diff options
authorFrancois Pons <fpons@mandriva.com>2000-12-08 15:50:49 +0000
committerFrancois Pons <fpons@mandriva.com>2000-12-08 15:50:49 +0000
commit794970803803d7aab4dab6e255b92ae70728b382 (patch)
parent57db6e7dfe7db0bcf14cc673132dd1e4749f4dd9 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
6 files changed, 817 insertions, 651 deletions
diff --git a/packdrake b/packdrake
index f801ad4..d7b3b91 100755
--- a/packdrake
+++ b/packdrake
@@ -1,449 +1,14 @@
-#- Mandrake Simple Archive Extracter/Builder.
-#- Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft <fpons@mandrakesoft.com>
-#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-#- any later version.
-#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#- GNU General Public License for more details.
-#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#- Simple cat archive with gzip/bzip2 for perl.
-#- This new version is merging of the extract_achive and build_archive.
-#- uncompressing sheme is:
-#- | |
-#- | | | |
-#- $off1 =|*| } | |
-#- |*| } $off2 =|+| }
-#- |*| } $siz1 => 'gzip/bzip2 -d' => |+| } $siz2 => $filename
-#- |*| } |+| }
-#- |*| } | |
-#- | | | |
-#- | | | |
-#- | |
-#- where %data has the following format:
-#- { 'filename' => [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $off2, $siz2 ] }
-#- except for symbolink link where it is:
-#- { 'filename_symlink' => [ 'l', $symlink_value ] }
-#- and directory where it is only
-#- { 'filename_directory' => [ 'd' ] }
-#- as you can see, there is no owner, group, filemode... an extension could be
-#- made with 'F' (instead of 'f'), 'L' instead of 'l' for exemple.
-#- we do not need them as it is used for DrakX for fast archive extraction and
-#- owner/filemode is for user running only (ie root).
-#- archive file contains concatenation of all bzip2'ed group of files whose
-#- filenames are on input,
-#- then a TOC (describing %data, concatenation of toc_line) follow and a
-#- TOC_TRAILER for summary.
-#+use strict qw(subs vars refs);
+use strict;
+require packdrake;
#- general information.
-my $VERSION = "0.1";
my $default_size = 400000;
my $default_ratio = 6;
-#- used for uncompressing archive and listing.
-my %toc_trailer;
-my @data;
-my %data;
-#- used for compression, always set in main.
-my $tmpz = '';
-#- taken from DrakX common stuff, for conveniance and modified to match our expectation.
-sub dirname { @_ == 1 or die "packdrake: usage: dirname <name>\n"; local $_ = shift; s|[^/]*/*\s*$||; s|(.)/*$|$1|; $_ || '.' }
-sub basename { @_ == 1 or die "packdrake: usage: basename <name>\n"; local $_ = shift; s|/*\s*$||; s|.*/||; $_ }
-sub mkdir_ {
- my $root = dirname $_[0];
- if (-e $root) {
- -d $root or die "packdrake: mkdir: error creating directory $_[0]: $root is a file and i won't delete it\n";
- } else {
- mkdir_($root);
- }
- -d $_[0] and return;
- mkdir $_[0], 0755 or die "packdrake: mkdir: error creating directory $_: $!\n";
-sub symlink_ { mkdir_ dirname($_[1]); unlink $_[1]; symlink $_[0], $_[1] }
-#- for building an archive.
-sub toc_line {
- my ($file, $data) = @_;
- for ($data->[0]) {
- return(/l/ && pack("anna*", 'l', length($file), length($data->[1]), "$file$data->[1]") ||
- /d/ && pack("ana*", 'd', length($file), $file) ||
- /f/ && pack("anNNNNa*", 'f', length($file), $data->[1], $data->[2], $data->[3], $data->[4], $file) ||
- die "packdrake: unknown extension $_\n");
- }
-sub cat_compress {
- my ($compress, @filenames) = @_;
- local *F;
- open F, "| $compress >$tmpz" or die "packdrake: cannot start \"$compress\"\n";
- foreach (@filenames) {
- my ($buf, $siz, $sz);
- local *FILE;
- open FILE, $_ or die "packdrake: cannot open $_: $!\n";
- $siz = -s $_;
- while (($sz = sysread(FILE, $buf, $siz > 16384 ? 16384 : $siz))) {
- $siz -= $sz;
- syswrite(F, $buf);
- last unless $siz > 0;
- }
- close FILE;
- }
- close F;
- -s $tmpz;
-sub toc_trailer {
- my ($toc_d_count, $toc_l_count, $toc_f_count, $toc_str_size, $uncompress) = @_;
- #- 'cz[0' is toc_trailer header where 0 is version information, only 0 now.
- #- '0]cz' is toc_trailer trailer that match the corresponding header for information.
- return pack "a4NNNNa40a4", 'cz[0', $toc_d_count, $toc_l_count, $toc_f_count, $toc_str_size, $uncompress, '0]cz';
-#- compute the closure of filename list according to symlinks or directory
-#- contents inside the archive.
-sub compute_closure {
- my %file;
- my @file;
- #- keep in mind when a filename already exist and remove doublons.
- @file{@_} = ();
- #- navigate through filename list to follow symlinks.
- do {
- @file = grep { !$file{$_} } keys %file;
- foreach (@file) {
- my $file = $_;
- #- keep in mind this one has been processed and does not need
- #- to be examined again.
- $file{$file} = 1;
- exists $data{$file} or next;
- for ($data{$file}[0]) {
- #- on symlink, try to follow it and mark %file if
- #- it is still inside the archive contents.
- /l/ && do {
- my ($source, $target) = ($file, $data{$file}[1]);
- $source =~ s|[^/]*$||; #- remove filename to navigate directory.
- if ($source) {
- while ($target =~ s|^\./|| || $target =~ s|//+|/| || $target =~ s|/$|| or
- $source and $target =~ s|^\.\./|| and $source =~ s|[^/]*/$||) {}
- }
- #- FALL THROUGH with new selection.
- $file = $target =~ m|^/| ? $target : $source.$target;
- };
- #- on directory, try all files on data starting with
- #- this directory, provided they are not already taken
- #- into account.
- /[ld]/ && do {
- @file{grep { !$file{$_} && m|^$file$| || m|^$file/| } keys %data} = ();
- last;
- };
- }
- }
- } while (@file > 0);
- keys %file;
-#- degraded reading of toc at end of archive, do not check filelist.
-sub read_toc_trailer {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my $toc_trailer;
- local *ARCHIVE;
- open ARCHIVE, "<$file" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive file $file\n";
- #- seek to end of file minus 64, size of trailer.
- #- read toc_trailer, check header/trailer for version 0.
- seek ARCHIVE, -64, 2;
- read ARCHIVE, $toc_trailer, 64 or die "packdrake: cannot read toc_trailer of archive file $file\n";
- @toc_trailer{qw(header toc_d_count toc_l_count toc_f_count toc_str_size uncompress trailer)} =
- unpack "a4NNNNZ40a4", $toc_trailer;
- $toc_trailer{header} eq 'cz[0' && $toc_trailer{trailer} eq '0]cz' or die "packdrake: bad toc_trailer in archive file $file\n";
- close ARCHIVE;
-#- read toc at end of archive.
-sub read_toc {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my ($toc, $toc_trailer, $toc_size);
- my @toc_str;
- my @toc_data;
- local *ARCHIVE;
- open ARCHIVE, "<$file" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive file $file\n";
- #- seek to end of file minus 64, size of trailer.
