+ $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry . "\n");
foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'symlink'}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($handle, sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $entry, $pack->{'symlink'}{$entry}));
+ $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $entry, $pack->{'symlink'}{$entry}));
- foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
+ foreach my $entry (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($handle, $entry ."\n");
+ $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry ."\n");
- foreach my $file (keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
+ foreach my $file (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
my $entry = $pack->{files}{$file};
- syswrite $handle, pack('NNNN', $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size});
- #printf(STDERR "%s %d %d %d %d\n", $file, $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size});
+ syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack('NNNN', $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size})) or return 0;
- syswrite $handle, pack("a4NNNNa40a4",
+ syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("a4NNNNa40a4",
$cd, $cl, $cf,
- $pack->{method} eq 'gzip' ? "gzip -d" : "bzip2 -d",
- $toc_footer);
- close($handle);
+ $pack->{uncompress_method},
+ $toc_footer)) or return 0;
@@ -142,6 +185,9 @@ sub read_toc {
return 0;
+ $pack->{uncompress_method} ||= $uncompress;
+ $pack->choose_compression_method();
#printf STDERR "Toc size: %d + 16 * %d\n", $toc_str_size, $toc_f_count;
sysseek($pack->{handle}, -64 - ($toc_str_size + 16 * $toc_f_count) ,2);
sysread($pack->{handle}, my $fileslist, $toc_str_size);
@@ -170,19 +216,29 @@ sub read_toc {
+# Goto to the end of written compressed data
+sub end_seek {
+ my ($pack) = @_;
+ my $seekvalue = $pack->{direct_write} ? $pack->{coff} + $pack->{current_bloc_csize} : $pack->{coff};
+ sysseek($pack->{handle}, $seekvalue, 0) == $seekvalue
#- To terminate a compressed bloc, flush the pending compressed data,
#- fill toc data still unknown
sub end_bloc {
my ($pack) = @_;
- my (undef, $csize) = $pack->gzip_compress(undef);
+ $pack->end_seek() or return 0;
+ my $m = $pack->{subcompress};
+ my (undef, $csize) = $pack->$m(undef);
$pack->{current_bloc_csize} += $csize;
- $pack->{coff} += $csize;
- foreach (@{$pack->{current_bloc_files}}) {
+ foreach (keys %{$pack->{current_bloc_files}}) {
+ $pack->{files}{$_} = $pack->{current_bloc_files}{$_};
$pack->{files}{$_}{csize} = $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
+ $pack->{coff} += $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
$pack->{current_bloc_coff} += $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
$pack->{current_bloc_csize} = 0;
- $pack->{current_bloc_files} = [];
+ $pack->{current_bloc_files} = {};
$pack->{current_bloc_off} = 0;
@@ -191,6 +247,115 @@ sub end_bloc {
# Compression wrapper #
+sub extern_compress {
+ my ($pack, $sourcefh) = @_;
+ my ($insize, $outsize, $filesize) = (0, 0, 0); # aka uncompressed / compressed data length
+ my ($hin, $hout); # handle for open2
+ if (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
+ ($hin, $hout) = ($pack->{cstream_data}{hin}, $pack->{cstream_data}{hout});
+ $filesize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}))[7];
+ }
+ if (defined($sourcefh)) {
+ if (!defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
+ ($hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}) = tempfile();
+ CORE::open($hout, "|$pack->{compress_method} > $pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}") or do {
+ warn "Unable to start $pack->{compress_method}";
+ return 0, 0;
+ };
+ ($pack->{cstream_data}{hin}, $pack->{cstream_data}{hout}) = ($hin, $hout);
+ binmode $hin; binmode $hout;
+ $| =1;
+ }
+ # until we have data to push or data to read
+ while (my $length = sysread($sourcefh, my $data, $pack->{bufsize})) {
+ # pushing data to compressor
+ (my $l = syswrite($hout, $data)) == $length or do {
+ warn "can't push all data to compressor";
+ };
+ $insize += $l;
+ $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}))[7];
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
+ # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_bloc()
+ close($hout);
+ unlink($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc});
+ while (my $lenght = sysread($hin, my $data, $pack->{bufsize})) {
+ (my $l = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $data)) == $lenght or do {
+ warn "Can't write all data in archive";
+ };
+ $outsize += $l;
+ }
+ close($hin);
+ $pack->{cstream_data} = undef;
+ }
+ ($insize, $outsize - $filesize)
+sub extern_uncompress {
+ my ($pack, $destfh, $fileinfo) = @_;
+ # We have to first extract the bloc to a temp file, burk !
