# Project         : Mandriva Linux
# Module          : rpm-helper
# File            : create-file
# Version         : $Id$
# Author          : Frederic Lepied
# Created On      : Wed Jul 10 15:12:29 2002
# Purpose         : helper script for rpm scriptlets to create
#		    a non existent file.

if [ $# != 6 ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 <pkg name> <num installed> <file> <owner> <group> <mode>" 1>&2
    exit 1

pkg=$1				# name of the package
num=$2				# number of packages installed
file=$3				# filename
owner=$4			# owner of the file
group=$5			# group of the file
mode=$6				# mode of the file

if [ ! -f $file ]; then
  touch $file
  chown $owner:$group $file
  chmod $mode $file

# create-file ends here