- #- read toc_trailer, check header/trailer for version 0.
- seek ARCHIVE, -64, 2;
- read ARCHIVE, $toc_trailer, 64 or die "packdrake: cannot read toc_trailer of archive file $file\n";
- @toc_trailer{qw(header toc_d_count toc_l_count toc_f_count toc_str_size uncompress trailer)} =
- unpack "a4NNNNZ40a4", $toc_trailer;
- $toc_trailer{header} eq 'cz[0' && $toc_trailer{trailer} eq '0]cz' or die "packdrake: bad toc_trailer in archive file $file\n";
- #- read toc, extract data hashes.
- $toc_size = $toc_trailer{toc_str_size} + 16*$toc_trailer{toc_f_count};
- seek ARCHIVE, -64-$toc_size, 2;
- #- read strings separated by \n, so this char cannot be inside filename, oops.
- read ARCHIVE, $toc, $toc_trailer{toc_str_size} or die "packdrake: cannot read toc of archive file $file\n";
- @toc_str = split "\n", $toc;
- #- read data for file.
- read ARCHIVE, $toc, 16*$toc_trailer{toc_f_count} or die "packdrake: cannot read toc of archive file $file\n";
- @toc_data = unpack "N". 4*$toc_trailer{toc_f_count}, $toc;
- close ARCHIVE;
- foreach (0..$toc_trailer{toc_d_count}-1) {
- my $file = $toc_str[$_];
- push @data, $file;
- $data{$file} = [ 'd' ];
- }
- foreach (0..$toc_trailer{toc_l_count}-1) {
- my ($file, $symlink) = ($toc_str[$toc_trailer{toc_d_count}+2*$_],
- $toc_str[$toc_trailer{toc_d_count}+2*$_+1]);
- push @data, $file;
- $data{$file} = [ 'l', $symlink ];
- }
- foreach (0..$toc_trailer{toc_f_count}-1) {
- my $file = $toc_str[$toc_trailer{toc_d_count}+2*$toc_trailer{toc_l_count}+$_];
- push @data, $file;
- $data{$file} = [ 'f', @toc_data[4*$_ .. 4*$_+3] ];
- }
- scalar keys %data == $toc_trailer{toc_d_count}+$toc_trailer{toc_l_count}+$toc_trailer{toc_f_count} or
- die "packdrake: mismatch count when reading toc, bad archive file $file\n";
-sub catsksz {
- my ($input, $seek, $siz, $output) = @_;
- my ($buf, $sz);
- while (($sz = sysread($input, $buf, $seek > 65536 ? 65536 : $seek))) {
- $seek -= $sz;
- last unless $seek > 0;
- }
- while (($sz = sysread($input, $buf, $siz > 65536 ? 65536 : $siz))) {
- $siz -= $sz;
- syswrite($output, $buf);
- last unless $siz > 0;
- }
-sub cat_archive {
- my $pid;
- foreach (@_) {
- #- update %data according to TOC_TRAILER of each archive.
- read_toc_trailer($_);
- #- dump all the file according to
- if (my $pid = fork()) {
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- } else {
- open STDIN, "<$_" or die "packdrake: unable to open archive $_\n";
- open STDERR, ">/dev/null" or die "packdrake: unable to open archive $_\n";
- exec split " ", $toc_trailer{uncompress};
- die "packdrake: unable to cat the archive\n";
- }
- }
-sub extract_archive {
- my ($archivename, $dir, @file) = @_;
- my %extract_table;
- #- update %data according to TOC of archive.
- read_toc($archivename);
- #- as a special features, if both $dir and $file are empty, list contents of archive.
- if (!$dir && !@file) {
- my $count = scalar keys %data;
- print "$count files in archive, uncompression method is \"$toc_trailer{uncompress}\"\n";
- foreach my $file (@data) {
- for ($data{$file}[0]) {
- /l/ && do { printf "l %13c %s -> %s\n", ' ', $file, $data{$file}[1]; last; };
- /d/ && do { printf "d %13c %s\n", ' ', $file; last; };
- /f/ && do { printf "f %12d %s\n", $data{$file}[4], $file; last; };
- }
- }
- exit 0;
- }
- #- compute closure.
- @file = compute_closure(@file);
- foreach my $file (@file) {
- #- check for presence of file, but do not abort, continue with others.
- $data{$file} or do { print STDERR "packdrake: unable to find file $file in archive $archivename\n"; next };
- my $newfile = "$dir/$file";
- print "extracting $file\n";
- for ($data{$file}[0]) {
- /l/ && do { symlink_ $data{$file}[1], $newfile; last; };
- /d/ && do { mkdir_ $newfile; last; };
- /f/ && do {
- mkdir_ dirname $newfile;
- $extract_table{$data{$file}[1]} ||= [ $data{$file}[2], [] ];
- push @{$extract_table{$data{$file}[1]}[1]}, [ $newfile, $data{$file}[3], $data{$file}[4] ];
- $extract_table{$data{$file}[1]}[0] == $data{$file}[2] or die "packdrake: mismatched relocation in toc\n";
- last;
- };
- die "packdrake: unknown extension \"$_\" when uncompressing archive $archivename\n";
- }
- }
- #- delayed extraction is done on each block for a single execution
- #- of uncompress executable.
- foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %extract_table) {
- local *OUTPUT;
- if (open OUTPUT, "-|") {
- #- $curr_off is used to handle the reading in a pipe and simulating
- #- a seek on it as done by catsksz, so last file position is
- #- last byte not read (ie last block read start + last block read size).
- my $curr_off = 0;
- foreach (sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$extract_table{$_}[1]}) {
- my ($newfile, $off, $siz) = @$_;
- local *FILE;
- open FILE, $dir ? ">$newfile" : ">&STDOUT";
- catsksz(\*OUTPUT, $off - $curr_off, $siz, \*FILE);
- $curr_off = $off + $siz;
- }
- } else {
- local *BUNZIP2;
- open BUNZIP2, "| $toc_trailer{uncompress}";
- local *ARCHIVE;
- open ARCHIVE, "<$archivename" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive $archivename\n";
- catsksz(\*ARCHIVE, $_, $extract_table{$_}[0], \*BUNZIP2);
- exit 0;
- }
- }
-sub build_archive {
- my ($archivename, $maxsiz, $compress, $uncompress) = @_;
- my ($off1, $siz1, $off2, $siz2) = ('', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
- my @filelist = ();
- my @data = ();
- my %data = ();
- print "choosing compression method with \"$compress\" for archive $archivename\n";
- unlink "$archivename";
- unlink $tmpz;
- foreach (<STDIN>) {
- chomp;
- my $file = $_; -e $file or die "packdrake: unable to find file $file\n";
- push @data, $file;
- #- now symbolic link and directory are supported, extension is
- #- available with the first field of $data{$file}.
- if (-l $file) {
- $data{$file} = [ 'l', readlink $file ];
- } elsif (-d $file) {
- $data{$file} = [ 'd' ];
- } else {
- $siz2 = -s $file;
- push @filelist, $file;
- $data{$file} = [ 'f', -1, -1, $off2, $siz2 ];
- if ($off2 + $siz2 > $maxsiz) { #- need compression.