+ my ($tempfh, $tempname) = tempfile();
+ my $cread = 0;
+ while ($cread < $fileinfo->{csize}) {
+ my $cl = sysread($pack->{handle}, my $data,
+ $cread + $pack->{bufsize} > $fileinfo->{csize} ?
+ $fileinfo->{csize} - $cread :
+ $pack->{bufsize}) or do {
+ warn("Enexpected end of file");
+ close($tempfh);
+ unlink($tempname);
+ return -1;
+ };
+ $cread += $cl;
+ syswrite($tempfh, $data) == length($data) or do {
+ warn "Can't write all data into temp file";
+ close($tempfh);
+ unlink($tempname);
+ return -1;
+ };
+ }
+ close($tempfh);
+ CORE::open(my $hc, "$pack->{uncompress_method} < '$tempname' |") or do {
+ warn "Can't start $pack->{uncompress_method} to uncompress data";
+ unlink($tempname);
+ return -1;
+ };
+ my $byteswritten = 0;
+ my $read = 0;
+ while ($byteswritten < $fileinfo->{size}) {
+ my $length = sysread($hc, my $data, $pack->{bufsize}) or do {
+ warn "unexpected end of stream";
+ close($hc);
+ return -1;
+ };
+ if ($read < $fileinfo->{off} && $read + $length > $fileinfo->{off}) {
+ $data = substr($data, $fileinfo->{off} - $read);
+ }
+ $read += $length;
+ if ($read <= $fileinfo->{off}) { next }
+ my $bw = $byteswritten + length($data) > $fileinfo->{size} ? $fileinfo->{size} - $byteswritten : length($data);
+ syswrite($destfh, $data, $bw) == $bw or do {
+ warn "Can't write data into dest";
+ return -1;
+ };
+ $byteswritten += $bw;
+ }
+ close($hc);
+ unlink($tempname); # deleting temp file
+ $byteswritten
sub gzip_compress {
my ($pack, $sourcefh) = @_;
my ($insize, $outsize) = (0, 0); # aka uncompressed / compressed data length
@@ -198,19 +363,19 @@ sub gzip_compress {
# If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_bloc()
# EOF, flush compress stream, adding crc
if (!defined($sourcefh)) {
- if (defined($pack->{stream_data}{object})) {
- my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{stream_data}{object}->flush();
+ if (defined($pack->{cstream_data}{object})) {
+ my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->flush();
$outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $cbuf);
- $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("V V", $pack->{stream_data}{crc}, $pack->{stream_data}{object}->total_in()));
+ $outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("V V", $pack->{cstream_data}{crc}, $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->total_in()));
- $pack->{stream_data} = undef;
+ $pack->{cstream_data} = undef;
return(undef, $outsize);
- if (!defined $pack->{stream_data}{object}) {
+ if (!defined $pack->{cstream_data}{object}) {
# Writing gzip header file
$outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $gzip_header);
- $pack->{stream_data}{object} = deflateInit(
+ $pack->{cstream_data}{object} = deflateInit(
-Level => $pack->{level},
# Zlib do not create gzip header, except with this flag
-WindowBits => - MAX_WBITS(),
@@ -220,8 +385,8 @@ sub gzip_compress {
binmode $sourcefh;
while (my $lenght = sysread($sourcefh, my $buf, $pack->{bufsize})) {
- $pack->{stream_data}{crc} = crc32($buf, $pack->{stream_data}{crc});
- my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{stream_data}{object}->deflate($buf);
+ $pack->{cstream_data}{crc} = crc32($buf, $pack->{cstream_data}{crc});
+ my ($cbuf, $status) = $pack->{cstream_data}{object}->deflate($buf);
$outsize += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $cbuf);
$insize += $lenght;
@@ -279,7 +444,10 @@ sub gzip_uncompress {
my $byteswritten = 0;
my $read = 0; # uncompressed data read
while ($byteswritten < $fileinfo->{size}) {
- my $cl=sysread($pack->{handle}, my $buf, $pack->{bufsize}) or do {
+ my $cl=sysread($pack->{handle}, my $buf,
+ $cread + $pack->{bufsize} > $fileinfo->{csize} ?