- $siz1 = cat_compress($compress, @filelist);
- foreach (@filelist) { $data{$_} = [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $data{$_}[3], $data{$_}[4] ] }
- system "cat $tmpz >>$archivename";
- $off1 += $siz1;
- $off2 = 0; $siz2 = 0;
- @filelist = ();
- }
- $off2 += $siz2;
- }
- }
- if (scalar @filelist) {
- $siz1 = cat_compress($compress, @filelist);
- foreach (@filelist) { $data{$_} = [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $data{$_}[3], $data{$_}[4] ] }
- system "cat $tmpz >>$archivename";
- $off1 += $siz1;
- print "real archive size of $archivename is $off1\n";
- }
- #- produce a TOC directly at the end of the file, follow with
- #- a trailer with TOC summary and archive summary.
- local *OUTPUT;
- open OUTPUT, ">>$archivename";
- my ($toc_str, $toc_data) = ('', '');
- my @data_d = ();
- my @data_l = ();
- my @data_f = ();
- foreach (@data) {
- my $file = $_;
- $data{$file} or die "packdrake: internal error on $_\n";
- #- specific according to type.
- #- with this version, only f has specific data other than strings.
- for ($data{$file}[0]) {
- /d/ && do { push @data_d, $file; last; };
- /l/ && do { push @data_l, $file; last; };
- /f/ && do { push @data_f, $file; $toc_data .= pack("NNNN",
- $data{$file}[1],
- $data{$file}[2],
- $data{$file}[3],
- $data{$file}[4]); last; };
- die "packdrake: unknown extension $_\n";
- }
- }
- foreach (@data_d) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" }
- foreach (@data_l) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" . $data{$_}[1] . "\n" }
- foreach (@data_f) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" }
- print OUTPUT $toc_str;
- print OUTPUT $toc_data;
- print OUTPUT toc_trailer(scalar(@data_d), scalar(@data_l), scalar(@data_f),
- length($toc_str), $uncompress);
- close OUTPUT;
- unlink $tmpz;
sub usage {
- die "packdrake version $VERSION
+ die "packdrake version " . $packdrake::VERSION . "
Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft.
This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
@@ -479,7 +44,7 @@ sub main {
/^--build$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "build"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
/^--extract$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "extract"; @nextargv = (\$file, \$dir); next };
/^--list$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "list"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
- /^--cat$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (); next };
+ /^--cat$/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
/^--size$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$size; next };
/^--method$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$method; next };
/^--compress$/ and do { push @nextargv, \$compress; next };
@@ -489,22 +54,20 @@ sub main {
/b/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "build"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
/x/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "extract"; @nextargv = (\$file, \$dir); next };
/l/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "list"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
- /c/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (); next };
+ /c/ and do { $mode and die $error_mode; $mode = "cat"; @nextargv = (\$file); next };
/s/ and do { push @nextargv, \$size; next };
/m/ and do { push @nextargv, \$method; next };
die "packdrake: unknown option \"-$1\", check usage with --help\n"; } next };
- $mode =~ /extract|cat/ or @nextargv or die "packdrake: unknown option \"$_\", check usage with --help\n";
+ $mode =~ /extract|list|cat/ or @nextargv or die "packdrake: unknown option \"$_\", check usage with --help\n";
my $ref = shift @nextargv; $ref ? $$ref = $_ : push @list, $_;
$mode ||= "list";
#- examine and lauch.
- $mode =~ /cat/ or $file or die "packdrake: no archive filename given, check usage with --help\n";
+ $file or die "packdrake: no archive filename given, check usage with --help\n";
$size ||= 400000;
$ratio ||= 6;
- $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
- $tmpz = "$tmpdir/packdrake-tmp.$$";
unless ($method) {
$file =~ /\.cz$/ and $method = "gzip";
$file =~ /\.cz2$/ and $method = "bzip2";
@@ -513,11 +76,12 @@ sub main {
$compress ||= "$method -$ratio";
$uncompress ||= "$method -d";
+ $mode =~ /extract/ && !$dir && !@list and ($mode, @list) = ('list', $file);
for ($mode) {
- /build/ and do { build_archive($file, $size, $compress, $uncompress); last };
- /extract/ and do { extract_archive($file, $dir, @list); last };
- /list/ and do { extract_archive($file); last };
- /cat/ and do { cat_archive(@list); last };
+ /build/ and do { packdrake::build_archive(\*STDIN, $file, $size, $compress, $uncompress); last };
+ /extract/ and do { my $packer = new packdrake($file); $packer->extract_archive($dir, @list); last };
+ /list/ and do { packdrake::list_archive($file, @list); last };
+ /cat/ and do { packdrake::cat_archive($file, @list); last };
die "packdrake: internal error, unable to select right mode?\n";
diff --git a/packdrake.pm b/packdrake.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdad288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packdrake.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+package packdrake;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "0.02";
+=head1 NAME
+packdrake - Mandrake Simple Archive Extractor/Builder
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ require packdrake;
+ packdrake::cat_archive("/export/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz",
+ "/export/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz");
+ packdrake::list_archive("/tmp/modules.cz2");
+ my $packer = new packdrake("/tmp/modules.cz2");
+ $packer->extract_archive("/tmp", "file1.o", "file2.o");
+ my $packer = packdrake::build_archive
+ (\*STDIN, "/tmp/modules.cz2",
+ 400000, "bzip2", "bzip2 -d");
+ my $packer = packdrake::build_archive
+ (\*STDIN, "/export/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz",
+ 400000, "gzip -9", "gzip -d");
+C<packdrake> is a very simple archive extractor and builder used by MandrakeSoft.
+uncompressing sheme is:
+ | |
+ | | | |
+ $off1 =|*| } | |
+ |*| } $off2 =|+| }
+ |*| } $siz1 => 'gzip/bzip2 -d' => |+| } $siz2 => $filename
+ |*| } |+| }
+ |*| } | |
+ | | | |
+ | | | |
+ | |
+where %data has the following format:
+ { 'filename' => [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $off2, $siz2 ] }
+except for symbolink link where it is:
+ { 'filename_symlink' => [ 'l', $symlink_value ] }
+and directory where it is only
+ { 'filename_directory' => [ 'd' ] }
+as you can see, there is no owner, group, filemode... an extension could be
+made with 'F' (instead of 'f'), 'L' instead of 'l' for exemple.
+we do not need them as it is used for DrakX for fast archive extraction and
+owner/filemode is for user running only (ie root).
+archive file contains concatenation of all bzip2'ed group of files whose
+filenames are on input,
+then a TOC (describing %data, concatenation of toc_line) follow and a
+TOC_TRAILER for summary.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+packdrake command is a simple executable perl script using this module.
+Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft <fpons@mandrakesoft.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#- taken from DrakX common stuff, for conveniance and modified to match our expectation.
+sub dirname { @_ == 1 or die "packdrake: usage: dirname <name>\n"; local $_ = shift; s|[^/]*/*\s*$||; s|(.)/*$|$1|; $_ || '.' }
+sub basename { @_ == 1 or die "packdrake: usage: basename <name>\n"; local $_ = shift; s|/*\s*$||; s|.*/||; $_ }
+sub mkdir_ {
+ my $root = dirname $_[0];
+ if (-e $root) {
+ -d $root or die "packdrake: mkdir: error creating directory $_[0]: $root is a file and i won't delete it\n";
+ } else {
+ mkdir_($root);
+ }
+ -d $_[0] and return;
+ mkdir $_[0], 0755 or die "packdrake: mkdir: error creating directory $_: $!\n";
+sub symlink_ { mkdir_ dirname($_[1]); unlink $_[1]; symlink $_[0], $_[1] }
+#- for building an archive, returns the string containing the file and data associated.
+sub build_toc_line {
+ my ($file, $data) = @_;
+ for ($data->[0]) {
+ return(/l/ && pack("anna*", 'l', length($file), length($data->[1]), "$file$data->[1]") ||
+ /d/ && pack("ana*", 'd', length($file), $file) ||
+ /f/ && pack("anNNNNa*", 'f', length($file), @{$data}[1..4], $file) ||
+ die "packdrake: unknown extension $_\n");
+ }
+sub build_toc_trailer {
+ my ($packer) = @_;
+ #- 'cz[0' is toc_trailer header where 0 is version information, only 0 now.
+ #- '0]cz' is toc_trailer trailer that match the corresponding header for information.
+ pack "a4NNNNa40a4", ($packer->{header},
+ $packer->{toc_d_count}, $packer->{toc_l_count}, $packer->{toc_f_count},
+ $packer->{toc_str_size}, $packer->{uncompress},
+ $packer->{trailer});
+#- degraded reading of toc at end of archive, do not check filelist.
+sub read_toc_trailer {
+ my ($packer, $file) = @_;
+ my $toc_trailer;
+ local *ARCHIVE;
+ open ARCHIVE, "<$file" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive file $file\n";
+ $packer->{archive} = $file;
+ #- seek to end of file minus 64, size of trailer.
+ #- read toc_trailer, check header/trailer for version 0.
+ seek ARCHIVE, -64, 2;
+ read ARCHIVE, $toc_trailer, 64 or die "packdrake: cannot read toc_trailer of archive file $file\n";
+ @{$packer}{qw(header toc_d_count toc_l_count toc_f_count toc_str_size uncompress trailer)} =
+ unpack "a4NNNNZ40a4", $toc_trailer;
+ $packer->{header} eq 'cz[0' && $packer->{trailer} eq '0]cz' or die "packdrake: bad toc_trailer in archive file $file\n";
+ close ARCHIVE;
+#- read toc at end of archive.
+sub read_toc {
+ my ($packer, $file) = @_;
+ my ($toc, $toc_trailer, $toc_size);
+ my @toc_str;
+ my @toc_data;
+ local *ARCHIVE;
+ open ARCHIVE, "<$file" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive file $file\n";
+ $packer->{archive} = $file;
+ #- seek to end of file minus 64, size of trailer.
+ #- read toc_trailer, check header/trailer for version 0.
+ seek ARCHIVE, -64, 2;
+ read ARCHIVE, $toc_trailer, 64 or die "packdrake: cannot read toc_trailer of archive file $file\n";
+ @{$packer}{qw(header toc_d_count toc_l_count toc_f_count toc_str_size uncompress trailer)} =
+ unpack "a4NNNNZ40a4", $toc_trailer;
+ $packer->{header} eq 'cz[0' && $packer->{trailer} eq '0]cz' or die "packdrake: bad toc_trailer in archive file $file\n";
+ #- read toc, extract data hashes.
+ $toc_size = $packer->{toc_str_size} + 16*$packer->{toc_f_count};
+ seek ARCHIVE, -64-$toc_size, 2;
+ #- read strings separated by \n, so this char cannot be inside filename, oops.
+ read ARCHIVE, $toc, $packer->{toc_str_size} or die "packdrake: cannot read toc of archive file $file\n";
+ @toc_str = split "\n", $toc;
+ #- read data for file.
+ read ARCHIVE, $toc, 16*$packer->{toc_f_count} or die "packdrake: cannot read toc of archive file $file\n";
+ @toc_data = unpack "N". 4*$packer->{toc_f_count}, $toc;
+ close ARCHIVE;
+ foreach (0..$packer->{toc_d_count}-1) {
+ my $file = $toc_str[$_];
+ push @{$packer->{files}}, $file;
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'd' ];
+ }
+ foreach (0..$packer->{toc_l_count}-1) {
+ my ($file, $symlink) = ($toc_str[$packer->{toc_d_count}+2*$_],
+ $toc_str[$packer->{toc_d_count}+2*$_+1]);
+ push @{$packer->{files}}, $file;
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'l', $symlink ];
+ }
+ foreach (0..$packer->{toc_f_count}-1) {
+ my $file = $toc_str[$packer->{toc_d_count}+2*$packer->{toc_l_count}+$_];
+ push @{$packer->{files}}, $file;
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'f', @toc_data[4*$_ .. 4*$_+3] ];
+ }
+ scalar keys %{$packer->{data}} == $packer->{toc_d_count}+$packer->{toc_l_count}+$packer->{toc_f_count} or
+ die "packdrake: mismatch count when reading toc, bad archive file $file\n";
+sub catsksz {
+ my ($input, $seek, $siz, $output) = @_;
+ my ($buf, $sz);
+ while (($sz = sysread($input, $buf, $seek > 65536 ? 65536 : $seek))) {
+ $seek -= $sz;
+ last unless $seek > 0;
+ }
+ while (($sz = sysread($input, $buf, $siz > 65536 ? 65536 : $siz))) {
+ $siz -= $sz;
+ syswrite($output, $buf);
+ last unless $siz > 0;
+ }
+sub cat_compress {
+ my ($packer, @filenames) = @_;
+ local *F;
+ open F, "| $packer->{compress} >$packer->{tmpz}" or die "packdrake: cannot start \"$packer->{compress}\"\n";
+ foreach (@filenames) {
+ my ($buf, $siz, $sz);
+ local *FILE;
+ open FILE, $_ or die "packdrake: cannot open $_: $!\n";
+ $siz = -s $_;
+ while (($sz = sysread(FILE, $buf, $siz > 65536 ? 65536 : $siz))) {
+ $siz -= $sz;
+ syswrite(F, $buf);
+ last unless $siz > 0;
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ }
+ close F;
+ -s $packer->{tmpz};
+#- compute the closure of filename list according to symlinks or directory
+#- contents inside the archive.
+sub compute_closure {
+ my $packer = shift;
+ my %file;
+ my @file;
+ #- keep in mind when a filename already exist and remove doublons.
+ @file{@_} = ();
+ #- navigate through filename list to follow symlinks.
+ do {
+ @file = grep { !$file{$_} } keys %file;
+ foreach (@file) {
+ my $file = $_;
+ #- keep in mind this one has been processed and does not need
+ #- to be examined again.
+ $file{$file} = 1;
+ exists $packer->{data}{$file} or next;
+ for ($packer->{data}{$file}[0]) {
+ #- on symlink, try to follow it and mark %file if
+ #- it is still inside the archive contents.
+ /l/ && do {
+ my ($source, $target) = ($file, $packer->{data}{$file}[1]);
+ $source =~ s|[^/]*$||; #- remove filename to navigate directory.
+ if ($source) {
+ while ($target =~ s|^\./|| || $target =~ s|//+|/| || $target =~ s|/$|| or
+ $source and $target =~ s|^\.\./|| and $source =~ s|[^/]*/$||) {}
+ }
+ #- FALL THROUGH with new selection.
+ $file = $target =~ m|^/| ? $target : $source.$target;
+ };
+ #- on directory, try all files on data starting with
+ #- this directory, provided they are not already taken
+ #- into account.