+ $fileinfo->{csize} - $cread :
+ $pack->{bufsize}) or do {
warn("Enexpected end of file");
return -1;
@@ -294,13 +462,15 @@ sub gzip_uncompress {
$out = substr($out, $fileinfo->{off} - $read);
$read += $l;
- # print STDERR "cr $cread / $fileinfo->{csize} ur $read / $fileinfo->{off}\n";
- if ($read < $fileinfo->{off}) { next }
- if ($byteswritten + $l > $fileinfo->{size}) {
- $byteswritten += syswrite($destfh, $out, $fileinfo->{size} - $byteswritten);
- } else {
- $byteswritten += syswrite($destfh, $out);
- }
+ if ($read <= $fileinfo->{off}) { next }
+ my $bw = $byteswritten + $l > $fileinfo->{size} ? $fileinfo->{size} - $byteswritten : $l;
+ syswrite($destfh, $out, $bw) == $bw or do {
+ warn "Can't write data into dest";
+ return -1;
+ };
+ $byteswritten += $bw;
@@ -312,7 +482,6 @@ sub gzip_uncompress {
# This function extract in $dest the whole bloc containing $file, can be usefull for debugging
sub extract_bloc {
my ($pack, $dest, $file) = @_;
- #print STDERR "Extracting block containing file $file\n";
sysopen(my $handle, $dest, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or do {
warn "Can't open $dest";
@@ -361,15 +530,15 @@ sub add_virtual {
return 1;
$type eq 'f' and do {
- # Be sur we are at the end, allow extract + add in only one instance
- sysseek($pack->{handle}, $pack->{coff}, 0) == $pack->{coff} or do {
+ # Be sure we are at the end, allow extract + add in only one instance
+ $pack->end_seek() or do {
warn("Can't seek to offset $pack->{coff}");
- push @{$pack->{current_bloc_files}}, $filename;
- my ($size, $csize) = $pack->gzip_compress($data);
- $pack->{coff} += $csize;
- $pack->{files}{$filename} = {
+ my $m = $pack->{subcompress};
+ my ($size, $csize) = $pack->$m($data);
+ $pack->{current_bloc_files}{$filename} = {
size => $size,
off => $pack->{current_bloc_off},
coff => $pack->{current_bloc_coff},
@@ -380,7 +549,7 @@ sub add_virtual {
$pack->{current_bloc_off} += $size;
$pack->{current_bloc_csize} += $csize;
$pack->{need_build_toc} = 1;
- if ($pack->{current_bloc_csize} >= $pack->{bloc_size}) {
+ if ($pack->{bloc_size} > 0 && $pack->{current_bloc_csize} >= $pack->{bloc_size}) {
return 1;
@@ -394,7 +563,7 @@ sub add {
foreach my $file (@files) {
$file =~ s://+:/:;
my $srcfile = $prefix ? "$prefix/$file" : $file;
- #print STDERR "Adding $file\n";
-l $file and do {
$pack->add_virtual('l', $file, readlink($srcfile));
@@ -420,7 +589,8 @@ sub extract_virtual {
warn("Can't seek to offset $pack->{files}{$filename}->{coff}");
return -1;
- $pack->gzip_uncompress($destfh, $pack->{files}{$filename});
+ my $m = $pack->{subuncompress};
+ $pack->$m($destfh, $pack->{files}{$filename});
sub extract {
@@ -491,3 +661,183 @@ sub dump {
+=head1 NAME
+packdrakeng - Simple Archive Extractor/Builder
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use packdrakeng;
+ # creating an archive
+ $pack = packdrakeng->new(archive => "myarchive.cz");
+ # Adding few files
+ $pack->add("/path/", "file1", "file2");
+ # Adding an unamed file
+ open($handle, "file");