+ /[ld]/ && do {
+ @file{grep { !$file{$_} && m|^$file$| || m|^$file/| } keys %{$packer->{data}}} = ();
+ last;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ } while (@file > 0);
+ keys %file;
+#- getting an packer object.
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $file) = @_;
+ my $packer = bless {
+ #- toc trailer data information.
+ header => 'cz[0',
+ toc_d_count => 0,
+ toc_l_count => 0,
+ toc_f_count => 0,
+ toc_str_size => 0,
+ uncompress => 'gzip -d',
+ trailer => '0]cz',
+ #- tempories used for making an archive.
+ tmpz => ($ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp") . "/packdrake-tmp.$$",
+ compress => 'gzip',
+ #- internal data to handle compression or uncompression.
+ archive => undef,
+ files => [],
+ data => {},
+ }, $class;
+ $file and $packer->read_toc($file);
+ $packer;
+sub cat_archive {
+ my $pid;
+ foreach (@_) {
+ my $packer = new packdrake;
+ #- update %data according to TOC_TRAILER of each archive.
+ $packer->read_toc_trailer($_);
+ #- dump all the file according to
+ if (my $pid = fork()) {
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ } else {
+ open STDIN, "<$_" or die "packdrake: unable to open archive $_\n";
+ open STDERR, ">/dev/null" or die "packdrake: unable to open /dev/null\n";
+ exec split " ", $packer->{uncompress};
+ die "packdrake: unable to cat the archive with $packer->{uncompress}\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub list_archive {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ my $packer = new packdrake($_);
+ my $count = scalar keys %{$packer->{data}};
+ print STDERR "processing archive \"$_\"\n";
+ print "$count files in archive, uncompression method is \"$packer->{uncompress}\"\n";
+ foreach my $file (@{$packer->{files}}) {
+ for ($packer->{data}{$file}[0]) {
+ /l/ && do { printf "l %13c %s -> %s\n", ' ', $file, $packer->{data}{$file}[1]; last; };
+ /d/ && do { printf "d %13c %s\n", ' ', $file; last; };
+ /f/ && do { printf "f %12d %s\n", $packer->{data}{$file}[4], $file; last; };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub extract_archive {
+ my ($packer, $dir, @file) = @_;
+ my %extract_table;
+ #- compute closure.
+ @file = $packer->compute_closure(@file);
+ foreach my $file (@file) {
+ #- check for presence of file, but do not abort, continue with others.
+ $packer->{data}{$file} or do { print STDERR "packdrake: unable to find file $file in archive $packer->{archive}\n"; next };
+ my $newfile = "$dir/$file";
+ print "extracting $file\n";
+ for ($packer->{data}{$file}[0]) {
+ /l/ && do { symlink_ $packer->{data}{$file}[1], $newfile; last; };
+ /d/ && do { mkdir_ $newfile; last; };
+ /f/ && do { mkdir_ dirname $newfile;
+ my $data = $packer->{data}{$file};
+ $extract_table{$data->[1]} ||= [ $data->[2], [] ];
+ push @{$extract_table{$data->[1]}[1]}, [ $newfile, $data->[3], $data->[4] ];
+ $extract_table{$data->[1]}[0] == $data->[2] or die "packdrake: mismatched relocation in toc\n";
+ last;
+ };
+ die "packdrake: unknown extension \"$_\" when uncompressing archive $packer->{archive}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #- delayed extraction is done on each block for a single execution
+ #- of uncompress executable.
+ foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %extract_table) {
+ local *OUTPUT;
+ if (open OUTPUT, "-|") {
+ #- $curr_off is used to handle the reading in a pipe and simulating
+ #- a seek on it as done by catsksz, so last file position is
+ #- last byte not read (ie last block read start + last block read size).
+ my $curr_off = 0;
+ foreach (sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$extract_table{$_}[1]}) {
+ my ($newfile, $off, $siz) = @$_;
+ local *FILE;
+ open FILE, $dir ? ">$newfile" : ">&STDOUT";
+ catsksz(\*OUTPUT, $off - $curr_off, $siz, \*FILE);
+ $curr_off = $off + $siz;
+ }
+ } else {
+ local *BUNZIP2;
+ open BUNZIP2, "| $packer->{uncompress}";
+ local *ARCHIVE;
+ open ARCHIVE, "<$packer->{archive}" or die "packdrake: cannot open archive $packer->{archive}\n";
+ catsksz(\*ARCHIVE, $_, $extract_table{$_}[0], \*BUNZIP2);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub build_archive {
+ my ($f, $archivename, $maxsiz, $compress, $uncompress, $tmpz) = @_;
+ my ($off1, $siz1, $off2, $siz2) = ('', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ my @filelist = ();
+ my $packer = new packdrake;
+ $packer->{archive} = $archivename;
+ $compress && $uncompress and ($packer->{compress}, $packer->{uncompress}) = ($compress, $uncompress);
+ $tmpz and $packer->{tmpz} = $tmpz;
+ print STDERR "choosing compression method with \"$packer->{compress}\" for archive $packer->{archive}\n";
+ unlink $packer->{archive};
+ unlink $packer->{tmpz};
+ my $file;
+ while ($file = <$f>) {
+ chomp $file;
+ -e $file or die "packdrake: unable to find file $file\n";
+ push @{$packer->{files}}, $file;
+ #- now symbolic link and directory are supported, extension is
+ #- available with the first field of $data{$file}.
+ if (-l $file) {
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'l', readlink $file ];
+ } elsif (-d $file) {
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'd' ];
+ } else {
+ $siz2 = -s $file;
+ push @filelist, $file;
+ $packer->{data}{$file} = [ 'f', -1, -1, $off2, $siz2 ];
+ if ($off2 + $siz2 > $maxsiz) { #- need compression.
+ $siz1 = cat_compress($packer, @filelist);
+ foreach (@filelist) {
+ $packer->{data}{$_} = [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $packer->{data}{$_}[3], $packer->{data}{$_}[4] ];
+ }
+ system "cat $packer->{tmpz} >>$packer->{archive}";
+ $off1 += $siz1;
+ $off2 = 0; $siz2 = 0;
+ @filelist = ();
+ }
+ $off2 += $siz2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar @filelist) {
+ $siz1 = cat_compress($packer, @filelist);
+ foreach (@filelist) {
+ $packer->{data}{$_} = [ 'f', $off1, $siz1, $packer->{data}{$_}[3], $packer->{data}{$_}[4] ];
+ }
+ system "cat $packer->{tmpz} >>$packer->{archive}";
+ $off1 += $siz1;
+ }
+ print STDERR "real archive size of $packer->{archive} is $off1\n";
+ #- produce a TOC directly at the end of the file, follow with
+ #- a trailer with TOC summary and archive summary.
+ local *OUTPUT;
+ open OUTPUT, ">>$packer->{archive}";
+ my ($toc_str, $toc_data) = ('', '');
+ my @data_d = ();
+ my @data_l = ();
+ my @data_f = ();
+ foreach my $file (@{$packer->{files}}) {
+ $packer->{data}{$file} or die "packdrake: internal error on $_\n";
+ #- specific according to type.
+ #- with this version, only f has specific data other than strings.
+ for ($packer->{data}{$file}[0]) {
+ /d/ && do { push @data_d, $file; last; };
+ /l/ && do { push @data_l, $file; last; };
+ /f/ && do { push @data_f, $file; $toc_data .= pack("NNNN", @{$packer->{data}{$file}}[1..4]); last; };
+ die "packdrake: unknown extension $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@data_d) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" }
+ foreach (@data_l) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" . $packer->{data}{$_}[1] . "\n" }
+ foreach (@data_f) { $toc_str .= $_ . "\n" }
+ @{$packer}{qw(toc_d_count toc_l_count toc_f_count toc_str_size uncompress)} =
+ (scalar(@data_d), scalar(@data_l), scalar(@data_f), length($toc_str), $uncompress);
+ print OUTPUT $toc_str;
+ print OUTPUT $toc_data;
+ print OUTPUT build_toc_trailer($packer);
+ close OUTPUT;
+ unlink $packer->{tmpz};
+ $packer;
diff --git a/parsehdlist.c b/parsehdlist.c
index 8c40a14..f896d92 100644
--- a/parsehdlist.c
+++ b/parsehdlist.c
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ void print_list_flags(Header header, int_32 tag_name, int_32 tag_flags, int_32 t
if (flags[i] & RPMSENSE_LESS) printf("<");
if (flags[i] & RPMSENSE_GREATER) printf(">");
if (flags[i] & RPMSENSE_EQUAL) printf("=");
printf(" %s", list_evr[i]);
diff --git a/rpmtools.pm b/rpmtools.pm
index b7b7184..50ac88e 100644
--- a/rpmtools.pm
+++ b/rpmtools.pm
@@ -6,29 +6,99 @@ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
require DynaLoader;
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
-$VERSION = '0.01';
+$VERSION = '0.02';
bootstrap rpmtools $VERSION;
+=head1 NAME
+rpmtools - Mandrake perl tools to handle rpm files and hdlist files
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ require rpmtools;
+ my $params = new rpmtools;
+ $params->read_hdlists("/export/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz",
+ "/export/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz");
+ $params->read_rpms("/RPMS/rpmtools-2.1-5mdk.i586.rpm");
+ $params->compute_depslist();
+ $params->get_packages_installed("", \@packages, \@names);
+ $params->get_all_packages_installed("", \@packages);
+ $params->read_depslist(\*STDIN);
+ $params->write_depslist(\*STDOUT);
+ rpmtools::version_compare("1.0.23", "1.0.4");
+C<rpmtools> extend perl to manipulate hdlist file used by
+Linux-Mandrake distribution to compute dependancy file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+parsehdlist command is a simple hdlist parser that allow interactive mode
+use by DrakX upgrade algorithms.
+Copyright (C) 2000 MandrakeSoft <fpons@mandrakesoft.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#- build an empty params struct that can be used to compute dependancies.
sub new {
+ my ($class, @tags) = @_;
+ my %tags; @tags{@_} = ();
bless {
use_base_flag => 0,
- flags => [ qw(name version release size arch group requires provides) ],
+ flags => [ qw(name version release size arch group requires provides),
+ grep { exists $tags{$_} } qw(sense files obsoletes conflicts) ],
info => {},
depslist => [],
provides => {},
- };
+ }, $class;
#- read one or more hdlist files, use packdrake for decompression.
sub read_hdlists {
my ($params, @hdlists) = @_;
- local *F;
- open F, "packdrake -c ". join (' ', @hdlists) ." |";
- rpmtools::_parse_(fileno *F, $params->{flags}, $params->{info}, $params->{provides});
- close F;
+ local (*I, *O); pipe I, O;
+ if (my $pid = fork()) {
+ close O;
+ rpmtools::_parse_(fileno *I, $params->{flags}, $params->{info}, $params->{provides});
+ close I;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ } else {
+ close I;
+ open STDOUT, ">&O" or die "unable to redirect output";
+ require packdrake;
+ packdrake::cat_archive(@hdlists);
+ close O;
+ exit 0;
+ }
@@ -65,9 +135,6 @@ sub compute_depslist {
$params->{provides}{$_} = [ keys %provides ];
- #- search for entries in provides, if such entries are found,
- #- another pass has to be done. TODO.
#- take into account in which hdlist a package has been found.
#- this can be done by an incremental take into account generation
#- of depslist.ordered part corresponding to the hdlist.
@@ -393,14 +460,17 @@ sub write_compss {
-#- compare a version string.
+#- compare a version string, make sure no deadlock can occur.
+#- bug: "0" and "" are equal (same for "" and "0"), should be
+#- trapped by release comparison (unless not correct).
sub version_compare {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
local $_;
while ($a || $b) {
- my ($sb, $sa) = map { $1 if ($a || 0) =~ /^\W*\d/ ? s/^\W*0*(\d+)// : s/^\W*(\D+)// } ($b, $a);
+ my ($sb, $sa) = map { $1 if $a =~ /^\W*\d/ ? s/^\W*0*(\d+)// : s/^\W*(\D*)// } ($b, $a);
$_ = length($sa) cmp length($sb) || $sa cmp $sb and return $_;
+ $sa eq '' && $sb eq '' and return $a cmp $b;
diff --git a/rpmtools.spec b/rpmtools.spec
index ca54718..e76bfee 100644
--- a/rpmtools.spec
+++ b/rpmtools.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%define name rpmtools
-%define release 4mdk
+%define release 5mdk
# do not modify here, see Makefile in the CVS
%define version 2.1
@@ -48,10 +48,16 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%dir %{perl_sitearch}/auto/rpmtools
+* Wed Dec 6 2000 François Pons <fpons@mandrakesoft.com> 2.1-5mdk
+- split packdrake into packdrake.pm, updated version to 0.02.
+- rpmtools.pm to 0.02 too.
+- added man pages.
* Thu Nov 23 2000 François Pons <fpons@mandrakesoft.com> 2.1-4mdk
- fixed deadlock with version_compare().
- fixed memory leaks in parsehdlist.