+ $pack->add_virtual("filename", $handle);
+ close($handle);
+ $pack = undef;
+ # extracting an archive
+ $pack = packdrakeng->open(archive => "myarchive.cz");
+ # listing files
+ $pack->list();
+ # extracting few files
+ $pack->extract("/path/", "file1", "file2");
+ # extracting data into a file handle
+ open($handle, "file");
+ $pack->extract_virtual($handle, "filename");
+ close($handle);
+C<packdrakeng> is a simple indexed archive builder and extractor using
+standard compression method.
+This module is a rewrite from scratch of original packdrake, used format is
+fully compatible with old packdrake.
+Compressed data are stored by bloc:
+ UncompresseddatA1UncompresseddatA2 UncompresseddatA3UncompresseddatA4
+ |--- size 1 ---||--- size 2 ---| |--- size 3 ---||--- size 4 ---|
+ |<-offset1 |<-offset2 |<-offset3 |<-offset4
+ CompresseD1CompresseD2 CompresseD3CompresseD4
+ |--- c. size 1, 2 ---| |--- c. size 3, 4 ---|
+ |<-c. offset 1, 2 |<-c. offset 3, 4
+A new bloc is started when its size exceed the C<bloc_size> value.
+Compressed data are followed by the toc, ie a simple list of packed files.
+Each file name is terminated by the "\n" character:
+Follow the files sizes, 4 values for each files are stored:
+offset into archive of compressed bloc, size of compressed bloc,
+offset into bloc of the file and the file's size.
+Finally the archive contain a trailer, of 64 bytes length, about the
+toc and the archive itself:
+'cz[0', strings 4 bytes
+number of directory, 4 bytes
+number of symlinks, 4 bytes
+number of files, 4 bytes
+the toc size, 4 bytes
+the uncompressed command, strings of 40 bytes length
+'0]cz', strings 4 bytes
+=item B<new(%options)>
+Create a new archive.
+=over 4
+=item archive
+The file name of the archive. If the file don't exists, it is create, else it is owerwritten.
+see C<open>.
+=item compress
+The application to use to compress, if unset, gzip is used.
+=item uncompress
+The application to use to extract data from archive. This option is useless if
+you're opening an existing archive (except you want to force it).
+If unset, this value is based on compress command followed by '-d' argument.
+=item extern
+If you're using gzip, by default packdrakeng use perl-zlib to limit system
+coast. This options force packdrakeng to use the extern gzip command. This
+has no with other compress programs until internal functions are not implement
+=item comp_level
+The compression level passed as argument to the compress program. By default
+this is set to 6.
+=item bloc_size
+The limit size from which we start a new compressed bloc. The default value is
+400KB. Setting it to 0 to be sure a new bloc will be started for each packed
+files, -1 to never start a new bloc. Be aware a big size of bloc will slower
+the file extraction.
+=item quiet
+Do not ouput anythings, shut up.
+=item debug
+Print debug messages
+=item B<open(%options)>
+Open an existing archive for extracting or adding files.
+The uncompressed command is found into the archive, the compressed command is
+found from it.