diff --git a/rpmtools.xs b/rpmtools.xs
index 01bbdfd..07b35b4 100644
--- a/rpmtools.xs
+++ b/rpmtools.xs
@@ -12,6 +12,22 @@
#include <rpm/rpmlib.h>
#include <rpm/header.h>
+#define HDFLAGS_NAME 0x00000001
+#define HDFLAGS_VERSION 0x00000002
+#define HDFLAGS_RELEASE 0x00000004
+#define HDFLAGS_ARCH 0x00000008
+#define HDFLAGS_GROUP 0x00000010
+#define HDFLAGS_SIZE 0x00000020
+#define HDFLAGS_SENSE 0x00080000
+#define HDFLAGS_REQUIRES 0x00100000
+#define HDFLAGS_PROVIDES 0x00200000
+#define HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES 0x00400000
+#define HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS 0x00800000
+#define HDFLAGS_FILES 0x01000000
+#define HDFLAGS_DIRSIND 0x02000000
+#define HDFLAGS_FILESIND 0x04000000
char *get_name(Header header, int_32 tag) {
int_32 type, count;
char *name;
@@ -28,22 +44,49 @@ int get_int(Header header, int_32 tag) {
return *i;
-HV* get_info(Header header) {
- HV* info = newHV();
- char *name = get_name(header, RPMTAG_NAME);
- STRLEN len = strlen(name);
- if (info != 0) {
- SV* sv_name = newSVpv(name, len);
- SV* sv_version = newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_VERSION), 0);
- SV* sv_release = newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_RELEASE), 0);
+int get_bflag(AV* flag) {
+ int bflag = 0;
+ int flag_len;
+ SV** ret;
+ STRLEN len;
+ char* str;
+ int i;
- hv_store(info, "name", 4, sv_name, 0);
- hv_store(info, "version", 7, sv_version, 0);
- hv_store(info, "release", 7, sv_release, 0);
+ flag_len = av_len(flag);
+ for (i = 0; i <= flag_len; ++i) {
+ ret = av_fetch(flag, i, 0); if (!ret) continue;
+ str = SvPV(*ret, len);
+ switch (len) {
+ case 4:
+ if (!strncmp(str, "name", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_NAME;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "arch", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_ARCH;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "size", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_SIZE;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (!strncmp(str, "group", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_GROUP;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "sense", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_SENSE;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "files", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_FILES;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ if (!strncmp(str, "version", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_VERSION;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "release", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_RELEASE;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "dirsind", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_DIRSIND;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ if (!strncmp(str, "requires", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_REQUIRES;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "provides", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_PROVIDES;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "filesind", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_FILESIND;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ if (!strncmp(str, "obsoletes", 9)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES;
+ else if (!strncmp(str, "conflicts", 9)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS;
+ break;
+ }
+ bflag |= HDFLAGS_NAME; /* this one should always be used */
- return info;
+ return bflag;
SV *get_table_sense(Header header, int_32 tag_name, int_32 tag_flags, int_32 tag_version, HV* iprovides) {
@@ -108,33 +151,152 @@ SV *get_table_sense(Header header, int_32 tag_name, int_32 tag_flags, int_32 tag
return &PL_sv_undef;
-#define HDFLAGS_NAME 0x00000001
-#define HDFLAGS_VERSION 0x00000002
-#define HDFLAGS_RELEASE 0x00000004
-#define HDFLAGS_ARCH 0x00000008
-#define HDFLAGS_GROUP 0x00000010
-#define HDFLAGS_SIZE 0x00000020
-#define HDFLAGS_SENSE 0x00080000
-#define HDFLAGS_REQUIRES 0x00100000
-#define HDFLAGS_PROVIDES 0x00200000
-#define HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES 0x00400000
-#define HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS 0x00800000
-#define HDFLAGS_FILES 0x01000000
-#define HDFLAGS_DIRSIND 0x02000000
-#define HDFLAGS_FILESIND 0x04000000
+HV* get_info(Header header, int bflag, HV* provides) {
+ int_32 type, count;
+ char **list;
+ int_32 *flags;
+ SV** ret;
+ STRLEN len;
+ char* str;
+ int i;
+ SV* sv_name = newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_NAME), 0);
+ HV* header_info = newHV();
+ /* correct bflag according to provides hash else not really usefull */
+ if (provides) bflag |= HDFLAGS_REQUIRES;
+ hv_store(header_info, "name", 4, sv_name, 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_VERSION)
+ hv_store(header_info, "version", 7, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_VERSION), 0), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_RELEASE)
+ hv_store(header_info, "release", 7, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_RELEASE), 0), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_ARCH)
+ hv_store(header_info, "arch", 4, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_ARCH), 0), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_GROUP)
+ hv_store(header_info, "group", 5, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_GROUP), 0), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_SIZE)
+ hv_store(header_info, "size", 4, newSViv(get_int(header, RPMTAG_SIZE)), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_REQUIRES)
+ hv_store(header_info, "requires", 8, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME,
+ bflag & HDFLAGS_SENSE ? RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION : 0, provides), 0);
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_PROVIDES)
+ hv_store(header_info, "provides", 8, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME,
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES)
+ hv_store(header_info, "obsoletes", 9, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME,
+ if (bflag & HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS)
+ hv_store(header_info, "conflicts", 9, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME,
+ if (provides || (bflag & HDFLAGS_FILES)) {
+ /* at this point, there is a need to parse all files to update provides of needed files,
+ or to store them. */
+ AV* table_files = bflag & HDFLAGS_FILES ? newAV() : 0;
+ char ** baseNames, ** dirNames;
+ int_32 * dirIndexes;
+ headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, &type, (void **) &list, &count);
+ if (list) {
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ SV** isv;
+ len = strlen(list[i]);
+ if (provides && (isv = hv_fetch(provides, list[i], len, 0)) != 0) {
+ if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
+ SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
+ SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
+ *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
+ }
+ /* if (provides && hv_exists(provides, list[i], len))
+ hv_store(provides, list[i], len, newSVpv(name, 0), 0); */
+ if (table_files)
+ av_push(table_files, newSVpv(list[i], len));
+ }
+ }
+ headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, &type, (void **) &baseNames,
+ &count);
+ headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, &type, (void **) &dirIndexes,
+ NULL);
+ headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES, &type, (void **) &dirNames, NULL);
+ if (baseNames && dirNames && dirIndexes) {
+ char buff[4096];
+ char *p;
+ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ SV** isv;
+ len = strlen(dirNames[dirIndexes[i]]);
+ if (len >= sizeof(buff)) continue;
+ memcpy(p = buff, dirNames[dirIndexes[i]], len + 1); p += len;
+ len = strlen(baseNames[i]);
+ if (p - buff + len >= sizeof(buff)) continue;
+ memcpy(p, baseNames[i], len + 1); p += len;
+ if (provides && (isv = hv_fetch(provides, buff, p - buff, 0)) != 0) {
+ if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
+ SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
+ SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
+ *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
+ }
+ if (table_files)
+ av_push(table_files, newSVpv(buff, p - buff));
+ }
+ }
+ if (table_files)
+ hv_store(header_info, "files", 5, newRV_noinc((SV*)table_files), 0);
+ }
+ if (provides) {
+ /* we have to examine provides to update the hash here. */
+ headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, &type, (void **) &list, &count);
+ if (list) {
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ SV** isv;
+ len = strlen(list[i]);
+ isv = hv_fetch(provides, list[i], len, 1);
+ if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
+ SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
+ SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
+ *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return header_info;
MODULE = rpmtools PACKAGE = rpmtools
-get_packages_installed(prefix, packages, lnames)
+get_packages_installed(prefix, packages, lnames, ...)
char* prefix
SV* packages
SV* lnames
+ SV* flags = &PL_sv_undef;
int count = 0;
+ if (items > 3)
+ flags = ST(3);
if (SvROK(packages) && SvTYPE(SvRV(packages)) == SVt_PVAV &&
SvROK(lnames) && SvTYPE(SvRV(lnames)) == SVt_PVAV) {
AV* pkgs = (AV*)SvRV(packages);
@@ -143,13 +305,15 @@ get_packages_installed(prefix, packages, lnames)
SV** isv;
rpmdb db;
dbiIndexSet matches;
- int num, i, j, rc, len;
+ int bflag, num, i, j, rc, len;
char *name;
Header header;
rpmdbMatchIterator mi;
if (rpmReadConfigFiles(NULL, NULL) == 0) {
if (rpmdbOpen(prefix, &db, O_RDONLY, 0644) == 0) {
+ bflag = SvROK(flags) && SvTYPE(SvRV(flags)) ?
len = av_len(names);
for (j = 0; j <= len; ++j) {
isv = av_fetch(names, j, 0);
@@ -158,7 +322,7 @@ get_packages_installed(prefix, packages, lnames)
while (header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) {
- info = get_info(header);
+ info = get_info(header, bflag, NULL);
if (info != 0) av_push(pkgs, newRV_noinc((SV*)info));
@@ -175,26 +339,31 @@ get_packages_installed(prefix, packages, lnames)
-get_all_packages_installed(prefix, packages)
+get_all_packages_installed(prefix, packages, ...)
char* prefix
SV* packages
+ SV* flags = &PL_sv_undef;
int count = 0;
+ if (items > 2)
+ flags = ST(2);
if (SvROK(packages) && SvTYPE(SvRV(packages)) == SVt_PVAV) {
AV* pkgs = (AV*)SvRV(packages);
HV* info;
rpmdb db;
- int num;
+ int bflag, num;
Header header;
rpmdbMatchIterator mi;
if (rpmReadConfigFiles(NULL, NULL) == 0) {
if (rpmdbOpen(prefix, &db, O_RDONLY, 0644) == 0) {
+ bflag = SvROK(flags) && SvTYPE(SvRV(flags)) ?
mi = rpmdbInitIterator(db, RPMDBI_PACKAGES, NULL, 0);
while (header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) {
- info = get_info(header);
+ info = get_info(header, bflag, NULL);
if (info != 0) av_push(pkgs, newRV_noinc((SV*)info));
@@ -224,11 +393,8 @@ _parse_(fileno_or_rpmfile, flag, info, ...)
FD_t fd;
int fd_is_hdlist;
Header header;
- int_32 type, count;
- char **list;
- int_32 *flags;
- int bflag = 0;
+ int bflag;
AV* iflag;
HV* iinfo;
HV* iprovides;
@@ -257,164 +423,15 @@ _parse_(fileno_or_rpmfile, flag, info, ...)
iprovides = (HV*)(provides != &PL_sv_undef ? SvRV(provides) : 0);
/* examine flag and set up iflag, which is faster to fecth out */
- flag_len = av_len(iflag);
- for (i = 0; i <= flag_len; ++i) {
- ret = av_fetch(iflag, i, 0); if (!ret) continue;
- str = SvPV(*ret, len);
- switch (len) {
- case 4:
- if (!strncmp(str, "name", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_NAME;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "arch", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_ARCH;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "size", 4)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_SIZE;
- break;
- case 5:
- if (!strncmp(str, "group", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_GROUP;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "sense", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_SENSE;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "files", 5)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_FILES;
- break;
- case 7:
- if (!strncmp(str, "version", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_VERSION;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "release", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_RELEASE;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "dirsind", 7)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_DIRSIND;
- break;
- case 8:
- if (!strncmp(str, "requires", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_REQUIRES;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "provides", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_PROVIDES;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "filesind", 8)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_FILESIND;
- break;
- case 9:
- if (!strncmp(str, "obsoletes", 9)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES;
- else if (!strncmp(str, "conflicts", 9)) bflag |= HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS;
- break;
- }
- }
- bflag |= HDFLAGS_NAME; /* this one should always be used */
- if (iprovides) bflag |= HDFLAGS_REQUIRES; /* not really usefull else */
+ bflag = get_bflag(iflag);
/* start the big loop,
parse all header from fileno, then extract information to store into iinfo and iprovides. */
while (fd_is_hdlist >= 0 ? (fd_is_hdlist > 0 ?
((header=headerRead(fd, HEADER_MAGIC_YES)) != 0) :
((fd_is_hdlist = -1), rpmReadPackageHeader(fd, &header, &i, NULL, NULL) == 0)) : 0) {
- char *name = get_name(header, RPMTAG_NAME);
- SV* sv_name = newSVpv(name, 0);
- HV* header_info = newHV();
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_NAME)
- hv_store(header_info, "name", 4, SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_VERSION)
- hv_store(header_info, "version", 7, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_VERSION), 0), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_RELEASE)
- hv_store(header_info, "release", 7, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_RELEASE), 0), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_ARCH)
- hv_store(header_info, "arch", 4, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_ARCH), 0), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_GROUP)
- hv_store(header_info, "group", 5, newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_GROUP), 0), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_SIZE)
- hv_store(header_info, "size", 4, newSViv(get_int(header, RPMTAG_SIZE)), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_REQUIRES)
- hv_store(header_info, "requires", 8, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME,
- bflag & HDFLAGS_SENSE ? RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION : 0, iprovides), 0);
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_PROVIDES)
- hv_store(header_info, "provides", 8, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME,
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_OBSOLETES)
- hv_store(header_info, "obsoletes", 9, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME,
- if (bflag & HDFLAGS_CONFLICTS)
- hv_store(header_info, "conflicts", 9, get_table_sense(header, RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME,
- if (iprovides || (bflag & HDFLAGS_FILES)) {
- /* at this point, there is a need to parse all files to update provides of needed files,
- or to store them. */
- AV* table_files = bflag & HDFLAGS_FILES ? newAV() : 0;
- char ** baseNames, ** dirNames;
- int_32 * dirIndexes;
- headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, &type, (void **) &list, &count);
- if (list) {
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- SV** isv;
- len = strlen(list[i]);
- if (iprovides && (isv = hv_fetch(iprovides, list[i], len, 0)) != 0) {
- if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
- SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
- SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
- *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
- }
- if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
- }
- /* if (iprovides && hv_exists(iprovides, list[i], len))
- hv_store(iprovides, list[i], len, newSVpv(name, 0), 0); */
- if (table_files)
- av_push(table_files, newSVpv(list[i], len));
- }
- }
- headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, &type, (void **) &baseNames,
- &count);
- headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, &type, (void **) &dirIndexes,
- NULL);
- headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES, &type, (void **) &dirNames, NULL);
- if (baseNames && dirNames && dirIndexes) {
- char buff[4096];
- char *p;
- for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- SV** isv;
- len = strlen(dirNames[dirIndexes[i]]);
- if (len >= sizeof(buff)) continue;
- memcpy(p = buff, dirNames[dirIndexes[i]], len + 1); p += len;
- len = strlen(baseNames[i]);
- if (p - buff + len >= sizeof(buff)) continue;
- memcpy(p, baseNames[i], len + 1); p += len;
- if (iprovides && (isv = hv_fetch(iprovides, buff, p - buff, 0)) != 0) {
- if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
- SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
- SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
- *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
- }
- if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
- }
- if (table_files)
- av_push(table_files, newSVpv(buff, p - buff));
- }
- }
- if (table_files)
- hv_store(header_info, "files", 5, newRV_noinc((SV*)table_files), 0);
- }
- if (iprovides) {
- /* we have to examine provides to update the hash here. */
- headerGetEntry(header, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, &type, (void **) &list, &count);
- if (list) {
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- SV** isv;
- len = strlen(list[i]);
- isv = hv_fetch(iprovides, list[i], len, 1);
- if (!SvROK(*isv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(*isv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
- SV* choice_table = (SV*)newAV();
- SvREFCNT_dec(*isv); /* drop the old as we are changing it */
- *isv = choice_table ? newRV_noinc(choice_table) : &PL_sv_undef;
- }
- if (*isv != &PL_sv_undef) av_push((AV*)SvRV(*isv), SvREFCNT_inc(sv_name));
- }
- }
- }
+ SV* sv_name = newSVpv(get_name(header, RPMTAG_NAME), 0);
+ HV* header_info = get_info(header, bflag, iprovides);
/* once the hash header_info is built, store a reference to it
in iinfo.