+In case you add files, an new compressed bloc will be started regardless the
+latest bloc is smaller than the bloc_size. All compression options can't be
+find in the archive, so new preference will be applied.
+Options are same than the C<new()> function.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Olivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandrake.org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to
+the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
+MA 02139, USA.
diff --git a/t/01packdrakeng.t b/t/01packdrakeng.t
index 5f7f77c..27f0527 100755
--- a/t/01packdrakeng.t
+++ b/t/01packdrakeng.t
@@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
# $Id$
-use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::More tests => 16;
use Digest::MD5;
-sub clean_random_files {
+sub clean_test_files {
-d "test" or return;
unlink glob("test/*");
-sub create_random_files {
+sub create_test_files {
my ($number) = @_;
my %created;
-d test or mkdir test;
foreach my $n (1 .. $number||10) {
my $size = int(rand(1024));
- push(@created, "test/$size");
+ # push(@created, "test/$size");
system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=test/$size bs=1024 count=$size >/dev/null 2>&1");
open(my $h, "test/$size");
$created{"test/$size"} = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest;
@@ -28,42 +28,71 @@ sub create_random_files {
+sub create_know_file {
+ foreach my $letter (a..z) {
+ open(my $h, "> test/$letter");
+ foreach (1 .. 3456) {
+ printf $h "%s\n", $letter x 33;
+ }
+ close($h);
+ open($h, "test/$letter");
+ $created{"test/$letter"} = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest;
+ close($h);
+ }
+ %created
sub check_files {
my %files = @_;
my $ok = 1;
foreach my $f (keys %files) {
open(my $h, $f);
- Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest ne $files{$f} and $ok = 0;
+ Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest ne $files{$f} and do {
+ print STDERR "$f differ\n";
+ $ok = 0;
+ };
close $h;
+# #
+# Test series, packing, unpacking #
+# #
-# Test: creating
-my %createdfiles = create_random_files(50);
+sub test_packing {
+ my ($pack_param, $listfiles) = @_;
-ok(my $pack = packdrakeng->new(archive => "packtest.cz"), "Creating an archive");
-ok($pack->add(undef, keys %createdfiles), "Adding files to the archive");
-$pack = undef; # closing the archive.
+ ok(my $pack = packdrakeng->new(%$pack_param), "Creating an archive");
+ ok($pack->add(undef, keys %$listfiles), "packing files");
+ $pack = undef; # closing the archive.
+ clean_test_files();
+ ok($pack = packdrakeng->open(%$pack_param), "Re-opening the archive");
+ ok($pack->extract(undef, keys(%createdfiles)), "extracting files");
+ ok(check_files(%createdfiles), "Checking md5sum for extracted files");
-ok($pack = packdrakeng->open(archive => "packtest.cz"), "Re-opening the archive");
-# Test: all files are packed
-my (undef, $packedfiles, undef) = $pack->getcontent();
-ok(@$packedfiles > 0, "Archive contains files");
-my %fex = %createdfiles;
-foreach (@$packedfiles) {
- delete $fex{$_};
-ok(! keys(%fex), "All files has been packed");
+ $pack = undef;
-ok($pack->extract(undef, keys(%createdfiles)), "extracting files");
-ok(check_files(%createdfiles), "Checking md5sum for extracted files");
+print "Test: using internal gzip function:\n";
+ clean_test_files();
+ test_packing({ archive => "packtest.cz" }, { create_test_files(30) });
+ clean_test_files();
+ unlink("packtest.cz");
+print "Test: using external gzip function:\n";
+ clean_test_files();
+ test_packing({ archive => "packtest.cz", compress => "gzip", extern => 1}, { create_test_files(30) });
+ clean_test_files();
+ unlink("packtest.cz");
+print "Test: using external bzip function:\n";
+ clean_test_files();
+ test_packing({ archive => "packtest.cz", compress => "bzip2", extern => 1}, { create_test_files(30) });
+ clean_test_files();
+ unlink("packtest.cz");